Digimon Story Hacker’s Memory Digivolution Guide: Level, Item And Everything You Need (2024)

Digimon can grow stronger in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker’s Memory through Digivolution, a process by which one Digital Monster changes its form and stats.

After receiving their first Digimon, players will be able to capture more and Digivolve them to become stronger in battle. However, there are some things players will need to understand before they do any Digivolving.

Here’s a handy guide to Digivolving in Hacker’s Memory.


The basics of Digivolution are easy once you get used to them but players will first need to obtain a Digimon and let it battle. Many Digivolutions can only occur after a certain level is reached, which can be obtained by winning battles.

Certain Digivolutions will also need a certain stat to reach a point, which is normally easy. Players will see that they will hit those benchmarks as they level up.

Another thing to think about is that Digimon can Digivolve in various ways. For example, a Koromon can Digivolve into five different Digimon.

Digivolving returns a Digimon to level 1 but raises their Max Level and abilities. There is more than one digivolution route and digimon can digivolve into various forms written in digivolution guides depending on the conditions met. There are also digimon you can get by fusing two digimon together through DNA digivolution.

De-Digivolution will make Digimon weaker but will increase their max level and abilities. Abilities affect not only the conditions for digivolving but the maximum values of parameters you can enhance in DigiFarms.


Now that the basics are done, here are a list of Digimon and their Digivolution paths based on level, item and other factors.

This list is still being updated but a lot of this information can be found in our first Cyber Sleuth Digivolution guide and in this pastebin document.

Digimon Story Hacker’s Memory Digivolution Guide: Level, Item And Everything You Need (1)


Punimon -> Nyaromon

  • Level 3 or higher

  • Intelligence is 10 required

Punimon -> Tsunomon

  • Level 5 or higher


Botamon -> Koromon

  • Level 3 or higher

  • Attack is 15 required

Botamon - > Wanyamon

  • Level 5 or higher


Pabumon -> Motimon

  • Level 3 or higher

  • Defense is 15 required

Pabumon -> Yokomon

  • Level 3 or higher

  • Max HP is 50 required

Pabumon - > Tanemon

  • Level 5 or higher

Digimon Story Hacker’s Memory Digivolution Guide: Level, Item And Everything You Need (2)


Tsumemon - > Agumon (Black)

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Attack is 30 required

Tsumemon -> Keramon

  • Level 9 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Tsumemon - > Dracmon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Attack is 30 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Tsumemon -> DemiDevimon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Speed is 30 required


Koromon -> Agumon

  • Level 9 or higher

  • Attack is 30 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Koromon -> Guilmon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Attack is 30 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Koromon -> ToyAgumon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Defense is 20 required

Koromon -> Dracomon

  • Level 6 or higher

  • Attack is 50 required

  • Defense is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Koromon ->

  • Level 9 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • ABI is 20 required

Koromon -> Shoutmon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Attack is 30 required

  • Speed is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required


Motimon -> Gotsumon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Defense is 30 required

Motimon -> Hagurumon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Defense is 30 required

Motimon - > Tentomon

  • Level 9 or higher

  • Defense is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Motimon -> Solarmon

  • Level 6 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Defense is 25 required


Tsunomon -> Gabumon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Tsunomon -> Gabumon (Black)

  • Level 6 or higher

  • Max HP is 80 required

  • Attack is 30 required

Tsunomon -> Goblimon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

Tsunomon - > Zubamon

  • Level 10 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Tsunomon - >

  • Level 6 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Tsunomon -> Monodramon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Attack is 35 required

  • CAM is 10% required


Wanyamon - > Dorumon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 30 required

Wanyamon - > Gaomon

  • Level 9 or higher

  • Attack is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Wanyamon -> Kudamon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Max SP is 20 required

  • Intelligence is 20 required


Nyaromon -> Armadillomon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Defense is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Nyaromon -> Terriermon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Speed is 30 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Nyaromon -> Salamon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Max SP is 20 required

  • Intelligence is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Nyaromon - > Lunamon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Max SP is 30 required

  • Intelligence is 20 required


Yokomon -> Elecmon

  • Level 7 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Max SP is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Yokomon -> Biyomon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Intelligence is 20 required

  • Speed is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required

Yokomon ->

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Max HP is 75 required

  • Defense is 10 required

Yokomon - > Wormmon

  • Level 8 or higher

  • Defense is 20 required

  • CAM is 10% required


Bukamon -> Betamon

  • Level 8 or higher
  • Intelligence is 40 required

Bukamon ->

  • Level 8 or higher
  • Max HP is 100 required
  • CAM is 10% required

Bukamon -> Otamamon

  • Level 7 or higher
  • Intelligence is 20 required

Bukamon -> Syakomon

  • Level 7 or higher
  • Defense is 15 required
  • Intelligence is 20 required


Tanemon -> Palmon

  • Level 8 or higher
  • Max HP is 100 required
  • CAM is 10% required

Tanemon -> FanBeemon

  • Level 6 or higher
  • Speed is 30 required

Tanemon ->Lalamon

  • Level 9 or higher
  • Max HP is 75 required

Tanemon -> Renamon

  • Level 7 or higher
  • Attack is 20 required
  • Intelligence is 20 required
  • Speed is 20 required


