Mass Effect – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Revolution Arena [in English] (2024)

Table of Contents:


I. Introduction{INT001}
1. Writing the FAQ{INT002}
2. My Method{INT003}
3. Using this FAQ{INT004}
4. Sequence of Events{INT005}
5. Following Directions{INT006}
6. Missions/Assignments{INT007}
7. Dialogue/Alignment{INT008}
8. Codexes{INT009}
9. Items{INT010}
10. Credits and How to (not){INT011}
Spend Them
11. Licenses{INT012}

12. Getting the Quarter Master{INT013}
to Sell the Good Stuff
13. Multiple Play-Throughs and{INT014}
Difficulty Settings
II. General Gameplay Information{GGI001}
1. The Controls{GGI002}
2. Gameplay (The HUD){GGI003}
3. Gameplay (Equipment){GGI004}
4. Resources{GGI005}
5. Weapons{GGI006}
6. Armor{GGI007}
7. Biotic Amp{GGI008}
8. Omni-tool{GGI009}
9. Grenade Launcher{GGI010}
10. Upgrades{GGI011}
11. Gameplay (Squad){GGI012}
12. Decryption, Hacking, and{GGI013}
other Timed Mini-Games
13. Exploration Notes{GGI014}
14. Hazards{GGI015}
15. Mako{GGI016}
16. Planetary Exploration{GGI017}
17. Scanning{GGI018}
18. Thresher Maws{GGI019}
III. Achievements{ACH001}
1. "Smart" Achievements{ACH002}
2. Achievement Notes{ACH003}
3. Bonus Talent Achievement{ACH004}
IV. Character Creation{CHR001}
1. Class{CHR002}
2. Soldier{CHR003}
3. Engineer{CHR004}
4. Adept{CHR005}
5. Infiltrator{CHR006}
6. Sentinel{CHR007}
7. Vanguard{CHR008}
8. Talents{CHR009}
9. Ranks and Talents{CHR010}
10. Variations{CHR011}
11. Adept{CHR012}
12. Assault Rifles{CHR013}
13. Assault Training{CHR014}
14. Basic Armor{CHR015}
15. Barrier{CHR016}
16. Bastion{CHR017}
17. Charm{CHR018}
18. Combat Armor{CHR019}
19. Commando{CHR020}
20. Damping{CHR021}
21. Decryption{CHR022}
22. Electronics{CHR023}
23. Engineer{CHR024}
24. First Aid{CHR025}
25. Fitness{CHR026}
26. Hacking{CHR027}
27. Infiltrator{CHR028}
28. Intimidate{CHR029}
29. Lift{CHR030}
30. Medic{CHR031}
31. Medicine{CHR032}
32. Nemesis{CHR033}
33. Operative{CHR034}
34. Pistols{CHR035}
35. Sentinel{CHR036}
36. Shock Trooper (SOLDIER){CHR037}
37. Shock Trooper (VANGUARD){CHR038}
38. Shotguns{CHR039}
39. Singularity{CHR040}
40. Soldier{CHR041}
41. Sniper Rifles{CHR042}
42. Spectre Training{CHR043}
43. Stasis{CHR044}
44. Tactical Armor{CHR045}
45. Throw{CHR046}
46. Vanguard{CHR047}
47. Warp{CHR048}
48. Alignment{CHR049}
49. Gaining Paragon/Renegade{CHR050}
50. Charm and Intimidate{CHR051}
51. Free Maxing Intimidate and{CHR052}
52. My Character{CHR053}
53. Leveling Advice -{CHR054}
Low Levels (1-10)
54. Leveling Advice -{CHR055}
Mid Levels (11-30)
55. Leveling Advice -{CHR056}
High levels (31-60)
V. NPC's{NPC001}
1. Ashley{NPC002}
2. Garrus{NPC003}
3. Kaiden{NPC004}
4. Liara T'Soni{NPC005}
5. Tali'Zorah nar Rayya{NPC006}
6. Wrex{NPC007}
7. Party Selection{NPC008}
8. Romances{NPC009}

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MAIN WALKTHROUGH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

VI. Prologue: Eden Prime{WLK001}
VII. Citadel{WLK002}
VIII. Artemis Tau{WLK003}
IX. More Sidequests on the Citadel{WLK004}
IX. Feros{WLK005}
X. Noveria{WLK006}
XI. Virmire{WLK007}
XII. Even More Sidequests on the Citadel{WLK008}
XIII. Ilos{WLK009}
XIV. Showdown with Saren{WLK010}

>>>>>>>>>>>SIDE QUESTS & MISCELLANEOUS<<<<<<<<<<

XV. Sidequests{SDQ001}
1. Citadel: Family Matter{SDQ002}
2. Citadel: Old, Unhappy,{SDQ003}
Far-off Things
3. Citadel: The Fan{SDQ004}
4. Citadel: The Fourth Estate{SDQ005}
5. Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon{SDQ006}
6. Investigate Facility{SDQ007}
7. Investigate Samples{SDQ008}
8. Tali and the Geth{SDQ009}
9. UNC: Asari Diplomacy{SDQ010}
10. UNC: Besieged Base{SDQ011}
11. UNC: Cerberus{SDQ012}
12. UNC: Colony of the Dead{SDQ013}
13. UNC: Dead Scientists{SDQ014}
14. UNC: Distress Call{SDQ015}
15. UNC: Espionage Probe{SDQ016}
16. UNC: ExoGeni Facility{SDQ017}
17. UNC: Geth Incursions{SDQ018}
18. UNC: Hades' Dogs{SDQ019}
19. UNC: Hostage{SDQ020}
20. UNC: Hostile Takeover{SDQ021}
21. UNC: Listening Post Alpha{SDQ022}
22. UNC: Listening Post Theta{SDQ023}
23. UNC: Lost Freighter{SDQ024}
24. UNC: Lost Module{SDQ025}
25. UNC: Major Kyle{SDQ026}
26. UNC: Missing Marines{SDQ027}
27. UNC: Missing Survey Team{SDQ028}
28. UNC: Privateers{SDQ029}
29. UNC: Rogue VI{SDQ030}
30. UNC: The Negotiation{SDQ031}
31. Wrex: Family Armor{SDQ032}
XVI. Galactic Locations{GLC001}
1. Argos Rho: Hydra{GLC002}
2. Argos Rho: Phoenix{GLC003}
3. Armstrong Nebula: Gagarin{GLC004}
4. Armstrong Nebula: Grisson{GLC005}
5. Armstrong Nebula: Hong{GLC006}
6. Armstrong Nebula: Tereshkova {GLC007}
7. Armstrong Nebula: Vamshi{GLC008}
8. Artemis Tau: Athens{GLC009}
9. Artemis Tau: Knossos{GLC010}
10. Artemis Tau: Macedon{GLC011}
11. Artemis Tau: Sparta{GLC012}
12. Attican Beta: Hercules{GLC013}
13. Attican Beta: Theseus{GLC014}
14. Exodus Cluster: Utopia{GLC015}
15. Gemini Sigma: Han{GLC016}
16. Gemini Sigma: Ming{GLC017}
17. Hades Gamma: Antaeus{GLC018}
18. Hades Gamma: Cacus{GLC019}
19. Hades Gamma: Dis{GLC020}
20. Hades Gamma: Farinata{GLC021}
21. Hades Gamma: Plutus{GLC022}
22. Hawking Eta: Century{GLC023}
23. Horse Head Nebula: Fortuna{GLC024}
24. Horse Head Nebula: Pax{GLC025}
25. Horse Head Nebula: Strenuus{GLC026}
26. Kepler Verge: Herschel{GLC027}
27. Kepler Verge: Newton{GLC028}
28. Local Cluster: Sol{GLC029}
29. Maroon Sea Cluster: Caspian{GLC030}
30. Maroon Sea Cluster: Matano{GLC031}
31. Maroon Sea Cluster: Vostok {GLC032}
32. Pangaea Expanse: Refuge{GLC033}
33. Sentry Omega: Hoc{GLC034}
34. Sentry Omega: Widow{GLC035}
35. Styx Theta: Acheron{GLC036}
36. Styx Theta: Erebus{GLC037}
37. Voyager Cluster: Amazon{GLC038}
38. Voyager Cluster: Columbia{GLC039}
39. Voyager Cluster: Yangtze{GLC040}
XVII. Miscellaneous{MSC001}
1. Level 21 Shepard{MSC002}
2. Level 37 Shepard{MSC003}
3. Level 43 Shepard{MSC004}
4. Level 48 Shepard{MSC005}
5. Level 50 Shepard{MSC006}
6. Level 60 Shepard{MSC007}
XVIII. Updates/Thanks{UPD001}
1. Version 1.00 to 1.01{UPD002}
2. Version 1.01 to 1.02{UPD003}
3. Version 1.02 to 1.03{UPD004}
3. Special Thanks{UPD005}

Introduction {INT001}
I started on this guide-as I do with most FAQs-well after the game isout, probably even past the point of my FAQs being particularlyrelevant. In this case, the hype around Mass Effect 2 and therevelation of the sequel's copious carry-over gave me the inspirationto toss my hat in on this game, since it is billed as a trilogy thatpromises to form a continuous story that you shape over the course ofall three games. It's been a long time since a game of this ambitionhas been released, and as an RPG fan, and somebody who enjoyed MassEffect quite a bit, it seemed natural to want to start on the first ofmy own trilogy of FAQs. Better late than never, right?Writing the FAQ{INT002}o======================================================================oSince the choices you make in Mass Effect, large and small, aresupposed to carry over to Mass Effect 2, I decided I should replay thegame to ensure I had the 'perfect' character with all the choicesright, something that maxing out my original had muddied. As I wasgoing to go through the game again, I figured I might as well rightthis FAQ around it. A common line of thought, I am sure.One problem persisted, however. I had all the achievements, with alevel 60 character, with max Intimidate and Charisma. As far as I wasconcerned, a perfect character except for the dialogue options. Hardlyfair to right a FAQ around, and with all the achievements, my playexperience would be considerably different from a fresh players'. Inthe end I decided to load up my fiancé's account and play on there,where I would have no troublesome achievements and past plays tothrow off the experience and the accuracy of the FAQ.My Method{INT003}o======================================================================oIf I was going to recreate a 'perfect' character, some things wouldhave to be done. First, I would have to be able to create the kind ofcharacter I wanted to play. Namely I would need access to bonus talents,or else I'd end up playing with a character that was fundamentallyflawed. This isn't so terrible for a first time player, but for me, itjust didn't make sense to play through the entire game with a characterthat wasn't up to snuff. So I farmed skills (namely Lift), a methodwhich is described in the Achievements section of this guide. I thencreated my character with the bonus talent.Using this FAQ{INT004}o======================================================================oBelow I will list some of my quirks, organizational methods, and variousother tidbits that will help you navigate this guide. For starters,during the main FAQ I'll break up major story missions and guidewith a large heading like so:
Large Heading
During the FAQ, I'll break up different areas with a thick line:Thick lineo======================================================================oMultiple parts of a mission in the same area will be broken up with athin line. This breaks up the missions into a series of steps, andlimits how much unbroken text you'll have to read at once. Nobody likeswordiness:Thin line<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Of course, I reserve the right to break my own rules during the FAQ..mostly due to being scatter-brained and working on the FAQ in shiftsover the course of time. Life and all. So cut me some slack. Besides,this organizational scheme is mostly for consistency and ease-of-use.I'll sometimes substitute the thick area transition line for a thinline. I usually do this when entering and leaving the same areasmultiple times in a short time frame, or when we briefly enter-or passthrough-an area, but do not explore it in detail at that time. Or if Iconsider the area somehow minor or insignificant.Sequence of Events{INT005}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Unlike my other guides, this FAQ does hold your hand through the game.As I go through areas I will list what I do sequentially. To helpstreamline the guide and make your life easier, I've included a list ofsteps at the beginning of each section, so you can see in what order Iam about to do things.Following Directions{INT006}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Sometimes I use the map to give directions. Simply hit (start) and goto your map section. It's just easier to tell somebody to 'head up thepath on the eastern edge of the map' than it is to say 'head past thestatue into the swamp, take a right at the large boulder, follow thepath until it splits into two, then head right again, up a hill, overa small bridge, and follow the path as it makes yet another right, andtake another right at the edge of the space station to go around-notthrough-the space station..' Other times it's pertinent to describethe scenery. In any event, it never hurts to give information in termsof the map, which isn't as open to interpretation. I hate looking forland-marks when I follow guides, so I assume others do too. Besides,what I might consider a 'big red cliff' might not seem quite as big, orred, to you.Missions/Assignments{INT007}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->In this section I'll list updates to your Missions and your Assignments,either under the heading ***MISSION*** or ***ASSIGNMENT***, as thesituation warrants. Nothing too spectacular, it just tracks the progressof your quests and updates your objectives. Your missions andassignments are found in the Journal section of your menu (start). Iwont often comment on what the 'best' outcome is, in many cases the'best' outcomes are similar in regards to renegade or paragon statusgained. Either way, you should be able to just look at the rewards andjudge for yourself. Since I don't know what decisions will affect thesequel, it seems a bit premature to judge what the 'best' course ofaction in this game ultimately is.Dialogue/Alignment{INT008}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->When there is a chance to increase your Alignment, I'll list thepossible results under the ***ALIGNMENT*** heading. To my understanding,most conversations that raise your alignment can go either one of twoways-top option for a small amount of Paragon, bottom for a smallamount or Renegade, usually a +2 bonus. When there's a chance to get onesuch bonus, there's usually the option to get the other.. just not both.Some more drastic options give you more, such as choosing to spare or tokill an NPC. I wont list the individual dialogue options that give youminor bonuses-if you're playing Paragon, choose the upper options, ifyou're playing Renegade choose lower-but I will cover more drasticoptions that significantly affect your alignment. Keep in mind not ALLtop/bottom options are alignment based. Usually the ones on the leftare topics. Just keep an eye on them. If it's a single word, it's usuallyasking about a question, if it's a phrase, it's a response, and mightaffect your alignment.Codexes{INT009}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->After an event or conversation I'll list what Codexes become availableunder the heading ***CODEX***. I'll also list whether it's a primary orsecondary codex, the category, and the title, just as they appear inyour Codex section in the game. If you want to know whether you're up todate on Codexes, just check you Codex section and make sure you see allthe ones I have listed as the walkthrough progresses. A complete list ofCodexes found in the game will be found below, listed in the order inwhich the game puts them. (This is not strictly in chronological order.)Keep in mind you get a base of 10XP per Codex, so there is someincentive to find them.. besides filling in backstory and understandingthe game better. Also keep in mind that you might be able to get someCodexes from a variety of sources, depending on what order you dothings. If you do things differently, that's fine. I'm not going to findevery source for every codex.Items{INT010}o======================================================================oSometimes I will mention where to find crates/containers, and whatnot,especially early on. Most of the time I will not. Not only will Iprobably miss a few pick ups in any given play through, but I wont care.Item drops in Mass Effect are 1) random and 2) completely dependent uponyour level. It can help early on to get some items, but it wont make orbreak a character, especially since items really don't ramp up untilyour level does. Putting it bluntly, Mass Effect does not have a smoothrate of level-to-drop improvements. It's entirely likely you'll go fromhaving a rough time with a Lancer III assault rifle, to going on akilling spree with a Tornado V over the course of a single crate search.Also the difference between your Gladiator V armor to Colossus VIII willbe equally drastic. In the end, no amount of searching, wishing, orhoping will make the game easier. You've just got to level up, and thedrops will come. By the time you're in Colossus X armor with theSpectre weapons, the game is entirely different from how it started.There are no unique weapons, there are no killer drops. The onlyvariation in getting items really depends on your licenses..Credits, and How to (not) Spend Them{INT011}o======================================================================oLike your items, the credits you get from rewards and crates is entirelylevel dependant. This means two things: 1) early on when you needcredits, you wont have them. And 2) leveling up and not bothering withcredits is the best way to get more credits. My suggestion is don'tbother with money crunching, and don't waste your credits at storesbuying weak items you'll find in chests anyway. There are only threethings you need to buy, Spectre weapons, licenses.. and with saidlicenses, armor. Save your money until you get 1,000,000 credits. Atwhich point the Spectre weapons become available and the game breaks.After you get access to Spectre weapons, feel free to spend your Credsat will. You'll likely get better armor through merchants before you'llget them through drops.Licenses{INT012}o======================================================================oOnce in a while you'll get the chance to buy licenses, or you'll getthem rewarded to you for quests. These affect what items the QuarterMaster in the Normandy has for sale. The more the merrier, right? Wrong.Most licenses are chock full of crappy weapons and armor, the more poopyou have the less chance the Quarter Master will have good stuff. Isuggest only considering the following licenses:Armax Arsenal->>>>Predator ArmorSome people like Predator Armor better than Colossus Armor. I thinkthey're crazy, as shields aren't subject to DR and hence tend to getevaporated quickly (especially in the later difficulties). DR overShielding any day. Unless you're on a low difficulty the difference isDRASTIC. Personally I don't recommend this license, but I'll mentionit, just in case some purists want to bother me about not including itlater..Note that Hahne-Kedar sells a rip-off version of Predator Armor.. Idon't know.. maybe Bioware just couldn't think of another name for thearmor. In any event, the Armax Arsenal version of Predator Armor isMUCH better, as it has noticably superior Shields and Tech/BioticProtection.Geth Armory->>>>Battlemaster ArmorThis is the best armor in the game, for any character. Even thoughColossus has an edge over it in DR and Shields, Battlemaster Armor blowsColossus out of the water when it comes to Tech/Biotic Protection. TheSalarian merchant named Morlan will have this license for sale later inthe game (presumably after you've reached a certain credit threshold,or gained a certain achievement, since once you've unlocked this licenseit will stay unlocked on subsequent playthroughs.) You can find him inthe Lower Markets on the Citadel.Kassa Fabrication->>>>Colossus ArmorBest armor in the game for everybody who isn't a Krogan. You can getthis license from the Requisition Officer in C-Sec later in the game.Serrice Council ->>>>Savant Biotic AmpBest Biotic Amp in the game. You might not really need a license forthis, as you can just rely on the drop to happen sometime. So,technically, you don't need this license either, even though it doesprovide the best biotic amp. You can get it from Commander Rentolaon Virmire or from the Emporium Shopkeeper later in the game.. atleast, in the second play-through I was able to get it at the Citadel,so it may be achievement based.Ariake Technologies->>>>Logic Arrest ToolArguably the best Omni-tool (as far as flat bonuses go) it gives a bitto everything.. although it's not as clear cut as the Savant Amp isfor biotics. In any case, I wouldn't considered the license worth itfor just this one item. You can get the license from Commander Rentolaon Virmire.Armali Council->>>>NexusOn the other hand, the Nexus tool is slightly weaker on shields, but ithas an outstanding Tech Cooldown Bonus. It suffers in the Med RechargeBonus department, but since I find first aid rather useless, I don'tsweat it. Armali Council makes Nexus, which you can get from theAssignment "Asari Diplomacy" by charming or intimidating Nassana aftertelling her you killed her sister. Since you're probably going to getthe license from Nassana anyways, and since Nexus gives a much betterbonus to Tech Cooldown, I'd stick with the Armali Council Omni-Tool.Complete List of Licenses<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This is the list of all the Licenses in the game, and where to getthem.
Aldrin LabsRequisition Officer on the Citadel
Ariake TechnologiesRequisition Officer on the Citadel
Devlon IndustriesEmporium Shopkeeper on the Citadel
Kassa FabricationRequisition Officer on the Citadel
(You must have accumulated 1,000,000 Credits.)
Serris CouncilEmporium Shopkeeper on the Citadel
(You must have accumulated 1,000,000 Credits.)
(Complete UNC: Asari Diplomacy and Charm/Intimidate Nassana)
Sitta FoundationEmporium Shopkeeper on the Citadel
Getting the Quarter Master to Sell the Good Stuff{INT013}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Chances are, you'll end up buying the best armor in the game for yourcharacters (not to mention the best weapons) and the easiest way to dothis is through the Quarter Master on the Normandy. After getting thelicenses you want, simply go near the Quarter Master, save your game,and check his stock. If he doesn't have what you want, reload and tryagain. He resets his stock when you talk to him after docking. If youneed to reset him (he's still selling the same old crap) return to theCitadel and land, exit the Normandy, and go back in. Go to anothersystem and land on a planet, then return to the Citadel, and he shouldhave restocked. Simply save/load until you get what you want.Multiple Play-Throughs and Difficulty Settings{INT014}o======================================================================oWhen you beat the game, you can choose to start up a new game with thesame character you've previously beaten the game with. You'll keep yourgear, credits, level, and talent points, but you'll start over with yourquest progression (obviously) and renegade/paragon score. You'll findthe second playthrough and subsequent playthroughs to be much easier,due mostly to the fact that you're super high level, but also becausethose wonderful 'Smart Achievement' bonuses don't leave you. In fact,some achievements that effect the availability of certain gear (likeSpectre weapons) will remain, and also the ability to buy certainlicenses that you had to wait most of the game for the first timearound will be available right from the get-go.. or at least as soonas you get back to the Citadel. Here are some reasons to play the gamethrough multiple times:+Get your character to Level 60Sure, once it's done you wont need the 5% experience bonus, but whodoesn't need more achievement points and gamer pictures?+Free Max your Charm/IntimidateMake an uber character. Every time you get a certain number of Paragonor Renegade points, you get a rank of Charm or Intimidate for free. Ifyou're willing to spend the time, you never need to spend a rank inthose talents.+Get uber gearSure, most of the gear you'll have by the end of the first playthroughwill be good enough, but you can get everybody Spectre gear andColossus X armor on multiple playthroughs!+Unlock all the achievementsGamer score = nerd self esteem. Of course, unlocking achievements inMass Effect also gives your characters passive bonuses.+Prepare for Mass Effect 2With maxed charm/intimidate, super gear, a level 60 character, and allthat other good stuff, you can play the game over one last time anddo everything the way you want before Mass Effect 2. Want a certainNPC dead? Kill them, want to talk your way out of a certain fight? Doso. With a high-level character you can play the game exactly as youwant it, to make sure ALL the save triggers for Mass Effect 2 are setthe way you want them to be. At least in theory, right?+Beat all the difficulty modesBesides the achievement points and the gamer pictures, what moreincentive could you need?+Write your own FAQ!Sure.. the more the merrier! Log in 300 hours of your life to this gameand tell the world how you see it! Or focus on friends, family, yourcareer, and all those more important things. *sigh*Hardcore Difficulty<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Hardcore difficulty includes leveled enemies that do considerably moredamage and have access to a lot more skills. In normal mode you had toworry about the odd tech attack causing your weapons to overheat and akrogan or two would use immunity.. but with a character starting asecond play-through on hardcore you can expect any soldier enemy tohave immunity. Your shields will be almost non-existent, as they'lltake full damage from enemy fire, so I hope you've invested in DR likeI said. Still, with Spectre weapons and Colossus armor this mode is abreeze.Insanity Difficulty<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You'll plug normal enemies for a good 5-10 seconds each with gunfirebefore they fall. Still, most aren't all that challenging. Sniperscan be a pain, and a shot from a turret or Geth Colossus will prettymuch end you, even with immunity and high DR armor. Still, withthe exception of those three things and Krogan Warlords it's notall that difficult, just more time-consuming. Make sure you haveimmunity on at ALL times. If you're not an immunity spamming soldier inColossus armor, then this might be rough. If you are, it's mostlysmoothing sailing.
General Gameplay Information {GGI001}
This part of the FAQ is for those of you who don't have their manuals..or those of you who do, who want my insight onto some things. This isnot a 'strategy' portion of the guide, it just explains some terms, howto get around, and gives a few tips on how to play. If you're familiarwith the game somewhat, just continue onto character creation.The Controls{GGI002}o======================================================================o(A)Select/Confirm/Storm(B)Holster Weapon/Cancel(X)Unholster Weapon/Skip Dialogue(Y)Unholster Weapon/First Aid(RS)Rotate Camera (Click to Zoom with Sniper Rifle)(LS)Move (Click to Crouch)(Start)Menu(Back)Throw Grenade (Press again to Detonate)(D-Pad) Squad Commands (Up)Move (to position in reticle) (Down)Take Cover (hold position near Shepard) (Left)Target (Right)Rally (regroup)(RB)Use Mapped Power (Hold to access Power Wheel)(LB)Toggle Last Weapon (Hold to access Weapon Wheel)(RT)Fire(LT)AimGameplay (The HUD){GGI003}o======================================================================oIn hostile areas (or when your weapon is unholstered) you'll see theHUD displaying your mini-map (bottom right corner of screen), and yoursquad information (bottom left). Selected objects/enemies/NPCs in yourreticle will show information (top center).Commands currently given to your squad are shown to the left of theirname. Their health is the red bar to the right of their name, and theirshields are the blue bars to the right of their health. Your stockof First Aid is listed to the left of the squad panel, below it is yourGrenade stock. To the right of either is the button corresponding toeither First Aid (Y) or Grenades (Back). Above your squad panel is yourweapon icon (either sniper rifle, pistol, assault rifle, or shotgun)along with the weapons heat level.Gameplay (Equipment){GGI004}o======================================================================oYou can access your Equipment Menu by hitting (start) and selecting'Equipment'. (X) shows you a list of upgrades you've collected for eitherweapons, armor, or grenades. Hitting (LB) toggles your helmet on and off,except while on worlds that pose a danger should the helmet be removed(extreme temperatures, lack of breathable atmosphere, etc). Pressingdown on the (LS) gives you a description of the manufacturer of the item,and of the general type of item in question, if not that specific model.On the bottom of the screen your resources are listed. Remember thatyou can only carry 150 items, so when you start to fill up (the gamewill warn you) convert that crap to omni-gel, or sell it, if it willbring in any real money.Resources{GGI005}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->A list of your resources, as indicated from left to right.First AidTo the left is your First Aid, which can be used to heal your party.The character with the best First Aid skill has their skill applied forthe usage of First Aid.GrenadesOnly usable by Shepard, these grenades came in useful on the first play,but afterwards, I rarely ever used them.Omni-GelOmni-Gel has a variety of uses, namely for hacking, decrypting, orrepairing the Mako. You can convert crap items and upgrades into moreOmni-Gel. Reminds me that there's a pretty funny comic about Mass Effecton Penny Arcade..CreditsYour money.Weapons{GGI006}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Below is a list of weapon attributes, which can be viewed while in theEquipment menu. Following that is a list of the best weapons in thegame, so you have an idea of what's out there.DamageThis is the damage your gun does (before DR is taken intoconsideration). Obviously the higher the better.Shots Before OverheatAs you fire off weapons they begin to overheat. This is a constantworry early on, as most weapons over-heat in a few shots. Fire off yourweapons and wait for them to cool down. If the gun overheats, it'llbe unusable until it fully cools down. Some techs cause your weapons to(temporarily) malfunction, at which point you're better off justswitching to a different gun. Towards the end of the game, you'll getweapons that can fire nearly indefinitely (with the right upgradesinstalled). Of course, it's also possible to jam things in your gunsthat cause them to overheat in one shot. Just keep an eye on howupgrades affect your shots before overheat.Accuracy RatingThis determines the size of your reticle. The bigger it is, the widerthe spread of your bullets. Using some techs/biotics/abilitiestemporarily widens your reticle, making you less accurate. Differentguns have different accuracies. You're always more accurate if you'renot moving, if you're crouching (press LS), or when you're aiming (LT).
Weapon TypeHMWP X (Pistol)HMWSG X (Shotgun)HMWA X (Assault)HMWSR X (Sniper)
Shots Before Overheat297772
Accuracy Rating88917786
Armor{GGI007}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Below is a list of armor attributes, which can be viewed while in theEquipment menu. Following that is a list of the best armors in the game,so you have an idea of what's out there.Damage Protection (DR)This is the percentage by which your armor ignores damage received.Obviously the higher the better. This does not apply to shields, onlyto how much damage you directly suffer.ShieldsShields represent how much damage you ignore before you start losingHealth. Shields are not protected by DR, so they tend to go awayquickly.Tech/Biotic ProtectionThis is your chance to resist or ignore the tech/biotic attacks setagainst you from time to time. Again, the higher the better.
Armor TypeDamage ProtectionShieldsTech/Biotic Protection
Colossus X
Heavy Armor7945018
Medium Armor7140528
Light Armor6537538
Predator X
Heavy Armor5854034
Medium Armor4248642
Light Armor3045050
Battlemaster X (Krogan)
Heavy Armor7542051
Biotic Amp{GGI008}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Below is a list of Biotic Amp attributes, which can be viewed while inthe Equipment menu. Following that is a list of the best amp in thegame, so you have an idea of what's out there.Duration BonusThis increases the duration of the Biotic by the percentage equal to thenumeric value shown.Power BonusThis increases the variable effects of the Biotic by a certainpercentage. Namely the Shields added, the Newton Force applicable, thedamage, and radius affected.Cooldown BonusThis increases the cooldown rate of the Biotic by the percentage equalto the numeric value shown.Savant XDuration Bonus:35Power Bonus:40Cooldown Bonus:40Omni-tool{GGI009}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Below is a list of Omni-tool attributes, which can be viewed while inthe Equipment menu.Shield BonusThis is the percentage bonus you receive to your overall shields.Tech Cooldown BonusThe percentage by which your cooldown time is reduced for Techs.Med Recharge BonusThe percentage by which the cooldown time between First Aid uses isreduced.Logic Arrest Tool XShield Bonus:25Cooldown Bonus:20Recharge Bonus:25Nexus VIIIShield Bonus:15Cooldown Bonus:46Recharge Bonus:5Grenade Launcher{GGI010}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Below is a list of Grenade attributes, which can be viewed while inthe Equipment menu-but only on Commander Shepard.DamageThis is the damage your grenades do. More is good.Explosive ImpulseThe concussive force the grenade has, presumably measured in newtons.The more force, the larger objects can be affected, and the more itaffects smaller objects.Effect RadiusThe area of effect the grenade has (presumably measured in centimeters).Upgrades{GGI011}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Upgrades can be somewhat confusing, as they use terms to describe themthat simply aren't observable. Increasing a weapons' 'stability'certainly sounds good, but you never get to see a weapons' stabilityrating anywhere, so such benefits are somewhat subjective. Others,however-like shield interfaces-simply increase your overall shields,which is wholly observable. As some general advice, ignore weaponupgrades that improve damage at the expense of accuracy or heatingearly on. Simply put, early weapons have poor damage, and badoverheating and accuracy. For the nominal increase in damage, you'remaking that weapon significantly worse. I personally prefer upgradesthat have bonuses I can observe with no drawbacks.. especially earlyon. Towards the later levels, weapons and upgrades become significantlystronger, and hence more prominent in gameplay. I'll just list what Iconsider to be the most useful upgrades below.Scram Rail X+26% Damage, -10% Heat AbsorptionAt the later stage of the game, 26% damage will add nearly 100 points ofdamage to your weapon, which more than compensates for the heat.Frictionless Materials X+7% Damage, +28% Heat DampingTwo good stats on one upgrade. I tend to use one of these in conjunctionwith the Scram Rail X for a 33% damage boost. Two Frictionless Materialsin one gun is just not as efficient as taking 1/3 the shots to kill anenemy.Inferno Rounds X21 damage/second for 5 seconds,-28% accuracyBy this point in the game, you're accuracy is so high it's a non issue.Also, the 105 damage bonus ignores shields, and is as healthy a damagebonus as any out there. Plus, it's just easier to swallow over the -40%rate of fire Snowblind Rounds have, the crazy overheating of HighExplosive Rounds, and the not-so crazy overheating of SledgehammerRounds.Medical Exoskeleton X+4.5 Health Regeneration/Second+80% Toxin Resistance+23% Reduction in power cool downThe health regeneration is almost equal to the maximum a Soldier canget, the toxin resistance.. well, it helps in a handful of cases, butthe big draw is the 23% reduction in cool down times for all powers.The more you use powers, the better this is going to be. If you go downthe Shock Trooper path, you don't really need one of these to keepImmunity up indefinitely, but for everybody else, it's gold.Combat Exoskeleton X+35% Smash Damage, 35% Hardening,+90% Physics ThresholdThe melee damage isn't very great, but it's something. What's reallyimportant is the hardening and the physics threshold, especially onColossus suits of armor, which are notoriously weak against tech/bioticattacks. This erases that problem.High Explosive X+37% Damage, +140 cm Radius,+37% Weapons ForceFor Grenades, it doesn't get much better than High Explosives. It prettymuch makes your grenades better at everything they do. More hurt, moreboom, more bang.Gameplay (Squad){GGI012}o======================================================================oYou squad screen shows the various statistics of your character. Aroundthe portrait is your alignment (if Shepard). Your level, experience,and health are also listed in the middle, with your talents taking upthe right half of the screen. In this screen you can spend your pointsto purchase various ranks in talents, and not much else.Decryption, Hacking, and other Timed Mini-Games{GGI013}o======================================================================oAny time you go to manually decrypt a door, crate, or whatnot, or anytime you go to flag a mineral deposit, recover an artifact, or disarmsome bombs you'll have to play a timed button-press game. You'll begiven a screen displaying the four buttons on the face of the X-Boxcontroller (A), (B), (Y), and (X). When they highlight you have a shortamount of time to press that button. Get used to it, you'll be doingthis a lot.Exploration Notes{GGI014}o======================================================================oA good bit of the game is finding planets that can be explored, and thenexploring them, primarily in the Mako. On planets you can land upon,you'll find various resources to survey, structures to search, andbaddies to slay. This is a terribly repetitive exercise, but it does netyou experience and credits. Below I will list some information that Ifeel is important, take it as 'tips' or 'notes' on the variousfaces of exploration in Mass Effect.Hazards{GGI015}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Some planets have environmental hazards.. usually heat/cold, butsometimes toxic. In any event, all this means is you'll have a meterthat fills the longer you're exposed to the environment. Once this barfills all the way, you (only Shepard) starts to take physical damage.Stay out too long, and you die. All this means is you have to get backinto the Mako to let your bar empty. On planets with hazards, juststick closer to the Mako, and keep external bouts of combat to aminimum.Mako{GGI016}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You'll be in the Mako for a good bit of your planetary exploration. Itcontrols.. loosely.. and.. well, get used to it, because you'll be in ita lot. It can be tempting to blast away everything from within the Mako,but under most circ*mstances I suggest against this tactic. Any killsyou make while in the Mako will net you less experience. Also, the Makoisn't particularly good at taking cover, so it might well be easier tojust fight outside of it. Don't worry, the Mako can't be destroyed solong as you're not inside of it. Also, nobody said you couldn't whittleenemies down in the Mako, and then finish them outside of it (ThresherMaws, Geth Colossi, Turrets.) The only exception? If the terrain ishostile, you might as well just fight in the Mako.. unless you canwrap up the fight quickly, near the Mako, and in phases.The Mako is somewhat tricky in combat, and shooting the cannon while onthe move is.. difficult, to say the least. It is best used at range,while aiming with (LT) and zooming by pressing down the (RS) (just likewith a sniper rifle.) By doing this, the Mako is capable of easilyhitting targets over 300 meters away with its cannon, although itsturret is largely inaccurate. The Mako has trouble aiming down attargets, interestingly enough, and it has an effective minimum rangewhere targets cannot be effectively attacked. This is only exacerbatedon hilly terrain. Despite what common sense dictates, you want to beon lower ground than your target unless you're aiming at somethingvery far away (and at a low angle, at that.) Ramming some enemies withthe Mako can be somewhat effective, including Armatures and Collosi.You wont do much damage, but you'll knock them over and force them tospend time getting back up. This is ideal for preventing them fromtaking shots at your party when you disembark.You can repair the Mako if you have enough Omni-Gel, and you'll repairan amount depending on the Electronics skill of your Engineer. Theshields take an ungodly long time to replenish, so you just might endup repairing the Mako. Be warned though, it is surprisingly lessdurable than you might imagine once its shields are removed. The Makowill be fully repaired if you return to the Normandy, which you can doat almost any time by pressing (X). If the Mako is destroyed while youare inside, the game is over.Planetary Exploration{GGI017}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->On a planet, you'll have a square of map to search. Some items arelisted on your map, but a good number of things wont be. You'll have toexplore to find everything on the map. My suggestion is to go near anedge of the map, so you have just a bit of the red boundary in yourradar, and do a perimeter of the map. This should discover nearlyanything hiding unmarked on your map. I will describe where things arein scant detail. The sight range of the Mako is fairly large, so givingyou a general idea of where the item is should suffice. If something isin the upper right corner, I will denote this by saying "North-eastcorner." I know my east and west better than my right and left, you'lljust have to endure.Scanning{GGI018}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Searching planets, asteroids, and ships will sometimes give you theoption to scan the object in question. Most of the time this willreveal some mineral or gas deposit. Other times you'll uncover anartifact, a Prothean Data Disc, or Matriarch's Writing. Either way, youget some experience and credit for each one you find, and you'regiven assignments to find a certain total throughout the game.Thresher Maws{GGI019}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Giant worms that spit acid and one-hit-kill anything near them. Theypop out of the ground, screech, and start attacking. Early on, the Makohas just enough fire power to take one down.. provided one doesn'tsurface UNDER you, and you keep moving. On foot, they can be moreeasily dealt with, as all you have to do is circle strafe and shoot..granted it takes a while, but the experience is worth it.