Pagumon -> Gazimon

  • Level 9 or higher
  • Attack is 15 required
  • Speed is 20 required

Pagumon ->

  • Level 7 or higher
  • Max SP is 20 required
  • Intelligence is 30 required

Pagumon ->

  • Level 8 or higher
  • Attack is 15 required
  • Intelligence is 20 required

Pagumon -> Chuumon

  • Level 6 or higher
  • Speed is 30 required


Digimon Story Hacker’s Memory Digivolution Guide: Level, Item And Everything You Need (3)


Tentomon -> Kabuterimon

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Def is 40 required

  • Intelligence is 40 required

Tentomon -> Waspmon

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

  • Speed is 40 required

Tentomon - >

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Attack is 55 required

Tentomon - >

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

  • Speed is 55 required

Tentomon - > Sunflowmon

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Intelligence is 40 required


Guilmon -> Growlmon

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Attack is 50 required

  • Speed is 20 required

Guilmon - >

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Attack is 50 required

Guilmon ->

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Attack is 50 required

Guilmon - >

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Attack is 40 required

Guilmon - >

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

Guilmon - >

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Attack is 50 required

  • Human Spirit of Flame held


Lunamon ->

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Attack is 50 required

  • Speed is 55 required

Lunamon - >

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Intelligence is 40 required

  • CAM is 25% required

Lunamon - >

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Attack is 35 required

  • Speed is 40 required


DemiDevimon ->

  • Level 13 or higher

  • Max SP is 40 required

  • Intelligence is 30 required

DemiDevimon -> Devimon

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

  • ABI is 5 required

DemiDevimon - >

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Max SP is 40 required

  • Intelligence is 40 required

  • Speed is 40 required

DemiDevimon ->

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Attack is 40 required

DemiDevimon - >

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Attack is 40 required

  • Intelligence is 40 required


Gaomon - > Ogremon

  • Level 14 or higher

  • Attack is 55 required

Gaomon - >

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Speed is 55 required

Gaomon - >

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Max HP is 150 required

  • Speed is 40 required

Gaomon ->

  • Level 15 or higher

  • Attack is 50 required

  • Speed is 55 required

Gaomon - >

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Max HP is 300 required

  • Defense is 30 required

  • CAM is 25% required

Gaomon ->

  • Level 16 or higher

  • Attack is 55 required


Keramon ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Max SP is 35 required
  • Intelligence is 55 required

Keramon ->

  • Level 16 or higher
  • Max HP is 150 required
  • Attack is 40 required

Keramon ->

  • Level 13 or higher
  • Max SP is 40 required
  • Intelligence is 30 required

Keramon - >

  • Level 20 or higher

Keramon ->

Level 16 or higher

  • Attack is 50 required
  • Intelligence is 40 required
  • Cleared “Hacker’s Memory”


Dracomon ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Attack is 60 required
  • Speed is 25 required

Dracomon ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Attack is 40 required
  • Defense is 25 required
  • Speed is 40 required

Dracomon ->

  • Level 16 or higher
  • Attack is 40 required
  • Speed is 35 required


Shoutmon -> OmniShoutmon

  • Level 60 or higher
  • Attack is 130 required
  • Defense is 130 required
  • Speed is 120 required
  • ABI is 80 required


Agumon (Black) -> Growlmon

  • Level 15 or higher
  • Attack is 50 required
  • Speed is 20 required

Agumon (Black) -> Greymon (Black)

  • Level 16 or higher
  • Max HP is 150 required
  • Attack is 50 required

Agumon (Black) ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Attack is 30 required
  • Defense is 40 required

Agumon (Black) ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Defense is 55 required

Agumon (Black) ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Max HP is 150 required
  • Attack is 40 required

Agumon (Black) ->

  • Level 14 or higher
  • Attack is 55 required
  • Defense is 55 required



Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory


More Of The Same But That Aint Bad

if you loved the first Cyber Sleuth then you’ll really enjoy Hacker’s Memory. The story is simple and gives a new perspective to this world, but if you didn’t play the first title you may be lost when a particular character shows up.

  • Simple Battling
  • Over 300 Digimon
  • Enjoyable story

  • Similar story to first game
  • Too grindy
Digimon Story Hacker’s Memory Digivolution Guide: Level, Item And Everything You Need (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.