Achievements {ACH001}
As the achievements you get in Mass Effect DO significantly affectgameplay, I feel they are worth noting earlier in the FAQ, as adedicated player (read: loser) may feel it is well worth the effort toget them all. Don't worry, I just insulted us both. Or maybe justmyself."Smart" Achievements{ACH002}o======================================================================oAt one time I bristled at the idea that this game had "smart"achievements, which essentially were simply achievements that unlockedin-game bonuses that carried on to all present and future characters.However, it is a rather good idea, and it did give some extra incentivefor getting the achievements. It's a shame other games don't have suchachievements.. In any event, some rewards are really quite good, likethe ability to be able to start the game with a bonus talent tree, forexample. I will list how to get the achievements, and what bonuses theyprovide below. Oh, and this is an achievement list, so it almost goeswithout saying, but to prevent any potential hate-mail..***SPOILERS***Achievement Notes{ACH003}o======================================================================oThe "Expert", "Mastery", and "Specialist" achievements unlock bonustalents for new characters, so they should be a priority to unlock.There are two things to keep in mind for these achievements.1) They only count if Shepard is the one to make the kill/use thetech or biotic. So you cannot get the tech or biotic talents by usingparty members. You have to make a Shepard with the talents at hand.2) The biotics and techs have to target something, but for many bioticsyou can just use them over and over again on breakable crates to getthe achievement, which should make life easier. With weapons,obviously, and some techs/biotics they have to affect enemies.Keep in mind that this is a cumulative total. If you get into a fight,use your techs/biotics, kill things with the gun of choice, and saveon a different slot. Reload a save prior to the fight and repeat untilyou have a total of 150 kills/75 uses logged.Bonus Talent Achievement Farming{ACH004}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Generally I feel it's best to simply make an Soldier/Engineer/Adept andplay through Eden Prime before seriously grinding the skills. The morepoints you put into the Adept/Engineer talents the better, as itincreases the recharge time of the skills and speeds things up.Otherwise save all your points (or as many as possible) until the fightwith Fist. Save before you get near the Chora's Den, put as many pointsas possible into the skill you want to grind, and abuse the hell out ofit. When you're done, wash, rinse, repeat.On the planet Eletania, in the Hercules System of the Attican Beta,there are a number of non-aggressive indigenous animals that can bekilled. These count towards weapon uses, and save/reloading can getyou these talents fairly quickly, since they are fairly numerous, andone-hit-kills.o=o Search and Rescue10G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Locate Liara in Artemis Tau Cluster.o=o Medal of Honor100G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete PlaythroughUnlock: Hardcore DifficultyUnlock: Character Levels 51-60o=o Medal of Heroism25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Requirement: Complete Feroso=o Distinguished Service Medal25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Eden Primeo=o Council Legion of Merit25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Virmireo=o Honorarium of Corporate Service25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Noveriao=o Long Service Medal25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Two PlaythroughsWeapon Damage increased by 5%o=o Distinguished Service Medal25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Hardcore PlaythroughUnlock Insanity Difficulty and Gamer Pictureo=o Medal of Valor50G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Insanity PlaythroughUnlock Gamer Pictureo=o Pistol Expert10G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Pistol KillsMarksman duration increases 25%o=o Shotgun Expert15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Shotgun KillsUnlock Shotgun Talent Tree for all future characters on this profileo=o Assault Rifle Expert15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Assault Rifle KillsUnlock Assault Rifle Talent Tree for all future characters on thisprofileo=o Sniper Rifle Expert15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Sniper Rifle KillsUnlock Sniper Rifle Talent Tree for all future characters on thisprofileo=o Lift Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Biotic Lift 75 TimesUnlock Lift Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on this profileo=o Throw Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Throw Biotic 75 TimesUnlock Throw Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on this profileo=o Warp Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Biotic Warp 75 TimesUnlock Warp Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on this profileo=o Singularity Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Biotic Singularity 75 TimesUnlock Singularity Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Barrier Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Biotic Barrier 75 TimesUnlock Barrier Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on this profileo=o Stasis Mastery15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Biotic Stasis 75 TimesUnlock Stasis Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on this profileo=o Damping Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Damping Field 75 TimesUnlock Electronics Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o AI Hacking Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use AI Hacking 75 TimesUnlock AI Hacking Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Overload Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Overload 75 TimesUnlock Overload Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Sabotage Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Sabotage 75 TimesUnlock Sabotage Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o First Aid Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Medi-gel 150 TimesUnlock First Aid Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Damping Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Damping Field 75 TimesUnlock Electronics Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Neural Shock Specialist15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Use Neural Shock 75 TimesUnlock Neural Shock Talent Tree for all subsequent characters on thisprofileo=o Scholar25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races, andNon-Council Races codex entrieso=o Completionist25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete the majority of the gameExperience rewards increase by 5%o=o Tactician25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Playthrough with Shield Damage Greater than HealthDamageShield strength increases by 10%o=o Medal of Exploration50G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Land on an Uncharted Worldo=o Rich25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Exceed 1,000,000 CreditsAccess Spectre Gear through Normandy Requisitions Officer and C-SecRequisitions Officero=o Dog of War25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Organic Enemy KillsIncrease health by 10%o=o Geth Hunter25G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Log 150 Synthetic Enemy KillsIncrease shield strength by 10%o=o Soldier Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Alliance Soldier SquadMemberDamage Reduction improves by 10%o=o Sentinel Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Alliance Sentinel SquadMemberLift and Throw recharge time improve by 10%o=o Krogan Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Krogan Squad MemberRegenerate 1 health per secondo=o Turian Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Turian Squad MemberDamping and Overload recharge time improve by 10%o=o Quarian Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Quarian Squad MemberSabotage and AI Hacking recharge time improve by 10%o=o Asari Ally20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Majority of the Game with Asari Squad MemberStasis and AI Barrier recharge time improve by 10%o=o Power Gamer20G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Reach Level 50All experience rewards increase by 10%o=o Extreme Power Gamer50G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Reach Level 60All experience rewards increase by 5%o=o Renegade15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Earn 75% of Total Possible Renegade Pointso=o Paragon15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Earn 75% of Total Possible Paragon Pointso=o Paramour10G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Complete Romance Subploto=o Spectre Inductee15G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Become a Spectreo=o Charismatic10G<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Requirement: Resolved impossible situation with Charm or Intimidate
Character Creation {CHR001}
Mass Effect is a shooter. I know, I know, I was surprised too. You doget a few fancy Biotics and Tech attacks, but most of the time, you'llbe shooting. And even when you're using Biotics and Tech, it's usuallyonly to make the shooting easier. Because of this, and the teensy factthat if Shepard dies it's game over, I tend to play a Soldier, althoughI have gone a fair distance through the game with some of the otherclasses. At least far enough to earn all the achievements for using theirtechs and biotics, in any case. The character I end up playing afemale-ruthless-spacer. The armor in this game just doesn't flatter themale physique at all.. and the male Shepard voice acting is just.. Ugh.It's bad when the female sounds more manly, lets just leave it at that.In any event, I enjoy playing a tough-as-nails Shepard whose familytradition is military service and who is ruthlessly dedicated to victoryat any cost.Class{CHR002}o======================================================================oBelow is a listing of the classes available to you in the game, andmy personal thoughts on them. Under each class you'll find the talentsthey begin the game with, which I will also comment on. I'll alsoinclude some suggestions for what might work best as bonus talents,when you get them.Soldier{CHR003}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->My personal favorite class. You're going to be doing a lot of shootingin the game, so you might as well be the best at it. They get the bestarmor, the best guns, and become the toughest-to-kill combatants inthe game. If you throw on Lift as a bonus talent, you get one of themore dehabilitating biotics in the game, one that compliments theSoldier well. With a crazily high DR from talents and Colossus armor,and Immunity that recharges before its duration ends, the Soldier isvery nearly invincible later on.. even in Insane mode. The Electronicstalent is also worth consideration. Its shields are almost a non-issue,but the 30% damage vulnerability it confers on enemies is most certainlya good thing.Talents:Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Combat Armor,First Aid, Assault Training, Fitness, Soldier*.Specializations:CommandoThe Commando isn't a bad specialization. In fact, it really only hasone problem. The Shock Trooper specialization turns you into a god.Doing extra weapon damage is a good thing, especially the hefty +21%that Commando gives. Seriously though, you only need two weapons inthis game, so half of those bonuses are destined to be wasted. ImmunitySpecialization is the great bonus that both Commando and Shock Trooperget from their specialization classes, but instead of Adrenaline BurstSpecialization the Command gets a recharge bonus on Marksman andAssassination. Now, compare weapon damage with all weapons and a betterrecharge time with the pistol and the sniper rifle to the health anddamage reduction bonus and the recharge time on Andrenaline Burst,which lets you use ALL of your talents more often. Not even mentioningthat you'll get much less use out of sniper rifles than any other gun,and the fact that pistols are a poor weapon choice for a Soldier, andit's pretty clear which specialization wins.Shock Trooper(Author's Recommendation)The Shock Trooper continues to give you a health bonus over Soldier,adding another +14% and it gives you 16% damage protection as well. Ifthat's not good enough you'll also get a -25% reduction in yourrecharge times with Immunity and Adrenaline Burst. You'll be able tokeep Immunity on endless (hotkey it to your (RB)) and Adrenaline Burst-which lets you use all your talents instantly-loses about 11 seconds offof its recharge time. What more could you ask for? Don't answer that.Engineer{CHR004}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Engineer isn't even as combat savvy as the Adept, as they don't evenhave Barrier, and Electronics is a poor defensive substitute. In anyevent, their skills revolve around the Omni-tool, which can be used toaffect machines and people using conventional weapons.. which prettymuch includes everything in the game. Still, their attacks are morevaried than a Adepts, even if they don't really have as much stand-aloneeffect. This is essentially a support character, and for the samereasons I wouldn't play an Adept, I wouldn't play an Engineer. There's aperfectly fine Infiltrator class out there that is more versatile.Talents:Pistols, Basic Armor, Decryption, Hacking, Electronics, Damping,First Aid, Medicine, Engineer*.Specialization:MedicThe Medic sucks. If you want to heal, strap on a Medical Exoskeleton andtake cover. The +80 damage is nice, but it still only brings yourhealing to 260 per Medi-gel. Granted, that's half an Engineer's health,but that's nothing on Insane mode. If you want to revive your allies,get Unity. The only time you'll run into toxic damage is if you blowsomething up near you, or you get puked on by a Thorian, either way, itdoesn't come up often. Oh. And one other source. Thresher Maw venom.But whether you're an Engineer or a Sentinel, getting hit with that inany later difficulty probably killed you anyways. Neural Shock onlyworks on organic creatures, which is nice against mercenaries andkrogans, but all those geth.. you've not no answer for.Operative(Author's Recommendation)Well, somebody doesn't like Engineers it seems. Frankly though, comparedto Medic the Operative actually seems decent. Three decent debuffing anddamaging skills get cooldown bonuses and Overload and Sabotage becomegreatly more efficient. Since there's no defense boost on the table foreither class, you might as well pick the one that gives you threeimproved offensive abilities rather than one. The Medi-gel healingbonuses and is negligible, as you'll be able to just get Unity, instead.Adept{CHR005}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Essentially the 'mage' class.. Sorry, I'm incorrigibly fantasy-oriented.In any case, they use their biotics to win fights, and little else. I'lladmit, I'm a little disappointed with the biotics in this game, as theyare mostly just variants of one another. One on a character is fine, Idon't really see why a single class without fighting ability needs TWOtelekinetic biotics.. Oh wait, make that three. Throw, Lift, andSingularity are all too alike for me. In effect, they all do the samething; render an enemy completely helpless and open to as muchpunishment as you can deliver before the duration runs out. A goodthing, really, but do you need three of them? I must admit, I wouldnever play an adept. Not when you can slap one of those skills on aSoldier and have a killing machine that can further incapacitate theopposition, or simply play a Vanguard and get a fair complement of bothbiotics and combat skills.Talents:Pistols, Basic Armor, Throw, Lift, Warp, Singularity, Barrier, Stasis,Adept*.Specializations:Bastion(Author's Recommendation)By now you should be realizing that defense wins over offense in MassEffect, and the Bastion is no different. With the improvement of theAdepts sole defensive consideration-Barrier-it gives you a taste of whatyou sorely need. It also drastically lowers the cooldown rate of yourbiotics (about the same amount that a Medical Exoskeleton does) andallows you to damage enemies in Stasis.. turning it into a usefulbiotic. All in all, Bastion is a pretty sweet specialization.NemesisNemesis sucks for the Adept in the same way it sucked for the Vanguard.You need defense, and the cooldown bonus on Bastion outclasses theduration bonus on Nemesis any day.Infiltrator{CHR006}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Ah, now this is better. It's hard for me to look at the Engineer whenthe Infiltrator is available. They get Sniper Rifles, medium armor,and Immunity, as well as the only real defensive consideration theEngineer had in Electronics. An Infiltrator can do everything theEngineer really needed to do-Decryption and Electronics-plus they'refairly hardy in a fight. Throw Assault Rifles on one and you've got acharacter that's pretty darn close to fighting as good as a Soldier.Talents:Pistols, Sniper Rifles, Tactical Armor, Fitness, Electronics, Damping,Decryption, First Aid, Infiltrator*.Specializations:Commando(Author's Recommendation)Just like the Soldier, except that without heavy armor that ImmunitySpecialization is even more imperative. Also, the massive boost inweapon damage and the cooldown reduction time of the Infiltrator's onlytwo basic weapons makes this a no-brainer for the Infiltrator.OperativeThe Operative focuses mostly on improving your Engineer-related talents,giving hefty bonus to the recharge rate of your Overload, Damping, andSabotage skills (up to 14%). This is about a recharge boost of.. oh..6 seconds per skill. The real big bonuses are the Specializationsthough, which add 50 damage to the talents (an increase of about onethird) and increases a number of other talent statistics. The usefulnessof the specialization depends on how often you use those two talents.To my mind the extra damage of these two skills.. 50 points.. pales tothe damage boost Commando gives. At +21% damage with all weapons you'relooking at nearly 60 extra points of damage with each pistol shot..provided you're using HMWP X. Now which do you do more, use Sabotageand Overload, or fire your pistol? Rhetorical question, the damageboost on the guns is more significant, AND Immunity Specializationmakes it that much easier to survive.Sentinel{CHR007}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This class allows you to do everything EXCEPT fight. Really, they don'teven have the Pistols talent, so you'll be using a good bit of bioticsand techs and hoping the computer will mop up. Barrier is somewhat ofa poor concession for a complete lack of combat ability, as it wont holdup in Insane mode at all. If you give them the Assault Rifles talentas a bonus talent, the Sentinel becomes a rather powerful class. At theleast you can incapacitate and then eliminate enemies on your own.Talents:Throw, Lift, Barrier, Stasis, Decryption, Electronics, First Aid,Medicine, Sentinel*.Specializations:MedicThe Medic sucks. Look at the Engineer's description to find out why. Itis just as poor of a choice for the Sentinel as it is for the Engineer.Bastion(Author's Recommendation)The Bastion Specializaton was good for the Adept because it gave thema great cooldown on their biotics, it made their Barrier skill better,and it allowed them to damage enemies in Stasis. It's good for aSentinel for the same reasons.Vanguard{CHR008}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This class has three offensive biotic abilities, making them potent evenbefore you consider that they also have access to medium armor, barrierand shotguns. If they had Immunity.. well, it would probably be myfavorite class. As it is, the Vanguard is still a powerful class, andtheir Adrenaline Burst gives them the ability to use their powers veryfrequently. I'm not sure what bonus talent I would give one.. eitherSingularity to round out their offensive biotics (and make the Adepteven more obsolete) or Electronics, to give them some tech skills andeven more shielding.Talents:Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Training, Tactical Armor, Throw, Lift, Warp,Barrier, Vanguard*.Specializations:NemesisThe Nemesis Specialization gets bonus points for sounding ominous. Otherthan that, you're looking at a 14% bonus to your Throw damage andduration. Now lets think about this.. we don't know how much damagethrow actually does in the first place.. do they mean newtons, or thefall damage the character receives? And in either case, does that evenaffect anything other than Throw? In any event, the duration of yourbiotics will be increased by about-oh-2 seconds, except for Warp,which will improve by about 5 seconds. The damage boost on Warp isfairly significant, but the paltry duration bonus and throw damage can'tcompare with the sorely needed hitpoints, damage protection, and barrierimprovement Shock Trooper gives.Shock Trooper(Author's Recommendation)Now we're talking. Without heavy armor, that health and damageprotection bonus is nothing short of salvation. Also, Barrier gets apretty awesome bonus to it.. which won't be all that great in laterdifficulties, but for normal difficulty, it'll make a difference. Also,Adrenaline Burst Specialization will let you use all your biotics moreoften, which is just as good-better even-than the duration bonus inNemesis.Talents{CHR009}o======================================================================oEvery time you level up you gain health and talent points to distribute.Your class determines what talents you have access to. NEVER allow thecomputer to decide where you talents go. Granted, for a level 60character there are only so many places to put talents, so it's hard tomake a BAD character, you can still make better choices than thecomputer.Ranks and Talents{CHR010}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Each talent consists of twelve ranks, which provide various bonuses.Each point buys one rank. Ranks that have the ^ icon improve the skillassociated with that talent. For example, with Pistol the ^ iconindicates the improvement of the Marksman ability, and in the Lifttalent it improves the Lift biotic. Ranks that have the + icon unlockanother talent tree. For example, a + icon in Combat Armor unlocks theFirst Aid tree. As a general rule, the further into a talent you getthe smaller the bonuses become. It's better to be proficient in manythings, than a master at a few, so spread your points out.Variations{CHR011}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Some NPCs have talent trees that vary from the ones I'll list below.For example, Wrex's Combat Armor talent is different from Shepard's.Accurately, it can be said that the below talent trees are the 'human'versions, the ones which you will deal with as Shepard. The differencesare minor.. sorta.. essentially the talent tree that is unlocked andwhen it is unlocked can be different with NPCs. Also, if you giveyourself a bonus talent, don't expect to have it unlocking anythingelse. Different classes unlock different things and different times. Ijust listed all the unlocked trees, so don't be alarmed if your classdoesn't unlock something that's on the lists below.Adept (ADEPT){CHR012}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Bonuses to your cooldown time and resistance to enemy biotics. What'snot to like?o=======o|Rank 1 |Recharge Time -4%, Biotic Protection +6%|Rank 2 |Recharge Time -6%, Biotic Protection +9%|Rank 3 |Recharge Time -9%, Biotic Protection +12%|Rank 4 |Recharge Time -10%, Biotic Protection +15%|Rank 5 |Recharge Time -12%, Biotic Protection +18%|Rank 6 |Recharge Time -14%, Biotic Protection +21%o=======oAssault Rifles (SOLDIER){CHR013}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The best weapon type in the game. It has the best rate of fire, gooddamage, and decent range, pretty much making it the only gun you need inthe game. It's medium-range accuracy makes it more versatile than theshotgun, and with Overkill it has a surprisingly good long-rangelethality.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Overkill|Rank 2 |Damage +5%, Accuracy +10%|Rank 3 |Damage +8%, Accuracy +14%|Rank 4 |Damage +10%, Accuracy +17%|Rank 5 |Damage +12%, Accuracy +20%|Rank 6 |Damage +14%, Accuracy +22%|Rank 7 |Damage +16%, Accuracy +24%, (Unlocks Sniper Rifles)|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Overkill|Rank 9 |Damage +18%, Accuracy +26%|Rank 10|Damage +19%, Accuracy +28%|Rank 11|Damage +20%, Accuracy +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Overkillo=======oOverkillFiring rifles generates 40% less heat, costs 20% less accuracy.Duration: 10 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAdvanced OverkillFiring rifles generates 50% less heat, costs 30% less accuracy.Duration: 12 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsMaster OverkillFiring rifles generates 60% less heat, costs 40% less accuracy.Duration: 15 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAssault Training (SOLDIER/VANGUARD){CHR014}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This is a good talent on the virtue of its abilities. Adrenaline Burstis awesome for everybody, and if you're a Soldier, unlocking Fitnessshould be a priority. The actual bonuses of Assault Training.. eh, theweapon damage is nice, but fairly small, and the melee damage.. yes youCAN melee in this game, but it's impractical and inefficient.o=======o|Rank 1 |Weapon Damage +1%, Melee Damage +30%|Rank 2 |Weapon Damage +2%, Melee Damage +35%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Adrenaline Burst|Rank 4 |Weapon Damage +3%, Melee Damage +40%|Rank 5 |Weapon Damage +4%, Melee Damage +44%, (Unlocks Fitness)||(Unlocks Tactical Armor)|Rank 6 |Weapon Damage +5%, Melee Damage +48%|Rank 7 |Weapon Damage +6%, Melee Damage +52%|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Adrenaline Rush|Rank 9 |Weapon Damage +7%, Melee Damage +56%|Rank 10|Weapon Damage +8%, Melee Damage +60%|Rank 11|Weapon Damage +9%, Melee Damage +64%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Adrenaline Rusho=======oAdrenaline BurstResets the cooldown times on all your talents so they can be usedimmediately.Duration: 120 secondsAccuracy: 30%Advanced Adrenaline BurstResets the cooldown times on all your talents so they can be usedimmediately.Duration: 90 secondsAccuracy: 30%Master Adrenaline BurstResets the cooldown times on all your talents so they can be usedimmediately.Duration: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Basic Armor (ADEPT/ENGINEER){CHR015}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The worst armor talent to have, basic armor leaves you behind with onlylight armor.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage Reduction +5%, Hardening +5%|Rank 2 |Damage Reduction +8%, Hardening +8%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Shield Boost|Rank 4 |Damage Reduction +10%, Hardening +10%|Rank 5 |Damage Reduction +12%, Hardening +12%, (Unlock Pistols)|Rank 6 |Damage Reduction +14%, Hardening +14%|Rank 7 |Damage Reduction +16%, Hardening +16%,|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Shield Boost|Rank 9 |Damage Reduction +18%, Hardening +18%|Rank 10|Damage Reduction +19%, Hardening +19%|Rank 11|Damage Reduction +20%, Hardening +20%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Shield Boosto=======oShield BoostRestores 30% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Advanced Shield BoostRestores 40% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Master Shield BoostRestores 50% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Barrier(ADEPT/SENTINEL/VANGUARD){CHR016}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->If you don't have good armor or immunity, give 'em Barrier! Barriergives a flat bonus to your shields, which are good.. but damagereduction doesn't protect your shields. In later difficulties, even 2000shields will last about two seconds. All in all, it's like Electronics..but you don't always have the shield bonus, since Barrier is, after all,an ability. When you have Master Barrier, the duration last long enoughfor you to have Barrier indefinitely, like a Soldier and Immunity.Unfortunately unlike Immunity enemies can blast through your Barrierprotection.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Barrier|Rank 2 |Duration 10.5 seconds, Shielding 420|Rank 3 |Duration 11 seconds, Shielding 440|Rank 4 |Duration 11.5 seconds, Shielding 460, (Unlocks Stasis)|Rank 5 |Duration 12 seconds, Shielding 480|Rank 6 |Duration 12.5 seconds, Shielding 500, (Unlocks Stasis)|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Barrier|Rank 8 |Duration 17 seconds, Shielding 720|Rank 9 |Duration 17.5 seconds, Shielding 740|Rank 10|Duration 18 seconds, Shielding 760|Rank 11|Duration 18.5 seconds, Shielding 780|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Barriero=======oBarrierBolsters your shields with a biotic barrier that will absorb up to 400points of damage. Will not block attacks that bypass shields.Duration: 10 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced BarrierBarrier will absorb up to 700 points of damage. Improves the rechargetime and accuracy cost.them for 3 damage/second.Duration: 16.5 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 80%Master BarrierBolsters your shields with a biotic barrier that will absorb up to 1000points of damage.Duration: 23 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 80%Bastion(ADEPT/SENTINEL){CHR017}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Bastion specialization adds one very important perk for Adepts andSentinels: A defensive consideration. This makes it the go-tospecialization for both classes. In addition it adds a massive bonus toBiotic cooldown and turns Stasis into a-dare I say-useful ability?o=======o|Rank 7 |Recharge Time -18%|Rank 8 |Recharge Time -20%|Rank 9 |Recharge Time -22%, Barrier Specialization|Rank 10|Recharge Time -24%|Rank 11|Recharge Time -26%|Rank 12|Recharge Time -28%, Stasis Specializationo=======oBarrier SpecializationImproves the power and duration of barrier by 25%, regenerate 40shields per second.Stasis SpecializationAllows enemies to be damaged while in Stasis.Charm (SHEPARD){CHR018}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This is a handy skill that gives you access to generally superiordialogue options, typically good-guy responses. Whatever you do, if youwant to make a truly powerful Shepard, DO NOT SPEND ANY POINTS INTOCHARM. It can be maxed for free over multiple playthroughs without usingany points. If you're a more casual gamer, playing a good guy throughone playthrough, spend at will. If you harbor designs on making a level60 character, ignore this skill.o=======o|Rank 1 |Sets Charm Score at 1, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 2 |Sets Charm Score at 2, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 3 |Sets Charm Score at 3, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 4 |Sets Charm Score at 4, opens up new dialogue options,||Gives a 2% discount at stores|Rank 5 |Sets Charm Score at 5, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 6 |Sets Charm Score at 6, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 7 |Sets Charm Score at 7, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 8 |Sets Charm Score at 8, opens up new dialogue options||Gives a 5% discount at stores|Rank 9 |Sets Charm Score at 9, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 10|Sets Charm Score at 10, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 11|Sets Charm Score at 11, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 12|Sets Charm Score at 12, opens up new dialogue options||o=======oCombat Armor (SOLDIER){CHR019}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The best armor talent to have, Combat armor starts you out with mediumarmor, and upgrades to heavy. Otherwise, it's the same as any otherarmor. Shield boost, is.. well, it has its uses, and the usefulness ofthe ability is directly related to how much shields you have.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage Reduction +5%, Hardening +5%|Rank 2 |Damage Reduction +8%, Hardening +8%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Shield Boost|Rank 4 |Damage Reduction +10%, Hardening +10%|Rank 5 |Damage Reduction +12%, Hardening +12%|Rank 6 |Damage Reduction +14%, Hardening +14%, (Unlocks First Aid)|Rank 7 |Damage Reduction +16%, Hardening +16%, Equip Heavy Armor|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Shield Boost|Rank 9 |Damage Reduction +18%, Hardening +18%|Rank 10|Damage Reduction +19%, Hardening +19%|Rank 11|Damage Reduction +20%, Hardening +20%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Shield Boosto=======oShield BoostRestores 30% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Advanced Shield BoostRestores 40% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Master Shield BoostRestores 50% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Commando (INFILTRATOR/SOLDIER){CHR020}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The lesser of the two Soldier specializations, and the greater of theInfiltrator specializations, Commando increases your damage, gives youthe lovely Immunity Specialization, and reduces the recharge time ofthe skills attached to the Infiltrator's two key weapons.o=======o|Rank 7 |+6% Weapon Damage|Rank 8 |+9% Weapon Damage|Rank 9 |+12% Weapon Damage, Immunity Specialization|Rank 10|+15% Weapon Damage|Rank 11|+18% Weapon Damage|Rank 12|+21% Weapon Damage, Assassin Specializationo=======oImmunity SpecializationReduces the recharge time of Immunity by 25%Assassin SpecializationReduces the recharge time of Marksman and Assassination by 25%Damping(ENGINEER/INFILTRATOR){CHR021}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Well, you don't really NEED damping like you do decryption orelectronics, but the radius boost it gives should interest anyengineers, although we're only talking about 3 meters at the most here.Damping is a decent ability that deals 150 damage and can stun manyenemies for three seconds.. which is just long enough to take one out.Another ability is definitely not going to hurt an engineer, in anyevent.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Damping|Rank 2 |Radius +6%|Rank 3 |Radius +9%|Rank 4 |Radius +12%|Rank 5 |Radius +15%|Rank 6 |Radius +18%|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Damping|Rank 8 |Radius +21%|Rank 9 |Radius +24%|Rank 10|Radius +27%|Rank 11|Radius +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Dampingo=======oDampingDoes 50 damage in a 6 meter radius, enemies cannot use biotic/techabilities for a short period (adds 30% cooldown time), stuns basicenemies for 3 seconds.Recharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 60%Advanced DampingDoes 100 damage in a 8 meter radius, enemies cannot use biotic/techabilities for a short period (adds 45% cooldown time), stuns mostenemies for 3 seconds.Recharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 60%Master DampingDoes 150 damage in a 10 meter radius, enemies cannot use biotic/techabilities for a short period (adds 60% cooldown time), stuns all butthe toughest enemies for 3 seconds.Recharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 60%Decryption (ENGINEER/INFILTRATOR/SENTINEL){CHR022}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Not the best skill in the world, you still need it to, well, decryptthings. For the highest decrypting ability, you only need nine ranks init, the last three only add minute bonuses to the Sabotage, Damping,and EMP abilities. The Sabotage ability itself is quite potent, however.150~ damage in a 10 meter radius with an additional 100 damage offire damage over 25 seconds isn't bad.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Sabotage|Rank 2 |Tech mine damage +10%|Rank 3 |Tech mine damage +14%|Rank 4 |Tech mine damage +18%, (Unlocks Electronics)|Rank 5 |Unlocks Advanced Sabotage|Rank 6 |Tech mine damage +20%|Rank 7 |Tech mine damage +22%, (Unlocks Hacking)|Rank 8 |Tech mine damage +24%|Rank 9 |Unlocks Master Sabotage|Rank 10|Tech mine damage +26%|Rank 11|Tech mine damage +28%|Rank 12|Tech mine damage +30%o=======oSabotageDoes 50 damage in a 6 meter radius, overheats enemy weapons, burnsthem for 2 damage/second.Duration: 15 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 60%Advanced SabotageDoes 100 damage in a 8 meter radius, overheats enemy weapons, burnsthem for 3 damage/second.Duration: 20 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 60%Master SabotageDoes 150 damage in a 10 meter radius, overheats enemy weapons, burnsthem for 4 damage/second.Duration: 25 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 60%Electronics (ENGINEER/INFILTRATOR/SENTINEL){CHR023}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Another must-have engineer skill. Not because it's terribly good, mindyou, just because you'll need it to get into things from time to time.The bonuses it gives are crap. The mako repairs just fine without muchinto this talent (should it even take much damage at all!) and 270shields is the worst defensive compliment 12 ranks in a talent can buy.Still, you'll need to have somebody with nine ranks in it, and 180shields isn't bad.. I guess.. Overload, on the other hand, is a greatability, as it will all but knock out most shields (600 points ofdamage) and deal a hefty 150 damage in a ten meter radius. Also, that30% damage vulnerability is nice.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Overload|Rank 2 |Shields +30, Restores Hull +400|Rank 3 |Shields +60, Restores Hull +600|Rank 4 |Shields +90, Restores Hull +800, (Unlocks Damping)|Rank 5 |Unlocks Advanced Overload|Rank 6 |Shields +120, Restores Hull +1200|Rank 7 |Shields +150, Restores Hull +1400|Rank 8 |Shields +180, Restores Hull +1600|Rank 9 |Unlocks Master Overload|Rank 10|Shields +210, Restores Hull +2000|Rank 11|Shields +240, Restores Hull +2200|Rank 12|Shields +270, Restores Hull +2400o=======oOverloadDoes 50 damage in a 6 meter radius, does 200 damage to enemy shields,makes them 20% more vulnerable to damage for 10 seconds.Recharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 60%Advanced OverloadDoes 100 damage in a 8 meter radius, does 400 damage to enemy shields,makes them 25% more vulnerable to damage for 10 seconds.Recharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 60%Master OverloadDoes 150 damage in a 10 meter radius, does 600 damage to enemy shields,makes them 30% more vulnerable to damage for 10 seconds.Recharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 60%Engineer (ENGINEER){CHR024}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->What can I say? It reduces recharge time on your techs, and give youtech protection. Not bad. Not the best, but something a dedicatedengineer would want.o=======o|Rank 1 |Recharge Time -4%, Tech Protection +6%|Rank 2 |Recharge Time -6%, Tech Protection +9%|Rank 3 |Recharge Time -9%, Tech Protection +12%|Rank 4 |Recharge Time -10%, Tech Protection +15%|Rank 5 |Recharge Time -12%, Tech Protection +18%|Rank 6 |Recharge Time -14%, Tech Protection +21%o=======oFirst Aid (ENGINEER/INFILTRATOR/SENTINEL/SOLDIER){CHR025}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->What a boner of a skill. There's nothing to recommend this one for.The amount you'll heal with first aid is pathetic, even at the highestlevel, and since that's all this tree does.. it's just pathetic. Don'tbother unless you NEED ranks in it to unlock something else. If you haveANY regeneration at all, this talent is completely and utterly useless.Really, this talent would only be useful if they tripled the healingamount. Alas, no big loss, I still wouldn't get it.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks First Aid|Rank 2 |First Aid Heals 50|Rank 3 |First Aid Heals 60|Rank 4 |First Aid Heals 70|Rank 5 |First Aid Heals 80, (Unlocks Medicine)|Rank 6 |Unlocks Advanced First Aid|Rank 7 |First Aid Heals 110|Rank 8 |First Aid Heals 120|Rank 9 |First Aid Heals 130|Rank 10|First Aid Heals 140|Rank 11|First Aid Heals 150|Rank 12|Unlocks Master First Aido=======oFirst AidRestores 40 health for all wounded party membersRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 30%Medi-gel: 1 unitAdvanced First AidRestores 100 health for all wounded party membersRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 30%Medi-gel: 1 unitMaster First AidRestores 1800 health for all wounded party membersRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 30%Medi-gel: 1 unitFitness(INFILTRATOR/SOLDIER){CHR026}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->An absolutely fantastic talent for those lucky few who have it. It'sprimary purpose is increasing health (which it will do to the tune ofa whopping 30%.) But to make life better, it bestows the wonderfulImmunity ability, which.. well.. makes you Immune. To bullets. Anddeath.o=======o|Rank 1 |Health +10%|Rank 2 |Health +14%|Rank 3 |Health +17%|Rank 4 |Unlocks Immunity|Rank 5 |Health +20%|Rank 6 |Health +22%|Rank 7 |Health +24%|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Immunity|Rank 9 |Health +26%|Rank 10|Health +28%|Rank 11|Health +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Immunityo=======oHacking(ENGINEER){CHR027}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Since a good many of the enemies you'll be fighting in Mass Effect arerobots (geth) you'll get the chance to use this a bit. Generally, Iprefer more direct methods of causing damage, but this can always stunta large force of enemies. Mind you the key words in the ability names..'basic', 'more advanced' 'all but the toughest'.. without getting thebetter version of the ability, you wont be hacking anything but uselessmachines you could easily dust off anyway. The bonus you gain from thistalent remains constant, so if you're an engineer, you might as well seeit through to the end.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Hacking|Rank 2 |Recharge Time -6%|Rank 3 |Recharge Time -9%|Rank 4 |Recharge Time -12%|Rank 5 |Recharge Time -15%|Rank 6 |Recharge Time -18%|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Hacking|Rank 8 |Recharge Time -21%|Rank 9 |Recharge Time -24%|Rank 10|Recharge Time -27%|Rank 11|Recharge Time -30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Hackingo=======oHackingDrives basic robotic enemies berserk.Duration: 20 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced HackingDrives more advanced robotic enemies berserk.Duration: 25 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 80%Master HackingDrives all but the toughest robotic enemies berserk.Duration: 30 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 80%Infiltrator (INFILTRATOR){CHR028}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Infiltrator gets a bonus to their weapon cooling, and a bonus totech explosion damage. Think about it though.. how good is a bonus oncooldown on sniper rifles? One shot and you're waiting, is 10% reallygoing to make a big difference? Anyway, the 15% bonus you gain to yourdamage is nice, because it affects all your talents that deal explosivedamage.. but 15%? That's only 25 damage for Sabotage if it is at rank12, and that's the strongest such skill the Infiltrator has. If you'rein doubt, at least get one rank and wait on the rest.o=======o|Rank 1 |Heat Buildup -5%, Tech Damage +5%|Rank 2 |Heat Buildup -6%, Tech Damage +7%|Rank 3 |Heat Buildup -7%, Tech Damage +9%|Rank 4 |Heat Buildup -8%, Tech Damage +11%|Rank 5 |Heat Buildup -9%, Tech Damage +13%|Rank 6 |Heat Buildup -10%, Tech Damage +15%o=======oIntimidate (SHEPARD){CHR029}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The opposite of charm, what goes for it, goes for intimidate, with theexception that intimidate responses tend to end with better lines, amore forceful approach, and more *ahem* permanent solutions. Again, ifyou want a level 60 Shepard, and plan to do multiple play-throughs withthe same Shepard, DO NOT SPEND ANY POINTS INTO THIS TALENT.o=======o|Rank 1 |Sets Intimidate Score at 1, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 2 |Sets Intimidate Score at 2, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 3 |Sets Intimidate Score at 3, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 4 |Sets Intimidate Score at 4, opens up new dialogue options,||Sell items to stores for 2% more credits|Rank 5 |Sets Intimidate Score at 5, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 6 |Sets Intimidate Score at 6, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 7 |Sets Intimidate Score at 7, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 8 |Sets Intimidate Score at 8, opens up new dialogue options||Sell items to stores for 5% more credits|Rank 9 |Sets Intimidate Score at 9, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 10|Sets Intimidate Score at 10, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 11|Sets Intimidate Score at 11, opens up new dialogue options|Rank 12|Sets Intimidate Score at 12, opens up new dialogue options||o=======oLift (ADEPT/SENTINEL/VANGUARD){CHR030}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->A nice little bit of reverse-gravity type telekinesis, lift causesenemies within a radius to.. well.. lift up in the air. This has anumber of effects, chiefly that while lifted, they are helpless. Witha 12-second duration at the highest rank, that's a good little window.Also, with master lift, even geth colossi are affected, leaving turretsand thresher maws as just about the only unaffected enemies. When theduration ends, everything affected falls, and takes damage from saidfall. A very nice biotic ability indeed. The mid-unlocking ranks aresomewhat bonerific, as increasing the duration for .4 seconds is alame way to spend a talent.. but getting master lift is worth it.Really, they could have increased something else, too.. the talentsin between the unlocking ones simply feel like a waste-an obligatoryexpenditure to get to another rank. Ah well. Biases.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Lift|Rank 2 |Duration 6.4 seconds|Rank 3 |Duration 6.8 seconds|Rank 4 |Duration 7.2 seconds|Rank 5 |Duration 7.6 seconds|Rank 6 |Duration 8 seconds|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Lift|Rank 8 |Duration 9.4 seconds|Rank 9 |Duration 9.8 seconds|Rank 10|Duration 10.2 seconds|Rank 11|Duration 10.6 seconds|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Lifto=======oLiftLifts everything within 4 meters of the target into the air, renderingenemies immobile and unable to attack. Drops them when it expires.Duration: 6 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced LiftLifts everything within 5 meters of the target into the air, renderingenemies immobile and unable to attack. Drops them when it expires.Duration: 9 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 60%Master LiftLifts everything within 6 meters of the target into the air, renderingenemies immobile and unable to attack. Drops them when it expires.Duration: 12 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 40%Medic (ENGINEER/SENTINEL){CHR031}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The most bonerific of all the specializations, it takes a crappy talentand tries to make it less crappy by providing insignificant bonuses,resistances you don't need, and giving it an ability another talent canalready do. It also significantly reduces the recharge time of FirstAid and Neural Shock.o=======o|Rank 7 |Recharge Time -15%|Rank 8 |Recharge Time -18%|Rank 9 |Recharge Time -21%, Neural Shock Specialization|Rank 10|Recharge Time -24%|Rank 11|Recharge Time -27%|Rank 12|Recharge Time -30%, First Aid Specializationo=======oNeural Shock SpecializationIncreases the duration by 25%, +40 toxic damage.First Aid SpecializationImproves the healing amount of Medi-Gel by 80, ignores toxic damage,and allows First Aid to revive allies.Medicine (ENGINEER/SENTINEL){CHR032}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The brother of a boner skill, you can rightly expect this one to bea boner too. At least it has a moderately useful ability in it. NeuralShock isn't great, as it only works on organic enemies.. few of whichare all that tough (Krogan Battlemasters being the exception). I don'tsuggest this skill, as there are just other, better talents out there.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Neural Shock|Rank 2 |Recharge Time -6%|Rank 3 |Recharge Time -9%|Rank 4 |Recharge Time -12%|Rank 5 |Recharge Time -15%|Rank 6 |Recharge Time -18%|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Neural Shock|Rank 8 |Recharge Time -21%|Rank 9 |Recharge Time -24%|Rank 10|Recharge Time -27%|Rank 11|Recharge Time -30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Neural Shocko=======oNeural ShockKnocks out an organic enemy for 1 second, inflicts 40 toxic damage.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 60%Advanced Neural ShockKnocks out an organic enemy for 3 second, inflicts 80 toxic damage.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 60%Master Neural ShockKnocks out an organic enemy for 5 second, inflicts 120 toxic damage.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 60%Nemesis (ADEPT/VANGUARD){CHR033}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Nemesis specialization focuses on giving your biotics more bang fortheir buck, but not a bit of defensive power.o=======o|Rank 7 |Throw Damage +4%, Duration +4%|Rank 8 |Throw Damage +6%, Duration +6%|Rank 9 |Throw Damage +8%, Duration +8%, Warp Specialization|Rank 10|Throw Damage +10%, Duration +10%|Rank 11|Throw Damage +12%, Duration +12%
|Rank 12|Throw Damage +14%, Duration +14%, Lift Specializationo=======oWarp SpecializationIncreases the damage of Warp by 25% and increases the radius by 2meters.Lift SpecializationIncreases the radius of Lift by 4 meters.Operative (ENGINEER/INFILTRATOR){CHR034}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Operative talent decreases the cooldown time of Damping, Sabotage,and Overload, and gives Specializations in the latter two abilities,making them significantly more powerful.o=======o|Rank 7 |Recharge Time -4%|Rank 8 |Recharge Time -6%|Rank 9 |Recharge Time -8%, Overload Specialization|Rank 10|Recharge Time -10%|Rank 11|Recharge Time -12%|Rank 12|Recharge Time -16%, Sabotage Specializationo=======oOverload SpecializationIncreases the radius by 2 meters, +50 damage, +200 shield damage, andreduces the enemies defense by an additional 5%.Sabotage SpecializationIncreases the radius by 2 meters, +50 damage, +1 damage per second,increases the duration by 5 seconds.Pistols(ADEPT/ENGINEER/INFITRATOR/SOLDIER/VANGUARD){CHR035}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Pistols are decent weapons.. and they really have to be, since a goodnumber of classes are restricted to them. A high-level Marksman abilityis pretty much like using an assault rifle for a limited time. Still,it's the weakest of the guns out there, even if it is more user-friendlyin the beginning.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage +5%, Accuracy +10%|Rank 2 |Damage +8%, Accuracy +14%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Marksman|Rank 4 |Damage +10%, Accuracy +17%, (Unlocks Shotguns)|Rank 5 |Damage +12%, Accuracy +20% (Unlocks Sniper Rifles)|Rank 6 |Damage +14%, Accuracy +22% (Unlocks Basic Armor)||(Unlocks Shotguns)|Rank 7 |Damage +16%, Accuracy +24%|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Marksman|Rank 9 |Damage +18%, Accuracy +26%|Rank 10|Damage +19%, Accuracy +28%|Rank 11|Damage +20%, Accuracy +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Marksmano=======oMarksmanBoosts accuracy 60%, increases rate of fire 1 round/second,reduces heat 30% to compensate.Duration: 10 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAdvanced MarksmanBoosts accuracy 60%, increases rate of fire 1.5 rounds/second,reduces heat 40% to compensate.Duration: 13 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAdvanced MarksmanBoosts accuracy 60%, increases rate of fire 2 rounds/second,reduces heat 50% to compensate.Duration: 16 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsSentinel (SENTINEL){CHR036}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The Sentinel gets a cooldown time bonus from their class talent, whichis nice, as it applies to all their basic skills. They also get bonusesto pistols here, which is sorely needed. Of course, if you get AssaultRifles as a bonus talent, you don't really need this, do you?o=======o|Rank 1 |Cooldown -3%, Pistol Damage +2%, Pistol Accuracy +4%|Rank 2 |Cooldown -5%, Pistol Damage +4%, Pistol Accuracy +7%|Rank 3 |Cooldown -7%, Pistol Damage +6%, Pistol Accuracy +10%|Rank 4 |Cooldown -8%, Pistol Damage +8%, Pistol Accuracy +13%|Rank 5 |Cooldown -9%, Pistol Damage +10%, Pistol Accuracy +16%|Rank 6 |Marksmano=======oShock Trooper (SOLDIER){CHR037}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->One of the options you get from completing the assignment UNC: Rogue VI,this talent makes a soldiers days among the living even longer, bygenerously extending ones health and damage protection.o=======o|Rank 7 |Health +18%, Damage Protection +6%|Rank 8 |Health +20%, Damage Protection +8%|Rank 9 |Health +22%, Damage Protection +10%, Immunity Specialization|Rank 10|Health +24%, Damage Protection +12%|Rank 11|Health +26%, Damage Protection +14%|Rank 12|Health +28%, Damage Protection +16%, Adrenaline Bursto=======o SpecializationImmunity SpecializationReduces the recharge time of Immunity by 25%Adrenaline Burst SpecializationReduces the recharge time of Adrenaline Burst by 25%Shock Trooper (VANGUARD){CHR038}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->One of the options you get from completing the assignment UNC: Rogue VI,this talent makes a soldiers days among the living even longer, bygenerously extending ones health and damage protection.o=======o|Rank 7 |Health +18%, Damage Protection +6%|Rank 8 |Health +20%, Damage Protection +8%|Rank 9 |Health +22%, Damage Protection +10%, Barrier Specialization|Rank 10|Health +24%, Damage Protection +12%|Rank 11|Health +26%, Damage Protection +14%|Rank 12|Health +28%, Damage Protection +16%, Adrenaline Bursto=======o SpecializationBarrier SpecializationImproves the power and duration of barrier by 25%, regenerate 40shields per second.Adrenaline Burst SpecializationReduces the recharge time of Adrenaline Burst by 25%Shotguns (SOLDIER/VANGUARD){CHR039}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Shotguns stand right behind assault rifles in terms of laying the smackdown in Mass Effect. Everything you'd expect shotguns to do, they do.They're best used at close range, and a good shot can really go a longway towards putting an enemy down. Their rate of fire is slow, so it'sreally a play style choice whether you like them over assault rifles.Assault rifles take concentrated fire, and shotguns force you to getclose and deliver a few well-placed shots.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage +5%, Accuracy +10%|Rank 2 |Damage +8%, Accuracy +14%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Carnage|Rank 4 |Damage +10%, Accuracy +17%|Rank 5 |Damage +12%, Accuracy +20%|Rank 6 |Damage +14%, Accuracy +22%|Rank 7 |Damage +16%, Accuracy +24%|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Carnage|Rank 9 |Damage +18%, Accuracy +26%|Rank 10|Damage +19%, Accuracy +28%|Rank 11|Damage +20%, Accuracy +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Carnageo=======oCarnageFires a blast of particles inflicting weapon damage +50% to any enemywithin 2 meters of its impact point.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 40%Advanced CarnageFires a blast of particles inflicting weapon damage +100% to any enemywithin 2 meters of its impact point.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 40%Master CarnageFires a blast of particles inflicting weapon damage +150% to any enemywithin 3 meters of its impact point.Recharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 40%Singularity (ADEPT){CHR040}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Singularity is considered by many to be the best biotic ability.. andhey, it works just like Lift, except instead of lifting your enemies, itdraws them towards a central point. I guess that's useful if you want tothrow a bomb at the singularity point to hit a lot of enemies at once.Essentially, use it like Lift, but wait a few seconds until the enemiesare clumped together and use more biotics/techs/grenades to takeadvantage of their relative proximity.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Singularity|Rank 2 |Radius 4.25 meters|Rank 3 |Radius 4.5 meters|Rank 4 |Radius 4.75 meters|Rank 5 |Radius 5 meters|Rank 6 |Radius 5.25 meters|Rank 7 |Unlocks Advanced Singularity|Rank 8 |Radius 6.5 meters|Rank 9 |Radius 6.75 meters|Rank 10|Radius 7 meters|Rank 11|Radius 7.25 meters|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Singularityo=======oSingularityCreate a vortex at its impact point that draws objects towards it.Radius: 4 metersDuration: 4 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced SingularityImproves duration and recharge time.Radius: 6.25 metersDuration: 6 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 80%Master SingularityImproves the radius and duration.Radius: 8.5 metersDuration: 8 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 80%Soldier(SOLDIER){CHR041}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Like Fitness, this is a fairly obvious essential Soldier talent. It addstwo things which are very nice: health, and health regeneration. Witha talent or two, it does so in very generous amounts.o=======o|Rank 1 |Health +4%, Regenerate 3 health per second|Rank 2 |Health +6%, Regenerate 3.5 health per second|Rank 3 |Health +8%, Regenerate 4 health per second|Rank 4 |Health +10%, Regenerate 4.5 health per second|Rank 5 |Health +12%, Regenerate 5 health per second|Rank 6 |Health +14%, Regenerate 5.5 health per secondo=======oSniper Rifles (INFILTRATOR/SOLDIER){CHR042}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Sniper rifles are valid for their one draw over any other weapon: theirrange. No other gun can take the niche the sniper rifle has, so I tendto get to at least Advanced Assassination. That said, it's not a fulluse weapon, so it doesn't take the same importance as the other guns.You'll use pistols, shotguns, and assault rifles primarily, but sniperrifles are always good for auxiliary purposes.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage +5%, Accuracy +10%|Rank 2 |Damage +8%, Accuracy +14%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Assassination|Rank 4 |Damage +10%, Accuracy +17%|Rank 5 |Damage +12%, Accuracy +20%|Rank 6 |Damage +14%, Accuracy +22%|Rank 7 |Damage +16%, Accuracy +24%|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Assassination|Rank 9 |Damage +18%, Accuracy +26%|Rank 10|Damage +19%, Accuracy +28%|Rank 11|Damage +20%, Accuracy +30%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Assassinationo=======oAssassinationNext shot will inflict weapon damage +50%.Duration: 20 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAdvanced AssassinationNext shot will inflict weapon damage +125%.Duration: 20 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsMaster AssassinationNext shot will inflict weapon damage +225%.Duration: 20 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsSpectre Training (SHEPARD){CHR043}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Spectre Training is a real mixed bag. It provides a lot of littlebonus to many things. Unfortunately, not many of them are overly highbonuses. Increasing your accuracy regeneration rate by tenths of a point?Anyway, the initial health boost warrants least a point into it. Inever found the Unity ability to be very useful, but if something goestragically wrong, it may well be worth getting at least the weakestversion of it.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +1%, Health +5%,||Accuracy +2%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +0.4%.|Rank 2 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +1.5%, Health +5.5%,||Accuracy +3%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +0.6%.|Rank 3 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +2%, Health +6%,||Accuracy +4%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +0.8%.|Rank 4 |Unlocks Unity|Rank 5 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +2.5%, Health +6.5%,||Accuracy +5%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +1%.|Rank 6 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +3%, Health +7%,||Accuracy +6%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +1.2%.|Rank 7 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +3.5%, Health +7.5%,||Accuracy +7%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +1.4%.|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Unity|Rank 9 |Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +4%, Health +8%,||Accuracy +8%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +1.6%.|Rank 10|Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +4.5%, Health +8.5%,||Accuracy +9%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +1.8%.|Rank 11|Damage/Duration of all powers and attacks +5%, Health +9%,||Accuracy +10%, Accuracy Regeneration/sec +2%.|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Unityo=======oStasis (ADEPT/SENTINEL){CHR044}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Anybody play D&D? Remember Otiluke's Resilient Sphere? What a uselessass spell. Why use it when you could use Stoneskin, Ice Storm, GreaterInvisibility, or something cool like that? Yeah. Well, Bioware playedD&D too, and its sci-fi equivalent is Stasis in Mass Effect. What auseless ass biotic. Why use it when you could use something like Throw,Lift, Warp, or Singularity? If you get the Bastion specialization,Stasis turns into a decento=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Stasis|Rank 2 |Duration 13 seconds|Rank 3 |Duration 13.5 seconds|Rank 4 |Duration 14 seconds|Rank 5 |Duration 14.5 seconds|Rank 6 |Unlocks Advanced Stasis|Rank 7 |Duration 17.5 seconds|Rank 8 |Duration 18 seconds|Rank 9 |Duration 18.5 seconds|Rank 10|Duration 19 seconds|Rank 11|Duration 19.5 seconds|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Stasiso=======oStasisMakes the target unable to move or attack, but also immune to damage.Squad members will not use Stasis unless it is selected from the PowerWheel.Duration: 12.5 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced StasisImproves the recharge time.Duration: 17 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 80%Master StasisImproves the recharge time.Duration: 21 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 80%Tactical Armor (INFILTRATOR/VANGUARD){CHR045}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The middle-ground of armor, this talent gives you access to mediumarmor, which is acceptable, if not ideal.o=======o|Rank 1 |Damage Reduction +5%, Hardening +5%|Rank 2 |Damage Reduction +8%, Hardening +8%|Rank 3 |Unlocks Shield Boost|Rank 4 |Damage Reduction +10%, Hardening +10%|Rank 5 |Damage Reduction +12%, Hardening +12%|Rank 6 |Damage Reduction +14%, Hardening +14%,||(Unlocks First Aid), (Unlocks Fitness)|Rank 7 |Damage Reduction +16%, Hardening +16%, Equip Medium Armor|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Shield Boost|Rank 9 |Damage Reduction +18%, Hardening +18%|Rank 10|Damage Reduction +19%, Hardening +19%|Rank 11|Damage Reduction +20%, Hardening +20%|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Shield Boosto=======oShield BoostRestores 30% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Advanced Shield BoostRestores 40% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Master Shield BoostRestores 50% of your shield per second.Duration: 2 secondsRecharge: 45 secondsAccuracy: 30%Throw (ADEPT/SENTINEL/VANGUARD){CHR046}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->This biotic sends your enemies flying, dealing some nice damage andtemporarily taking them out of the fight. Everybody takes so long tostand up.. lazies. Probably the third best biotic ability, afterSingularity and Lift, which both disable enemies for much longer. If youuse Singularity or especially Lift, you can use Throw to telekineticallythrow your enemies off cliffs for an auto-kill. Nice. Again, you gainyour best bonuses from the ranks which level up your Throw biotic,making the 50 Newton bonuses in between levels seem like obligatorysteps, rather than decent bonuses. Ah well.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Throw|Rank 2 |Newtons 650|Rank 3 |Newtons 700|Rank 4 |Newtons 750|Rank 5 |Newtons 800|Rank 6 |Newtons 850, (Unlocks Lift)|Rank 7 |Newtons 900, (Unlocks Lift)|Rank 8 |Unlocks Advanced Throw|Rank 9 |Newtons 1050|Rank 10|Newtons 1100|Rank 11|Newtons 1150|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Throwo=======oThrowThrows enemies away from the caster with a force of 500 Newtons.Radius: 4 metersRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 60%Advanced ThrowIncreases the force of Throw to 1000 Newtons.Radius: 5 metersRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 45%Master ThrowIncreases the force of Throw to 1250 Newtons.Radius: 6 metersRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 30%Vanguard (VANGUARD){CHR047}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->A Vanguard gains bonuses to their biotic protection and to their pistoland shotgun damage. I suppose the biotic protection is fine, it'llcertainly compliment their medium armor, but biotic damage or durationwould have been nice. Still, better than cooldown time, since you'llhave Adrenaline Burst anyway. The bonus to shotgun damage is especiallywelcome, and it somewhat encourages you to stick with those two weaponsinstead of adding assault rifles.o=======o|Rank 1 |Biotic Protection +6%, Damage +5%|Rank 2 |Biotic Protection +9%, Damage +6%|Rank 3 |Biotic Protection +12%, Damage +7%|Rank 4 |Biotic Protection +15%, Damage +8%|Rank 5 |Biotic Protection +18%, Damage +9%|Rank 6 |Biotic Protection +21%, Damage +10%o=======oWarp (ADEPT/VANGUARD){CHR048}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Warp damages enemies over time, and decreases their damage protection.This is a good biotic if you have buddies nearby to take advantage ofit, or if you're, say, a Vanguard. On the other hand, the damage Warpdeals is so paltry that the real reason to use it is the damagevulnerability, and if you're an Adept, you'll be hard-pressed to takeadvantage of the vulnerability.. you know, sucky weapon selection andall. Still, against tougher enemies, like Colossi and Krogans, it canreally speed things up.o=======o|Rank 1 |Unlocks Warp|Rank 2 |Duration 8 seconds|Rank 3 |Duration 9 seconds|Rank 4 |Duration 10 seconds, (Unlocks Barrier)|Rank 5 |Duration 11 seconds|Rank 6 |Unlocks Advanced Warp|Rank 7 |Duration, (Unlocks Singularity)|Rank 8 |Duration 14 seconds|Rank 9 |Duration 15 seconds|Rank 10|Duration 16 seconds|Rank 11|Duration 17 seconds|Rank 12|Unlocks Master Warpo=======oWarpInflicts 6 damage to the target every second, and lowers the target'sdamage protection by 50%Radius: 4 metersDuration: 7 secondsRecharge: 60 secondsAccuracy: 80%Advanced WarpInflicts 8 damage to the target every second, and lowers the target'sdamage protection by 60%Radius: 5 metersDuration: 13 secondsRecharge: 50 secondsAccuracy: 80%Master WarpInflicts 10 damage to the target every second, and lowers the target'sdamage protection by 75%Radius: 6 metersDuration: 20 secondsRecharge: 40 secondsAccuracy: 80%Alignment{CHR049}o======================================================================oIn Mass Effect you have a choice between either playing as a Renegadeor a Paragon, essentially evil and good. I'll be honest, there is littlevirtuous satisfaction in the game from what I've seen, and with themilitary background the Paragon path just comes off as playing anindecisive sissy. Renegade on the other hand is ruthless, coming offas uncompassionate and dedicated to getting the job done at whatevercost. Maybe I'm biased because of the Shepard I enjoy playing.. but itdoes just seem like the Renegade gets the best lines.. And pistolexecutions.Gaining Paragon/Renegade Points{CHR050}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Actions you take (usually initiated through dialogue options) affectyour Paragon/Renegade status. The two are not combative, despite how itmight sound. If you gain points of Paragon, you do not lose points ofRenegade, so it's not strictly good/evil, as in most RPGs. Picking theupper option in dialogue is usually the Paragon response, and the loweris the Renegade response, whereas the middle is neutral. You can checkyour Paragon/Renegade status in your "squad" menu, the blue bar to theleft of Shepard is your Paragon status, and the red bar to the right isyour Renegade status. Only Shepard has an alignment, which is too bad,because it would be interesting if your characters reacted to yourchoices more.. maybe in the sequel, eh? As near as I can tell, yourParagon/Renegade bars have about 320~ possible points.Charm and Intimidate{CHR051}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Charm and Intimidate represent your ability to affect people throughyour alignment. With Charm you can typically convince NPCs to see thingsyour way, and with Intimidate you can threaten them into obedience.Your Paragon/Renegade levels affect your Charm/Intimidate skills. Notethat Charming people tends to increase your Paragon, and Intimidatingtends to increase your Renegade. Some NPCs can only be Charmed orIntimidated if you have enough points in the corresponding skill. UsingCharm/Intimidate is often the best, most rewarding way to conclude anencounter with an NPC. Charm responses are usually on the top, and arecolored blue. Intimidate responses are usually on the bottom, and arecolored red.Free Maxing Intimidate and charm{CHR052}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->As your Renegade/Paragon level increases, it fills the bar you saw inyour squad screen. Notice the bar is split into portions. Every timeyou gain a certain amount of Paragon or Renegade points, you'll gain arank into Intimidate (Renegade) or Charm (Paragon) for free. On a'perfect' character, you can go multiple play throughs picking onealignment (or mostly one alignment, depending on what encounters givethe best rewards) and if you get all the paragon or renegade points, youget four free points to your charm or intimidate talents (three fromfree points through maxing out charm/intimidate, and an extra pointinto each from becoming a Spectre. If you use the infiniteParagon/Renegade points trick in Noveria*, or the infinite Paragonglitch on Eletania you can speed the process up, but the quickestyou can max both charm and intimidate without spending a single pointstill encompasses a good number of play throughs with that character.***The Eletania Glitch***The fact that I did not know about this glitch going into this FAQ justgoes to show how little I am able to scope out the forums of the gamesI play.. in any case, that's what e-mails are for! On Eletania, duringthe side-quest UNC: Lost Module (Attican Beta galaxy, Hercules system)you normally get a Paragon reward for searching the monkeys to find thedata module (as opposed to killing them.) If you don't kill any of thelittle critters and find the one that has the module you'll get a sixpoint Paragon bonus. Save as soon as you find the module and reloadyour recently-saved game. Search the monkey to continuously receiveyour reward of six Paragon points. Click on that monkey repeatedlyuntil you have a full Paragon bar! Erm.. Anyway, the monkey with themodule is in a mine in the north-eastern part of the map.***The Noveria Glitch***During the assignment where you're dealing with Lorik Qui'in, after youretrieved the OSD from the Synthetic Insights Offices, you'll beapproached by a lady named Gianna, asking you to convince Qui'in totestify against Anoleis. Do so, and tell him to testify against Anoleis.If you have 5 ranks in either Charm or Intimidate, you can convince him,and receive either +24 points in Paragon or +25 points in Renegade.Talk to him again and ask about Matriarch Benezia. Now you'll get theoption "Another Question". Select it, and it'll have the "TestifyAgainst Anoleis" option again. Keep doing this until you've maxed outyour Paragon/Renegade.My Character{CHR053}o======================================================================oAs I mentioned above, I decided to play a Ruthless Spacer. My class isa Soldier, and after some grinding with a toss-away character, I startout with Lift as a bonus talent. I plan to play the game through as aRenegade, but over the multiple plays I'll do, I'll cover both options.Leveling Advice - Low Levels (1-10){CHR054}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You start out with three talents to spend, and unlike me you wont besaving up points for dialogue options. For a Soldier I suggest gettinga point into Assault Rifles to net you an early damage/accuracy bonus.Also put a point into your class-specific skill (should be named thesame thing as your class) for some early regeneration. Otherwise yousimply will have to use Medi-gel to heal. When it becomes availablethrow points into Assault Training to unlock Adrenaline Burst, whichinstantly replenishes your cooldown time on all abilities.. essentiallyallowing you to use them an extra time per Adrenaline Burst cool down,a very handy thing indeed. On my Soldier I also put a point into Lift,just so it's an option. If you're NOT a soldier, get a point into yourmost powerful weapon and then try to unlock offensive abilities, justso you have something to use. Going around with a pistol as your solemethod of killing is not going to make for an easy game.Leveling Advice - Mid Levels (11-30){CHR055}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->For classes with multiple armor types, you should-by level 20 certainly-have access to the heaviest armor you can wear. Other than that I wouldsuggesting getting nine ranks in decryption and electronics so you canhandle any such task. For NPCs, leveling up their 'class' talent isoften a good idea, as it adds a fairly wide spread amount of bonuses,and there's only six ranks. This is especially good for characters whogain regeneration from it. Other than that, work on unlocking abilities,even low-leveled ones, the more the merrier. It's better to have twoweak biotic attack forms you can use than one strong one. At least thatway you'll have something to use if your first attack doesn't work asexpected, or if another threat comes up when the first ability isrecharging. At least get one weapon ability (if applicable) so you havesomething to fall back on if the fight turns fierce(r). And if youhave immunity and/or adrenaline rush.. be sure to get some form ofthose abilities unlocked. You don't need to max a weapon yet, or anarmor, just make sure you have abilities to use. And remember, you getmore out of a talent earlier in the tree, so diversifying will make astronger character than specializing. Give Shepard one point intoSpectre training. 5% health bonus is good.. after that, .5% isn't sogreat. Contrary to the previous rule, maxing immunity and adrenalinerush early are good ideas. The sooner you get master immunity, thesooner you have 80% damage resistance with a 20sec duration and a 30seccool-down.. two-thirds of the time you'll be nearly invulnerable. Anda good adrenaline rush makes every talent more accessible. When yougain access to your specialty class, be sure to get up to rank 7 forthe bonuses it will provide.. maxing it out sometime isn't a bad idea,either.Leveling Advice - High Levels (31-60){CHR056}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Max things out. Seriously. Turn what's good into great, and leave what'sgood enough alone. Lets look at decryption for example.. Getting tomaster sabotage is good-you need to anyway to do hard decryptions-butlook at the last three ranks. You get a whopping 6% damage with thesabotage ability. That's nine points of damage. Is that really worththree talent points? Max your primary weapon. NPCs are lousy snipers,so why bother with it? Who really needs a shotgun AND an assault rifle?Do one, and do it well. Max your career talent, max your armor, maxtalent trees that end with an ability, it's usually worth it. If youhave extra points after all that, go wild.
I decided to put this section after the character creation section justso newcomers would be a little more familiar with the game before cominghere. In any case, I'll explain the strengths and weaknesses of the NPCsyou can recruit in the game as I see them.Ashley{NPC002}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Everything you would expect from a Soldier, she has all the skillsShepard would have except Charm, Intimidate, a bonus talent (ifapplicable) and ..well, you'll find out. She can provide the muscle ifyou need it. She's also a possible romantic interest for Shepard ifyour Shep is male. Don't rely on both her and Kaiden though, if youplan to play the game through for Kaiden's achievement, look somewhereelse for your muscle.Garrus{NPC003}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Pretty much your standard Infiltrator, but with a few differences.Firstly, instead of pistols he has the assault rifle talent, which is avast improvement. Also, instead of fitness, he has assault training,instead of immunity he'll get adrenaline rush, which.. well, immunity isawesome, but assault training isn't a terrible substitute. Hissurvivability wont be as good as a Shepard-Infiltrator, but with thetrade for assault rifles, he'll be pretty damn close offensively. Ifthere's anything wrong with him, I'd say it's a shame to have to throwaway so many talents into first aid to get electronics, but it's only aminor gripe.Kaiden{NPC004}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->If you don't want to have anything to do with Electronics or Biotics,Bioware was nice enough to give you Kaiden.. he's a waste of space whenit comes to combat, but fortunately he will cover the essentials ofdecryption and electronics. Offensively, lift and throw are the onlytwo abilities he's got, but defensively the fact that he has bothbarrier and electronics helps him somewhat. He's the romantic interestfor Fem-Shep, and other than blue chicks, he's all you got in thatdepartment. Don't get too attached to both Kaiden and Ashley, as youwill not be finishing the game with an all-human party. I really can'trecommend him in any case, as Garrus will work just as well withelectronics, but much, MUCH better in combat, and Wrex is everythingKaiden is as a biotic, but with the best combat abilities in the game-a soldier Shep excluded.Liara T'Soni{NPC005}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Your very own Adept! She has no weaponry proficiencies, and no armorproficiencies. She's about as inept in a straight-forward fight as youcan be, so she's drastically confined to her biotics. As a slightconsolation she has Electronics to give her some extra shielding, notto mention overload, and in case anybody wanted it (I don't) she hasfirst aid, so at the least she can be a nearly complete collection ofall the skills I don't like on my main character. She doesn't seem tofit well with either Garrus or Wrex, who each have a smattering of herabilities (plus great combat talents). And mixing her with Kaiden issure to give you the weakest combat strength in the game. Also, unlikeKaiden, Tali, or Garrus, she won't fulfill your electronics/decryptionneeds by herself.. meaning you'll need one of them along as well. Forthat reason, they all seem like much more complete and powerfulcharacters than Liara. She can be a romantic interest for either maleor female Shepard, and although her interactions with Ashley can behumorous, that's about all she's good for. Also on a personally biasednote-she just annoys the hell out of me. She's the last NPC I wouldwillingly take with me into any situation.Tali'Zorah nar Rayya{NPC006}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->What they don't have in numbers, planets, sovereignty, dignity, ormilitary prowess, they make up for with long names. Your Quarian buddyseems like a waste of an NPC to me. Besides Kaiden and Liara, she's themost bland NPC out there, essentially just serving as a representativeof one of Mass Effects alien races, instead of being an actualcharacter. Anyway, gripes aside she fills the roll as your NPCEngineer, or 'Quarian Machinist,' as the case may be. She's got all theskills of a Engineer, but with one exception.. the normal Engineer skillmedicine has been replaced with shotguns. This is in every way afavorable trade, as it adds some punch to a normally punch-less class.Mind you she still doesn't have the armor to be going out slaughteringthings, but shotguns are still a good talent to have.. even if assaultrifles would be more fitting for a character not suited for closecombat.. Between Quarian engineer and electronics, she'll have a fairlyhigh number of shields, but that doesn't make her a slayer in harderdifficulties. Think of her as a more offense-capable engineer. Granted,Garrus has her hopelessly out-gunned in the offensive/defensive arena..and he does have slightly more personality too.. Ah hell, just go withGarrus, he's got everything you need from an engineer, and he can standup longer in a fight, too.Wrex{NPC007}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Wrex is a 'Krogan Battlemaster', a modified version of the Vanguard.He comes with both assault rifles and shotguns, he can wear heavyarmor, and he can use four biotic abilities. Not to mention the factthat he gets fitness, which in turn grants him Immunity. Frankly, he'sas strong of a character as there is in Mass Effect. The fact thathis Krogan Battlemaster talent increases his regeneration and physicsresistances only enforces this. Get him some good Geth Armory heavybody armor, and a good gun, and he's unstoppable. Still, I don'trecommend him for the first playthrough, as..***SPOILERS******SPOILERS******SPOILERS******SPOILERS******SPOILERS******SPOILERS***On Virmire, you'll be forced into a tough spot with Wrex when hediscovers that Saren's goons have found a way to remove the genophage,and are breeding Krogans to fight. Needless to say, he'll be somewhatconflicted. Only if you have a fairly high charm/intimidate will you beable to get through the mandatory conversation with him without killinghim.There is another way, however. If he trusts you enough by Virmire, hewill back down without a charm/intimidate option coming up. Getting hisfamily armor makes this possible (see the sidequest Wrex: Family Armor).I know that including him in your squad is not a factor, so just talk tohim after every story mission (Citadel, Artemis Tau, Feros, and Noveria)and during the confrontation on Virmire pick the paragon responses ateach stage of the conversation.Party Selection{NPC008}o======================================================================oSo who to use? The simple answer is to pick a good blend of abilities..but as with most simple answers, it's flawed. You need a character withDecryption and Electronics. Once that requirement is satisfied, whoelse you pick is moot. Frankly, Garrus and Wrex are the two best NPCsin the game. Garrus will settle your Decryption and Electronics needs,and both can use assault rifles. Garrus can use medium armor, and Wrexgets the best heavy armor in the game. Both also have a slew ofabilities to provide them with depth, and Adrenaline Rush (Garrus) andImmunity (Wrex). You can't go wrong! On your first play through, youmay wish to leave Wrex behind, unless you plan to spend points on eithercharm or intimidate. In which case, Ashley makes a good substitute. Infact, my first party for this FAQ was Ashley and Garrus.If you already have Decryption and Electronics, feel free to replaceGarrus, but aside from Wrex and Ashley, no other character is morepowerful in a fight. No matter what you do, I'd suggest having one ofthose three in your party.. If you're a soldier yourself, Garrus isprobably the indispensable pick. Wrex is the most powerful NPC in thegame, and Ashley is a good filler who won't annoy you by dyingconstantly. Remember, you can use NPC powers, but you can't keep themfrom being morons and force them to get under cover. Under thesecirc*mstances, it's probably best to get NPCs who will be able tosurvive direct fire.Romances{NPC009}o======================================================================oAh, the famous romance scenes of Mass Effect. Not as deep or interestingas the ones in Baldur's Gate, and not as graphic as the nude scenes inDante's Inferno, the mini-games in the God of War series, or the showerscene in Heavy Rain.. just to list a few recent examples. Why so muchdrama then? Well, because it was tagged as 'virtual rape' by a moron ina blog and got a story of Fox News, literally tagged 'Sexxbox'. Butenough history off the top of my head, the real deal is that like inmany Bioware games you can romance one of your NPCs as follows:Ashley (Romances Male Shepard)Kaiden (Romances Female Shepard)Liara T'Soni (Romances both Female and Male Shepard)Notes on Romancing NPCs<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Over the course of the game you'll find you can chat to your partymembers. The best times to do this are in the Normandy after each majorstory mission. For most of your characters you'll get some side-questto go on, which range from interesting to useful. The NPCs that canbe romanced will chat you up, and if you're nice to them you caneventually pursue a romance with them. Unfortunately there's no downtimein Mass Effect, so you don't really go on 'dates' or.. really.. doanything as a couple.. until nearly the end of the game. So you mightnot really know you're romancing an NPC at all, aside from lightdialogue flirting. If you are romancing two NPCs (either Ashley orKaiden depending on your gender and Liara) you'll eventually have tomake a choice. For Female Shepard, this involves privately letting oneof the two go. For Male Shepard, this involves a ridiculousconfrontation with corny catcalls voice-acted by a robot with all thepersonality of Altair in the first Assassin's Creed (I hate the malevoice for Shepard.) In any event, talk to your romance-interest afterevery story mission and play nice with them, flirt, whatever. You don'treally need to have them tag along with you, just as long as you don'tignore them for half the game. Romancing in Mass Effect is a fairlystraight-forward and simple process. As you head towards Ilos late inthe game, you'll get a chance to consummate your romance. Even then,however, you can still turn it down. Virtual org*smic rape indeed.
Prologue: Eden Prime
Sequence of Events:{WLK001}1) What About Shepard?2) Pessimistic Pressly3) Anxious Jenkins4) Talk to Nihlus5) Landing on Eden Prime6) Red-Shirt Jenkins7) Rescuing Ashley8) Duck and Cover9) Husk Hill10) Goodnight, Manuel11) Look at the Size of it!12) Nihlus, Nevermore13) Train station14) Protecting the Spaceport18) One Hell of a Hangover19) Chatting with Chakwas20) Exploring the Vehicle Bay21) Destination: CitadelNormandy: Command Decko======================================================================o1) You start out with a nice little cutscene, after which you'reimmediately put into a conversation with Joker and Kaiden. Pick the topoptions for some Paragon, and the low options for some Renegade.Apparently Joker doesn't trust Nihlus, a Turian Spectre. Theconversation ends with Shepard being tasked to report to CaptainAnderson in the comm room.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Speak to the Captain***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Council Races//TuriansPrimary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems AllianceSecondary- Personal History Summary//ProfileSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Timeline<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Note the mini-map on the bottom right of the screen. You can use thisto find your objectives. In this case, Captain Anderson is oppositeJoker, so head down the ship away from the co*ckpit. In the NavigationRoom you'll hear Navigator Pressly arguing. Chat him up. He doesn'ttrust Turians either, and is suspicious about the pretenses of thisbeing a shakedown run, considering how the Normandy is staffed. Hmm..***CODEX***Primary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//First Contact WarSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starship Sensors<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Continue on until you hear more arguing, this time between CorporalJenkins and Doctor Chakwas. Jenkins is playing the gung-ho marine andChakwas is arguing for restraint.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Spectres<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Head into the Communications Room and talk to Nihlus. He'll grill youa bit before Captain Anderson shows up, and reveals the truth. Ta-da,everybody in the back.. front.. was right, it's not just a shakedownrun. Oh, also you're a candidate for becoming a Spectre. Not that it'sa foregone conclusion or anything.. After talking a transmission fromEden Prime comes in.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Head to the Dig Site***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Extinct Races//ProtheansPrimary- Planets and Locations//Region: Terminus SystemsEden Prime: Surfaceo======================================================================o5) Now you're in control of Shepard in a combat situation. First thingsfirst, I head into my inventory and toggle off my helmet with (LB). Ididn't spend time customizing my Shepard so I could stare at a helmetall game. Move ahead into the swamp and take a right until you find anupgrade kit (on your map it's the alcove north-east of where youstarted.) Head back the opposite way and go to head up the path on thewestern side of the map.***CODEX***Secondary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Upgrades<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) A couple of 'Geth Recon Probes will come out and pop Jenkins. PoorRed-Shirt Jenkins. Anyway, inspect his body and respond as youralignment-whim dictates.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Continue to Dig Site***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Kinetic Barriers ("Shields")<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) After dealing with Jenkins, continue to head north and deal with anyprobes you might find. when you get to the top of the hill loot theupgrade kit and follow the path right into the forest. Keep goingforward, skirting along the western-most edge of the map to pick up themedical kit along the wall. Go far enough forward and you'll get acutscene of a marine being chased by some probes. After the cutscene isdone, save her from a pair of Geth Troopers. Initiate dialogue with her.Regardless of how you play through things, she'll end up joining yoursquad. Pump her for information and continue on.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +4Renegade +4***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Geth<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Loot the crate and upgrade kit and head down the hill. You'll get alittle tutorial on taking cover and have several more geth to waste.Loot the crate by the dig site, then head to the dig site andinvestigate.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Investigate Research Camp***CODEX***Primary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Body Armor<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Head up the hill to the east of the dig site. At the top you'llencounter a new variety of geth, the husk. They have some strongdischarge attacks, so don't let them get too close. Make sure to grabthe upgrade kit behind the geth spikes.***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures//Husks<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Search the two research trailers, the left one only has a pair ofcrates, but the right will introduce you to decryption and everybody'sfavorite mini-game. If you mess up, save/reload, or use up 25 omni-gelto open the door. Once you get in, the Dr. Warren will initiatedialogue. If you whack Manuel, you'll get a significant boost to yourRenegade rating.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Head to Spaceport***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +9<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Continue heading to the spaceport. You'll get a cutscene which willintroduce you to Saren. Keep going until the terrain starts to headdownhill. There are a new geth troopers and husks about. Kill them andhead over to the trailer to the right. Loot the crate and decrypt thedoor. As soon as you do, Cole and his friends will talk with you. Afteryou go to leave, one of Coles friends will spill the beans on somesmuggled equipment. Get him to give you the gun. Cole also representsthe first chance to use Charm or Intimidate, but since I'm not spendingany points on them, I'll just have to ignore those options for now.Inside the trailer you'll encounter a storage locker that requiresElectronics to open. Open the squad menu, select Kaiden, and level upDecryption to rank 4 in order to unlock Electronics. Purchase a singlerank in it for now.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 1 rank in either Charm or Intimidate, you can convinceCole to give you a Combat Sensor.If you have 2 ranks in either Charm or Intimidate, you can get Coleto give up Powell as his smuggling contact.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Charm Cole once)Paragon +2 (Charm Cole twice)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Cole once)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Cole twice)***ITEM***Stinger IICombat Sensor I<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Head up to the Spaceport now and investigate Nihlus' body. Powellwill pop up from behind some crates and nearly get shot before initiatingdialogue. He'll tell you that Saren killed Nihlus. If you found out fromCole that Powell is his contact at the Spaceport, you can force him togive you some grenades he was stealing.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Take the Train***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 2 ranks in either Charm or Intimidate, you can get Powellto give you the experimental High Explosives he was stealing.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Charm Powell)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Powell)***ITEM***High Explosives I<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Pick up the medical kit south of Nihlus and the upgrade kit that inthe fire east of where Nihlus died. Some Geth troopers will come up andharass you from the north. Head down the stairs and onto the trainplatform. Watch out for the geth destroyer, as it can shoot a missilethat will do serious damage to you. Head up the platform killing Gethas you go. If you found any armor-piercing rounds by now, it might beworth your while to equip them onto a gun. Make sure to pick up themedical kit on the way. When you're done slaughtering geth activate thelift and watch a cutscene.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) The Geth are planning to bomb the spaceport. Fun. All the bombs areshown on your mini-map, so finding them all in the five minutes isn'tterribly stressful. The Geth snipers and storm troopers might be though.Disarm the bomb directly off the lift and head up the stairs. Follow thepath until you can either go left or right. Take the bridge across tothe right and deal with the Geth nearby. Don't forget you can hold down(A) in combat to storm (rush) if you're taking fire. You can also storminto an opponent, which will make you deal a powerful melee attack.. butI wouldn't suggest making this a common practice. Disarm the bomb inthe corner and move up. There are two storm troopers and two snipersahead, but I found that one Overkill from a secure position was enoughfor all of them. Be careful though, like the destroyers, storm trooperscan shoot a missile that deals heavy damage. They can also put upannoying barriers that are easy enough to shoot through. Go up a littleways and disarm the third bomb, and head all the way to the end of thisside of the station to disarm the fourth.As an amusing aside, the first time I played this game, I decided thebest option was to sit back and use a sniper rifle to pick off theenemies. Lets just say that, not only was the computer a better shotthan me, but trying to fire a sniper rifle without being proficient islike trying to tread a needle while drunk..Anyway, after you're done here head to the area to the west. Pick upa crate on your way and head down some stairs. You'll have to fight apair of troopers and some husks. Once they're dead, do some looting(avoid the beacon for now). There's a storage locker near some stairs,and another at the far south end of the complex. To the north there'sa technical kit. Once you've looted all those, interact with thebeacon for a cutscene.Normandy: Quarterso======================================================================o15) After some lengthy dialogue you're back in control of Shepard.Before talking to Joker however, there are some things to do. Search theMedi-gel dispenser before heading out of the room.***MISSION***Prologue: Find the Beacon//Speak to Joker***CODEX***Primary- Citadel and Galactic Government//CitadelSecondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Station StatisticsPrimary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Medi-Gel<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Head outside and talk to the people in this level.. Dr. Chakwas hassome information on biotics, and you can get a bit of Paragon if you'renice to Ashley. If you were an ass to Ashley throughout Eden Prime,and continue to be so here, you can also score a bit of Renegade for
continuing to harass her. After you're done head down the elevator tothe vehicle bay.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Technology//BioticsSecondary- Technology//Biotics: Biotic Amps<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) There are a few things you can do down here. Check the FieldIntegrity Monitor in the engine room for a Codec, and the M35 Mako foranother. Next talk to the Requisitions Officer. Most of the stuff he hasis junk, and well out of your price range, but you might want to pick upthe Grenade Upgrade and Medigel Upgrade. Take the elevator back up andhead up to the Command Deck.***CODEX***Primary- Ships and Vehicles//Vehicles: M35 MakoPrimary- Technology//Mass Effect FieldsPrimary- Technology//Omni-tool<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Go into the comm room and examine the FTL Comm Link. In theNavigation room examine one of the consoles named NAVMANUAL 1.4.1.After you've found those two Codexes, go talk to Joker.***CODEX***Secondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems Alliance: Military JargonSecondary- Technology//Communications
Sequence of Events:{WLK002}1) AmbASSador Udina2) More Freaky Aliens3) Reception Area and Avina4) C-Sec HQ5) Conversing with the Consort6) History Lessons from Avina7) Visit the Emporium8) Volus at the Bank9) To the Citadel Tower10) Scanning keepers11) Presidium Prophet12) Talking to Barla Von13) Scanning more Keepers14) Flux and Wards Access15) Talking to Emily Wong16) Flux17) The Markets18) Chora's Den19) Recruiting Garrus20) To Citadel Security21) Recruiting Wrex22) Jahleed's Fears23) Chatting with Chellick24) Traffic Control25) C-Sec Requisitions26) Talking to Chorban27) Making the Pickup28) Jahleed's Secret29) Taking Down Fist30) Saving the Quarian31) Speaking to Xeltan32) Homecoming33) Speaking with Sha'ira34) Expose Saren35) Kahoku Missing Men36) Talk to Garoth37) Deliver Information38) More Trouble for Dr. Michel39) Talking to Morlan40) Flux Redux41) Signal Tracking42) Helena Blake43) Exploring the Docking Bays44) Back to the Normandy45) Shepard's Speech46) Command Deck47) Quarters48) EngineeringCitadel: Presidiumo======================================================================o1) When you're back in control decrypt the computer console in Udina'sOffice to get the Assignment "Unusual Readings", and access to the HydraSystem of the Argos Rho cluster.***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//Go to the Tower***ASSIGNMENT***Unusual Readings//Investigate System***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Council<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Exit Udina's Office and take a right to the Volus and Elcor Office.Inside you'll find Xeltan, a troubled Elcor, Calyn, and Din Korlack.Talk to the latter two, since you can't help Xeltan just yet.***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Racers//ElcorPrimary- Aliens: Non-Council Racers//Volus<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Exit the Volus and Elcor office and head down the hallway, passingUdina's office, and exiting the door to the left. Go down the stairsand talk to the Embassy Receptionist for some Codexes. Head oppositethe receptionist and talk to Avina for another Codex.***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Council Races//AsariSecondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Station: Presidium RingPrimary- Technology//Computers: Virtual Intelligence (VI)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Head up the stairs opposite the ones leading to the embassies and gointo the door across the hall. Search the consoles-the DiplomaticArchives-for a pair of Codexes. Leave the room and continue down thehallway, entering the C-Sec HQ to the left. Talk to Executor Palin foranother Codex, and be sure to decrypt the computer for the assignment"Strange Transmission" which gives you access to the Century System inthe Hawking Eta cluster. Exit C-Sec and head back to the reception area.Go across the bridge to the Consort Chambers.***ASSIGNMENT***Strange Transmission//Find the Commune***CODEX***Secondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel ConventionsSecondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Treaty of Farixen'Secondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Station: Citadel Security Services (C-Sec)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Nelyna will initiate dialogue with you. When you leave, the Consortdecides she wants to meet with you after all. No three months forShepard! Go speak with her and she'll give you the assignment "Citadel:Asari Consort".***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Asari Consort//Speak with General Septimus<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Leave the Consort's building and take a left. Keep going until youfind an Avina terminal near a large statue. Talk to Avina and learnsome history.***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Extinct Races//RachniSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan: Krogan Rebellions<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) When your ignorance burden has been lightened a bit head right andacross the way you'll find the Emporium, run by a Hanar shopkeeper.. ajellyfish alien. You can buy a number of human and non-human items, butmost of it is out of your price range. You can also pick up the SittaFoundation License here.. but it's really not worth it.***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//HanarSecondary- Technology//Credits ("Creds")<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Leave and turn left and enter the next door you see. Talk to BarlaVon for some Codexes.***CODEX***Secondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Station: Wards<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Locate on your map the Citadel Tower (on the far western edge) andhead over there. Outside is a third Avina terminal. After talking,head into the elevator opposite Avina. Head out of the elevator when itstops and go up some stairs to interrupt a conversation between Palinand Garrus. Continue in the same direction and go up some more stairs,where Anderson is waiting. You can't sway the council here, but you cansay some things to affect your alignment. Be sure to ask Anderson abouthis past with Saren after the hearing. You now have two more missions,"Citadel: Shadow Broker" and "Citadel: Garrus". Since Barla Von iscloser, lets deal with him first.***MISSION***Citadel: Shadow Broker//Go See Barla VonCitadel: Garrus//Speak to HarkinCitadel: Expose Saren//Investigate Saren***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//KeepersPrimary- Technology//Mass RelaysPrimary- Aliens: Council Races//SalariansCitadel: Towero======================================================================o10) Now that we have more tasks than we know what to do with, lets getsome more! Head down the stairs and talk to the Salarian named Chorban,who is tinkering with a Keeper. Agree to help him out to get theassignment "Citadel: Scan the Keepers." You have 21 keepers to scan,each of which will get you some creds and xp. Start with the one rightin front of you. Head right past Rear Admiral Kahoku to scan keeper #2,turn around and head back up to the council chamber, the third keeperis in the far south-west corner behind the pillars. Head back down thestairs and stick to the left, past the pillars, to find keeper #4. Nowhead back to the Presidium.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Scan the Keepers//Scan the Keepers<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Scan the keeper right by the Avina terminal, then head left. Beforetaking the bridge (right) to Barla Von, there's a Hanar arguing witha C-Sec officer. Talk to the C-Sec officer to get the assignment"Citadel: Presidium Prophet". Now talk to the Hanar. You can also agreeto help the Hanar. Either way, you have one of three options.. buy theHanar its permit, intimidate (either the Hanar or Turian) or charm(again, either one). If you buy the Hanar off, you'll get medi-gel, and10xp. In any case, when you're done with that situation head off to talkto Barla Von at the bank.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 7 points of charm, you can convince the C-Sec officerto lay off.If you have 4 points of intimidate you can convince the C-Secofficer to leave the Hanar alone. The Hanar will give you some medi-gel,and go on preaching.If you have 4 points of charm you can convince the Hanar to leavepeacefully. He will give you some omni-gel for your effort.If you have 6 points of intimidate you can convince the Hanar to stopbeing a pain in the ass.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Hanar/C-Sec Officer)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Hanar/C-Sec Officer)***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Presidium Prophet//Talk to HanarCitadel: Presidium Prophet//Talk to the HanarCitadel: Presidium Prophet//Resolve the DisputeCitadel: Presidium Prophet//Complete<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Barla Von will spill the beans on a krogan mercenary who was hiredto deal with Saren, which unlocks the mission "Citadel: Wrex". You canget another codex from him, too.***MISSION***Citadel: Wrex//Speak to Wrex***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Any mission you pursue now requires you to head to the wards.. butbefore that, lets sweep for keepers to scan. Number seven is in theemporium, take the stairs to the back and turn left to find the littleguy. Leave the emporium and take a right to find keeper #8. Head to thefront of the consort's chambers, where you'll find keeper #9. Headacross the bridge to the embassies. You'll find a keeper in the Volusand Elcor office, one in the room across from the C-Sec HQ, and one onthe walkway behind the embassy lounge. I now loop around back to theelevator near where the Hanar prophet is/was, scan keeper #12, who isby the stairs leading down, and head down to the wards.Citadel: Flux and Wards Accesso======================================================================o14) Head down the tunnel towards the next elevator. Take a left into thelast room before the elevator and scan the keeper before continuing onto the Wards.Citadel: Upper Wardo======================================================================o15) Go straight ahead into the door opposite the elevator to enter intoa large open area. Head to the opposite side of the area (south on map)to investigate the 'Scenic View' for a cutscene. Take your happy bunchof FNGs to the west and talk to Emily Wong. Agree to help her out forthe assignment "Citadel: Reporter's Request." If you turn her down,she'll show up again later after you get the data she wants and askagain.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Reporter's Request//Look for Information<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) North of Emily Wong are some stairs to Flux. Take them and continueto Flux. Head up to the bar and talk to Rita. Agree to help her withher sister for the assignment "Citadel: Rita's Sister." You can talkto Doran, but he doesn't really have anything vital to add. Headupstairs and scan the keeper. Also investigate the 'Suspicious GamblingMachine' before you go to get the assignment "Citadel: Signal Tracking."***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Rita's Sister//Talk to JennaCitadel: Signal Tracking//Track the Signal<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Leave Flux and head back down to the large open area. Take a rightafter the stairs to go to the Upper Markets. There's a keeper to scanin the north-western corner, near a 'Volus Shopper.' Talk to Expat andask about Feros and Noveria for some Codexes. You can also a secondMedigel Upgrade from him, if you have the creds, and the ElkossLicense.. which I don't suggest. Last thing to do is talk to ConradVerner, which starts the assignment "Citadel: The Fan." Head down thestairs to the Lower Market. If you've got the creds, Morlan is sellinga Grenade Upgrade, and another Medigel Upgrade, as well as the ElanusLicense. Head through the market to Chora's Den.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: The Fan//Conrad Verner***CODEX***Primary- Planets and Locations//Planets: FerosPrimary- Planets and Locations//Planets: NoveriaCitadel: Lower Wardso======================================================================o18) On the approach to Chora's Den you'll get attacked by two assassins.They can be rough on a new Shepard, but lift goes a long way towardsneutralizing them. They won't be here if you have Garrus or Wrex inyour party. Anyway, head on into the Den. Talk to Jenna to progressthat assignment, then talk to Septimus. Keep on his case and you canresolve this without charm or intimidate. He'll also offer you theassignment "Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint." Make sure you also talk toHarkin, which was your point in coming here. He'll tell you some gossipabout Anderson, and tell you that Garrus is in the Med Clinic. Time topay him a visit. On your way out a Turian will bump into you and tellyou to meet him at the C-Sec Academy. All in good time. Note that ifyou didn't talk to Barla Von about Wrex you'll encounter the Kroganmaking threats in the bar.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 4 ranks of charm, you convince Septimus to act like anofficer. Really, the charm/intimidate responses on this guy seem tobe pretty much the same.If you have 4 ranks of intimidate, you'll tell General Septimusto stop whining and act like an officer.***MISSION***Citadel: Garrus//Go to the Med Clinic***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Asari Consort//Speak with Sha'iraCitadel: Rita's Sister//Return to RitaCitadel: Rita's Sister//Talk to ChellickCitadel: Xeltan's Complaint//Speak to Xeltan***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 4 points of either charm or intimidate, you can get thegeneral to stop being such a whiner.Citadel: Upper Wardso======================================================================o19) Leave Chora's Den and go up the stairs rather than going back throughthe market. Run through the Alleyway and scan the keeper on your waythrough. Once you get into the large open area, head over to the MedClinic area, investigating the 'View of Nebula' opposite the door, andscanning the keeper beyond the Med Clinic-by the Citadel Rapid Transit.Now enter the Med Clinic. The good doctor is being harassed by a thug,which Garrus promptly drops, provoking a fire fight. Drop the remainingthugs and talk to Garrus/Michel. Accept Garrus into your party. It's nowtime to head to the C-Sec Academy and acquire Wrex.***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//Take Down FistCitadel: Garrus//Complete***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//QuarianSecondary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel Station: Serpent Nebula<---------------------------------------------------------------------->20) Head out of the Med Clinic and take a right to go down the stairsnearby. A Volus and a human nearby will be talking, which should triggera Codex. Head down the stairs, investigate the 'Public ExtranetTerminal' scan the keeper, and talk to Officer Lang if you wish. Enterthe door and go into the elevator.***CODEX***Secondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: DreadnoughtSecondary- Technology//Communications: AdministrationCitadel: Securityo======================================================================o21) Go up the stairs to the left to trigger a cutscene involving Wrex.Get Wrex to join your party and then go up the stairs he was standingnear to reach the C-Sec Offices.***MISSION***Citadel: Wrex//Complete<---------------------------------------------------------------------->22) In the first room on the right you'll find Jahleed talking to aC-Sec officer. He thinks his business partner-Chorban-is trying to killhim. Offer to help him and he'll give you the assignment "Citadel:Jahleed's Fears."***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Jahleed's Fears//Talk to Chorban<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) Now go into the last room on the left, before the stairs. Insideyou'll find your good friend Chellick. You can either charm/intimidatehim into getting Jenna out of the Den, or you can do a little job forhim. Since I don't have the talents to charm or intimidate him, I deal.Keep in mind that this mission doesn't expire any time soon, and if youturn down Chellick, you can also return when you have morecharm/intimidate if you want to go about it that way. If youcharm/intimidate you'll get a small boost to your paragon/renegade, andyou can still do his job for him (see Step #7 below), makingcharm/intimidate your best option for solving this case. Still, for howhigh the requirements are and how low the reward is, it's not a bigdeal if you just do Chellick's job without the charm/intimidate.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 7 ranks of charm you can convince Chellick to let getJenna out of danger.If you have 6 ranks of intimidate you can tease Chellick, which resultsin him cutting Jenna loose.***ALIGNMENT***+2 Paragon (Charm Chellick)+2 Renegade (Intimidate Chellick)***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick//Make the Pickup<---------------------------------------------------------------------->24) Head up the stairs to Traffic Control. Search the three 'TrackingTerminals', the 'Weapons Locker', and scan the keeper.***CODEX***Primary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Small ArmsSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: CruisersSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: FightersSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: Frigates<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Head back down to the Atrium and go down the stairs opposite thosethat lead to the C-Sec Offices to reach the Requisitions Office. Scanthe keeper and talk to the Requisitions Officer. He can sell you theAldrin License, and later you can get Specter Gear from him.Citadel: Lower Wardso======================================================================o26) Now it's time to head back to the markets-you might as well, sinceChora's Den is right next to it. Taking the rapid transit is as good asany other way to get there, unless you're dying for some scenery. Youcan now either bother with Jax or Chorban, in whatever order pleasesyou. I start with Chorban. Chorban spills the beans without much fuss.You can agree to stop researching for him, or to keep on going.. If youstop, you get a large boost to your Paragon. You might as well stopworking for Chorban, seeing as how the rewards are better with Jahleedif you do, not counting the Paragon. Either way, to finish thisassignment, you need to talk to Jahleed. Note that if you want to finishscanning the keepers, you must do so BEFORE talking to Chorban, butAFTER talking to Jahleed. After Jahleed rats out Chorban, scan all thekeepers and come talk to Chorban.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Jahleed's Secret//Talk to Jahleed***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Citadel: Securityo======================================================================o27) Now it's time to deal with Jax. You really only have two choices, gothrough with the deal, or leave a few corpses in your wake. Either way,head back to the C-Sec Academy after you're done.If you go through with the deal you get a nice reward from Chellick whenyou get back, including omni-gel, grenades, a weapon mod, a large boostto your Paragon rating, and the standard experience and credits forcompleting a quest.On the other hand, if you waste Jax, you get the multiple joys ofshooting things, and pissing off Chellick. Also, you get a huge Renegadebonus by doing things this way.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe//Complete***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +9<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) Talk to Jahleed. If you agreed to help Chorban, you're stuck withhelping Jahleed. If you turn him in, the quest ends and you get somecredits and experience. If you get him to bribe you out of turning himin, you'll get significantly more credits. You can also get him to bribeyou, and keep scanning for him by choosing the top or middle optionsafter choosing the 'Payment' option. If you charm/intimidate him,nothing really changes except you get some paragon/renegade points aswell as the reward. As you can see, it's far more rewarding to charmhim than it is to intimidate him. Note that even though you can agree tokeep scanning for Jahleed, if you stopped scanning earlier with Chorban,you CANNOT go back and keep scanning. Stupid lying Volus.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Jahleed's Set Free//Complete***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 7 ranks of charm you can convince Jahleed into doing hiswork legitimately.If you have 7 ranks of intimidate, you can scare Jahleed into goinglegit.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Jahleed)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Jahleed)Citadel: Lower Wardso======================================================================o29) Head down to Chora's Den to find the place locked down and swarmingwith enemies. Take things slowly, as a barrage of shotgun fire at a lowlevel will put an end to your meddling quick-like. Watch out for theKrogan Bouncer, as he's a fairly competent fighter. (I save my Lift forhim.)After they're dead head into the back, where you'll be confronted bytwo warehouse workers. If you don't have enough charm/intimidate,you'll have to kill them. If you do, you can get them to leave andnab a few points of paragon/renegade for your trouble. Experience tokill them, alignment to tell them to take a hike, it's your call. Idon't know the exact number of ranks in charm/intimidate it takes, butI'll put down my ranks at the time of the encounter (on the secondplay through) as a known number that will work, even if they *might*be higher than you need.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 3 ranks in charm Shepard will tell the workersthat this would be a good time to seek employment elsewhere. Theirresponse is actually fairly humorous, and worth a go.If you have at least 4 ranks in intimidate, you can point out that youjust wasted fifty guards. They'll realize that two is fewer than fiftyand decide that they don't stand a chance against Shepard. My, howShepard likes to exaggerate..***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Charm workers)Renegade +2 (Intimidate workers)Rob the weapons locker and go through some more doors to come intoconflict with Fist, who will activate two turrets that pretty muchdemand you take cover at lower levels. One Overkill should suffice,and once you destroy both turrets, or down Fist, the fight ends. Ifyou've played the game a bit, you'll recognize Fist's black and redarmor as Colossus Armor, heavy armor at that! Where the hell he gotthat is anybody's guess. It's a shame he doesn't drop it though.Either way, after the fighting Fist surrenders. If Wrex is in yourparty, the conversation will only go on so long before Wrex kills Fist.Otherwise it's up to you to let him go, or to execute him-Shepard style.No matter what you choose, you get no goodie points for it, so I shootFist-if Wrex doesn't do it for me. Make sure to pick up the 'OpticalStorage Disc' and loot the wall safe before you leave.***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//Save the Quarian***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Reporter's Request//Deliver Information***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) You have four minutes to reach the Quarian.. which is actually agreat deal of time, so don't kill yourself getting there. Remember tofire in bursts if you've got an assault rifle to clear the baddies inthe Den. Head into the Alleyway through the door to the left of the doorthat leads to the Lower Market (remember scanning that keeper here?)Once you trigger the cutscene the timer is off, and you can deal withthe assassins at your leisure.Once they're all dead, taking ensues, and you end up back at Udina'sOffice. Turn's out the Quarian's evidence is.. overly convenient, butdamning none-the-less. After all the chatter Tali ends up in your party,and you've got a date with the Council..***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//Return to the Tower***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Quarian: PilgrimageCitadel: Presidiumo======================================================================o31) ..But since you're so close, you might as well finish up thatbusiness with Xeltan (Volus and Elcor Offices) and the Consort. Go intothe office and talk to Xeltan. Pick the top option both times, as the'renegade' responses don't net you any points. Now head out of theembassies.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Xeltan Convinced//Complete***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->32) As you head down the stairs you'll find Samesh Bhatia. If youlistened to some of the stuff on the elevator, you might have heardabout his wife.. Anyway, he wants you to try and help him get hiswife's body back for cremation.Soo... take a detour to the Embassy Lounge and talk to Clerk Bosker.You have a number of approaches for this assignment. You can talk toBosker and find out they're using the body for research, then tell thehusband that you cant fix it. There's no reward for this pathwhatsoever, so it's not even worth doing. Alternatively you can talk toBosker and charm/intimidate him into giving the body back. Finally, youcan talk to Bosker, and go back to Bhatia and charm/intimidate him.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Homecoming//Talk with DiplomatCitadel: Homecoming//Make a DecisionCitadel: Homecoming//Complete***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 2 points of either charm or intimidate you can convinceBosker to release the body.If you have 3 points of either charm or intimidate you can getBhatia to come to terms with the military using her body for research.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Bhatia/Bosker)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Bhatia/Bosker)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->33) Now go over to the Consort's Chambers and talk to Sha'ira. If youdealt with the Xeltan before coming here (you should have) you'll geta 'small trinket' that will come in handy later. Also, if you chooseall the 'renegade' responses, you'll get an extra little treat as well.You might have heard about it, it was on FOX News.. anyway.. NOW it'stime to see the council, so head on to the Tower. You know the way.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Asari Consort//Complete***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Citadel: Towero======================================================================o34) The tune is a little different with the Council this time. Long storyshort, the Council concedes Saren's complicity, while ignoring theReapers. You play the maniac who knows the truth but isn't listened to.In any case, you become a Spectre (surprise..) and everybody is stillannoyed with everybody else. You now have access to the SpectreTraining talent, which is.. well, worth one rank, anyway. Also yougain a bonus rank into both Charm and Intimidate. You'll get this bonusevery time you play through the game, but we shouldn't need a dozenplay-throughs to max our Charm/Intimidate, should we?***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//Speak to the Ambassador***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Citadel: Towero======================================================================o35) Now that you've progressed the story a bit, prepare to be burdenedby more assignments. Head down the stairs and take a right to findRear Admiral Kahoku. He basically asks you to abuse your newfoundfreedom as a Spectre to do work for him. This unlocks the Sparta Systemin the Artemis Tau cluster.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Missing Marines//Find Recon Team<---------------------------------------------------------------------->36) Talk to Garoth and accept to look for his brother, unlocking theassignment "UNC: Privateers" as well as the Strenuus System in theHorse Head Nebula cluster. If you refuse to help him, you get renegade,and if you're super sweet and agree right off the bat, you get paragon.You can always refuse, then accept, so you don't really lose anythingeither way.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Privateers//Go to the Strenuus System***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Citadel: Upper Wardso======================================================================o37) Now it's time to pay Emily Wong a visit. Take the elevators down tothe Wards. You might hear some reports on the elevators that give youeven more assignments. All the better if you do. On the way from theelevator from the Presidium to the elevator to the Wards, head intothe first room on the left and investigate the 'Signal Source'-one ofthe glowing blue things on the wall-to update the assignment "Citadel:Signal Tracking."When you finally get to the large room in the upper ward, talk to Emily,who is at the same spot she was originally at. You can choose to declineyour previous deal, which will make Emily none too happy, but moreimportantly, yields no reward. You can also make good by deliveringFist's OSDs for a monetary reward. Of course, you can charm/intimidateher into giving you MORE credits, which is even better.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Reporter's Request//CompleteCitadel: Signal Tracking//Follow Signal to the PresidiumUNC: Hostage//Board FreighterUNC: Missing Survey Team//Find Missing Researchers***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 1 measly rank in charm or intimidate, you can convinceEmily to increase your reward. Either way, the reward is the same, plussome renegade points if you're mean.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2 (Intimidate Emily)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->38) Now we should go visit Dr. Michel, who has managed to get herselfinto trouble again. Agree to help her for the assignment 'Citadel:Doctor Michel. Head to the Lower Market.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Doctor Michel//Talk to MorlanCitadel: Lower Marketso======================================================================o39) Talk to Morlan. He'll appear confused. A blackmailer will come up,leaving you with a couple of solutions. You could always kill him, butthis isn't the best solution this time. I know, I'm saddened too.Alternatively you can charm/intimidate the blackmailer. Any otheroption results in a fight. When the blackmailer is dealt with, reportback to Dr. Michel and ask about Banes.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Doctor Michel//Talk to Doctor MichelCitadel: Doctor Michel is Safe//Complete***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 6 in charm, you can appeal to the krogan's senseof morality. Not surprisingly, it's harder to appeal to a krogan'sgood side than it is to threaten him.If you have at least 4 ranks in intimidate you can convince theblackmailer down an alternate path-one that doesn't end with a bulletsin him.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Blackmailer)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Blackmailer)Citadel: Upper Wardso======================================================================o40) Now I go visit Flux. On your way in, a naughty Salarian getsevicted.. with prejudice. Go talk to him and agree to help him cheatat Quasar. Go play some games. I'm not going to explain in depth, sinceit's simple odds and arithmetic. Suffice to say you want to get as nearto a score of 20 as possible with going over or you'll bust. The closeryou get, the more creds you win. Anything less than a 17 nets you a losson that round. Win five rounds and you're good to go. Win seven gamesand Doran will confiscate the device. Of course you could always justgive him the device for some creds. If there is honor among thieves,go talk to Schells when you have the device's quota. Now head back tothe Presidium to wrap up "Signal Tracking."***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Schells the Gambler//Speak to SchellsCitadel: Schells the Gambler//Scan the MachinesCitadel: Schells the Gambler//Speak to SchellsCitadel: Schells has his Data//CompleteCitadel: Presidiumo======================================================================o41) Go to the bank and investigate the electronics behind Barla Von. Nowhead over to the emporium and head to the back, going right this time.Investigate the 'signal source' to initiate dialogue with a rogue A.I.Whatever you do, the A.I. is dead-set on self-destructing, and takingyou with it. When it does so, simply enter Y-X-Y-A-X-A-A to disarm it,and take its stolen credits for yourself.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Signal Tracking//Complete***CODEX***Primary- Technology//Computers: Artificial Intelligence (AI)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->42) Between the emporium and the bank you'll find Helena Blake, whowants you to eliminate two of her fellow criminals. If you're noble andrefuse her, you still get the assignment, and a good bit of paragon toboot. If you choose the renegade option, you get a tid bit of renegade.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +2Citadel: Docking Bayo======================================================================o43) Now head to the Docking Bay, which is directly across from theelevator connecting C-Sec and the Presidium. You'll see Anderson andUdina outside the Normandy. Talk to them to find out Anderson has beensacked, and you now have control of the Normandy. You'll be given thelionshare of missions in the game, and sent upon your merry way toexplore the galaxy.. Finally! After all that, you finally get into themeat of the game. Talk to Anderson before you head out to get somemore info on Banes, and two Codexes. Following this guide, you shouldhave been rewarded with the Scholar Achievement at this point. Alsocheck the exterior of the Normandy in dock for some more Codexes.***MISSION***Citadel: Expose Saren//CompleteFind Liara T'Soni//Go To Artemis TauNoveria: Geth Interest//Go To NoveriaFeros: Geth Attack//Go to Feros***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//BatariansPrimary- Planets and Locations//Uncharted WorldsPrimary- Weapons, Armor, and Equipment//Mass AcceleratorsSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Weapons: Ablative ArmorNormandyo======================================================================o44) You now have a great bit of space you can explore, and exploring willinvariably only open up more systems and assignments. You can go toeither Feros, Noveria, or the Artemis Tau cluster to continue the story.To finish up your party, the Artemis Tau cluster is the most obviousstop, and it is what I will do first (story-wise). Of course, there area number of planets to explore, resources to find, and fights to pick.You can find assignments/exploration information later on in the guide,if you wish to simply cruise about space. Honestly, after all thatstory and leashed gameplay, I can't wait to go scope out some planets,and it is what I do next (chronologically). For organizationalpurposes, however, I will continue the FAQ with the Artemis Tau cluster.Regardless, the next step is to head into the Normandy. You get to makea little speech, and then it's time to explore a bit.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +4Renegade +4<---------------------------------------------------------------------->45) Search to the left of Joker and 'Look Outside' for a Codex. Talk toJoker for a few more Codexes. As you head up near the Galaxy Map,you'll trigger another Codex.***CODEX***Primary- Citadel and Galactic Government//Citadel SpacePrimary- Ships and Vehicles//NormandySecondary- Planets and Locations//Stations: Arcturus StationSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//FTL Drive: Appearance<---------------------------------------------------------------------->46) Now head down the stairs into the Quarters and search the computer inthe Captain's Office for a Codex. Examine one of the Sleeping Pods foranother, and Shepard's Locker for the final one on this level.***CODEX***Secondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems Alliance: Military RanksSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems Alliance: N7Secondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: Crew Considerations<---------------------------------------------------------------------->47) Take the elevator down to Engineering. Talk to Wrex, Tali, andEngineer Adams, all of whom have Codexes for you. Now head up to theCommand Deck, talk to Pressly for another Codex, and activate theGalaxy Map. You have access to the Serpent Nebula (the Citadel'slocation), the Horse Head Nebula (Noveria), Attican Beta (Feros), andArtemis Tau (Liara's Dig Site). Also the following optional areasshould be open to you: Exodus cluster, Argos Rho, Gemini Sigma,Hades Gamma, Voyager Cluster, Armstrong Nebula, Kepler Verge, andHawking Eta. While you're exploring, you may pick up the followingCodexes: when you scan your first planet, when you get your firstProthean Data Disk, when you find your first Turian Clan Insignia,when you find your first League of One Medallion. You'll also get somenew exploration-based assignments relating to the resources andartifacts you find. I highly suggest exploring, unless you are rentingthe game, or borrowing it, or for some other reason are just too busy tohandle the 'meat' of the game. For more information about exploration,look towards the beginning of the guide in the 'exploration' section.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Asari WritingsUNC: Prothean Data DiscsUNC: Valuable Minerals***CODEX***Primary- Ships and Vehicles//FTL DrivePrimary- Ships and Vehicles//Military Ship ClassificationsSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: League of OneSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: The Unification WarSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan: GenophageSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Quarian: EconomySecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Quarian: GovernmentSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Quarian: Migrant FleetSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Human Diplomatic RelationsSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems Alliance: Geological SurveySecondary- Aliens: Extinct Races//Protheans: Data Disks
Artemis Tau
Sequence of Events:{WLK003}1) Touching Down on Therum2) Refinery3) Enroute to the Ruins4) Battle at the Ruins5) One Way Trip6) Misusing Mining Equipment7) Escaping the Mine8) Normandy, Post-Therum9) Back to the CidatelTherum, Surfaceo======================================================================o1) Head over to the Attican Beta Cluster, Knossos System, and land onthe planet Therum. You'll do a good bit of the groundwork in the Mako.Just follow the.. well.. the only path you can take and avoid the lava.Along the way you'll hear/see a geth dropship pass overhead and leaveyou some company. As always, killing things out of the Mako nets youmore experience. You'll also get a Codex on geth armatures, which ifyou're like me, you've slaughtered by the dozen by now. You'll haveto fight a pair of armatures initially, which is no big deal, no matterhow you go about killing them.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Geth: Armatures<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) After a ways you'll come across a Refinery, the front gate of whichis guarded by a trio of turrets. The game wants you to head up the wraparound to the north-which you have to do anyway. If you're gutsy, youcan kill the turrets anyway, and head around. This path is guarded byone measly turret. Inside the Refinery grounds you'll fight numerousgeth troopers and a few destroyers. Kill them all and search thebuildings for loot, and to open the gates to continue on.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Once done, get back in the mako and continue north past the Refinery.A quartet of armatures and some geth ground forces lie ahead of you.The armatures can effectively snipe at you while being for all intentsand purposes out of your range. Get close to them and eliminate them.As with most things, I feel being on foot is easier than fighting inthe Mako. It's just a bigger, less maneuverable target than Shepardpersonally. Also by this point in the game, my firepower out-classesthe Mako too, but that might just be me. In any event, I just usethe Mako to get close to the fight, mop up on foot, and drive to thenext skirmish. Even After you reach the ledge the final two of thefour armatures are on you still have a bit of fighting to go. To thesouth lie rocket troopers and a geth colossus, which are solely intendedto cause life to be hell for the Mako. They largely succeed, but beingon foot makes you a difficult target for them. Drive through the tunneland kill the geth on the other sides. Go into another tunnel,exterminate the geth, and out the other side, where yet more geth awaitreprogramming.Therum: Ruinso======================================================================o4) Immediately up ahead, the path becomes too narrow for your old Mako.Good riddance. Continue on foot and dispatch a group of geth. Continueon to find more geth, this time with sniper support. Continue up untilyou reach the Mining Camp. When you get to the Mining Camp, you'll geta little cutscene introducing geth stalkers.. essentially fast-movingsnipers. Another geth dropship will come and leave you some company,including an armature. If you're not up to a full-strength assault,head to the opposite side of the building from the geth (should be toyour left from where the cutscene ends.) This should get you some coverfrom the geth armature, and split them up a bit. When all the geth aredead, head up into the mine shaft.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Geth: HoppersTherum: Ruins//Mineso======================================================================o5) Head deeper into the mine, killing the troopers and sniper that liein between you an the elevator. On route to the next elevator, you'llget attacked by a trio of assault drones. Take the next elevator down,but keep in mind-it's a one-way trip.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Travel down the ruined walk way until Liara T'soni initiatesdialogue. Talk to her to find out you need to get past the barrier she'strapped in to shut it off. Easy as goblin pie. Go the opposite directionfrom Liara and exterminate any geth in the way. Go to the 'Mining LaserControls' and enter the following sequence: A, X, B, Y, to get it tofire. Now the way to Liara is clear.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Go down the ramp you created, operate the lift, and go up to Liara.She insists in speaking to you again. Set her free and more talkingensues. Go up the elevator, and when you reach the top, you've got somegeth, and a krogan to deal with. Note that if you do not pick theparagon option the first time he speaks to you, "This ruin's comingdown", you will lose out on a fairly sizable chunk of experience. He canbe pretty tough at lower levels, focus on the geth first, and usewhatever biotics/techs you have to disable him. After he's dead Shepardand company make a run for it to escape the collapsing mine.Normandy: Post-Artemis Tauo======================================================================o8) You'll get to chat it up with the crew for a bit. After that's done,Joker will ask if you want to be patched through to the council. Noneof your choices here matter to your alignment, which is sort of silly,so answer however you please.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Extinct Races//Protheans: CipherAnyway, search the terminals near Navigator Pressly to pick up aCodex, and check the two 'Heat Load Monitors' on your way to theco*ckpit for more. Inside the co*ckpit, search the 'Gunnery Station'for another Codex.***CODEX***Primary- Ships and Vehicles//Space CombatSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Space Combat: Combat EnduranceSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Starships: Heat ManagementSecondary- Ships and Vehicles//Weapons: GARDIANIn the Quarters, you can talk to Liara to learn more about the Asari.(Mmmm.. Codexes..) Kaiden will also give you a Codex on this level.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Asari: CultureSecondary- Technology//Biotics: TrainingNow it's time to head to Engineering. I'm sure you can access some ofthese Codexes earlier, but for the sake of organization, lets justassume you did it here. Talk to Garrus again to learn more about him,C-Sec, Spectre candidacy.. blah blah blah, you get two Codexes from it.If you read up on it.. just as an asides, it's painfully obvious thatthe Turians were based around the idea of the Roman empire-post Marianreforms. Legions being reconstituted instead of replaced strikes similarto the Teutoburg Legions destroyed, XVII, XVIII, and XIX. Instead ofbeing reformed, they were retired, Rome never again had Legions XVII,XVIII, or XIX. Also, Romans recorded their legion's historiesindividually, like the Turians. They were famously 'heavy infantry', andthey-like the Turian Codexes say-relied on others (non-Romans) toprovide auxiliary support, namely in the form of archers, light infantry,and cavalry. The Marian reforms allowed the recruitment of non-patriciansinto the military, serving for a period of time. After non-Roman legionsretired, they were given land, and made Roman citizens. Sounds awfullyclose, eh? Now if the Turians had Eagles.. Anyway, you can also getGarrus to talk about a past incident at C-Sec that needs resolving.Ashley and Wrex also have a Codexes for you. Go into the engine room andcheck out the 'Core Charge Status'.***ASSIGNMENT***Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: BiologySecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: CultureSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: Military DoctrineSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Terra Firma PartySecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan: CultureSecondary- Aliens: Ships and Vehicles//FTL Drive: Drive Charge<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Once you're done pestering folks in the Normandy, it's time to headto your next destination. I prefer to tackle Feros next, so if you'relooking just to get through the story, head there. Before I do any morestory, however, I make a return trip to the Citadel, and take care ofsome business there.
More Sidequests on the Citadel
Sequence of Events:{WLK004}1) Inspection2) Interview3) Intercession4) Investigation5) Intervention6) Infatuation7) Interjection8) Normandy1) As soon as you get out of the Normandy, you'll see Rear AdmiralMikhailovich standing around, just waiting to cause trouble. He wantsto 'inspect' the Normandy, essentially stepping on your toes a bit.This is a somewhat interesting scenario, if you think about it from astory-line perspective. The Normandy is an Alliance vessel (createdwith help from the council) and therefore is technically under Alliancejurisdiction. Shepard too is an Alliance officer, and the rank of RearAdmiral is at least three ranks above Shepard's (assuming LieutenantCommander.) But as a Spectre, you really have some merit for notallowing Mikhailovich to assert his authority over you. What it comesdown to is whether you consider your Shepard to place more authoritywith the Alliance, or with the Council.. or if you're just a Renegadefor the hell of it, to use this technicality to tell a superior officerto shove off. Either way, there are a number of paragon/renegade optionshere. If you go renegade all the way and decide to not allow the Admiralto make his inspection, you'll gain a few points of renegade. If youallow him to inspect your ship, you'll get the option tocharm/intimidate him.. always the best course of action.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(about the 'inefficiency of the Normandy's design..)If you have at least 6 ranks in charm you can defend the Turian logicbehind the Normandy's design.
If you have at least 6 ranks in intimidate you can tell the Admiral thatyour crew isn't inexperienced.(about the prohibitive cost of the Normandy..)If you have at least 5 ranks in charm you can point out the Normandy'susefulness.If you have at least 5 ranks in intimidate you can insult the Admiral'slack of vision.(about the aliens onboard your ship..)If you have at least 7 ranks in charmIf you have at least 7 ranks in intimidate you can defend your right tochoose your crew.(any final remarks..)If you have at least 9 ranks in charm you can convince Mikhailovich thatthe Normandy is a sign of cooperation with the aliens, and makes theAlliance look good.If you have at least 9 ranks in intimidate you can tell Mikhailovichthat the Normandy is another human innovation that will surprise thealien races.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Charm Mikhailovich all four times)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Mikhailovich all four times)Renegade +2 (Refuse to let Mikhailovich inspect the Normandy)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head up the elevator to C-Sec. When you get out, you'll be botheredby a reporter named Khalisah Al-Jilani, who wants an interview. If youflat-out turn her down, you get nothing but a journal update. If youbelt the reporter, you'll get some renegade. In any event, morecharm/intimidate options ahead. She'll try to sway whatever you saynegatively.. against aliens, anyhow. If you're renegade, that shouldsuit you fine. If you walk out of the interview, you'll get someparagon. You'll get more experience and creds if you charm/intimidate,but you can get those anywhere. Don't play along with the reporter.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: The Fourth Estate***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(about placing the Citadel's needs before the needs of Earth..)If you have at least 2 ranks in charm you can defend the council'sauthority.If you have at least 2 ranks in intimidate you can defend your loyaltyto humanity.(about the Normandy..)If you have at least 3 ranks in charm you can mention the Turian'sinvolvement in the Normandy's design.If you have at least 4 ranks in intimidate you can ignore the input ofthe Turians into the Normandy's design.(about handing Earth's most advanced warship over to the citadel..)If you have at least 6 ranks in charm you can defend that the Normandyis still commanded and crewed by humans. (This skips the option below.)If you have at least 5 ranks in intimidate you can assert your-andthe Alliances-command over the Normandy. (This skips the option below.)(This option pops up only if you answered neutral on the questionbefore.)(about humanity getting the respect it deserves from the galacticcommunity..)If you have at least 8 ranks in charm you can say humanity will gainrespect when it earns it.If you have at least 7 ranks in intimidate you can remark that the wayto gain the respect of the galaxy is to do so through military prowess.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Head up to the Presidium, near the bank. A man named Michael will bearguing with a lady named Rebekah (I hate when they spell it with a'k'...) Anyway, talk to them. Michael wants the lady to get genetherapy for her baby to possibly prevent a genetic heart defect thebabies now-deceased father had. Rebe-KAH is worried that the therapymight hurt the baby. Listen to the argument, and choose either her sideor Michael's. Do whatever you wish, Michael is easier to charm, Rebe-KAHis easier to intimidate. Just make sure you get that juicy bonus toparagon/renegade, whatever you choose.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Family Matter***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(Michael)If you have at least 2 ranks in charm you can convince Michael that itis Rebe-KAH's decision.If you have at least 3 ranks in intimidate you can tell Michael thatyelling isn't solving anything.(Rebe-KAH)If you have at least 3 ranks in charm to convince Rebe-KAH to give thebaby a better chance than the father had.If you have at least 2 ranks in intimidate you can tell Rebe-KAH tonot endanger the baby.. doesn't SOUND very renegade, now does it? But,you do point your finger at Rebe-KAH in a very menacing and overlyaggressive sort of way.. so, I guess.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (charm Michael or Rebe-KAH)Renegade +9 (intimidate Michael or Rebe-KAH)***CODEX***Secondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Genetic Engineering<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Now take a trip to the Citadel Tower. Near the stairs leading up tothe council chamber, you'll find your old friend Emily Wong. This timeshe wants you to plant a bug in the Citadel Traffic Control Station,which you can reach via C-Sec. Agree to help (or not) to start theassignment. You get nothing for not accepting.. so you might as well.After you've accepted the assignment, you can talk to her again anddecide to charm/intimidate her. Each response will have the benefit ofcompleting the quest, getting you the reward, and nabbing you a heftybit of Paragon/Renegade. It is, as usual, the best choice, but if youdon't have enough ranks you can always just do the mission for her..Head back to C-Sec and into the Traffic Control room. You can plantthe bug in the upper-right corner of the room, in an 'InconspicuousLocation.' Go back to Emily and talk to her. Don't pick the renegadeoption and you'll score some paragon points for your 'good deed.'***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***Again, I was informed of this possibility via E-mail, so I could onlytest it with my second-run Shepard. Therefore I don't know the exactamounts of Charm/Intimidate it took, but I can at least tell you twoscores that work for sure.If you have at least 7 ranks in charm you can tell Emily there is nostory, and that she's not trying to help anybody, she's just fishing forratings.If you have at least 6 ranks in intimidate you can lie and tell Emilythat you already planted the bug.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Planting a Bug***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Paragon +8 (Charm Emily)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Emily)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Take the elevator on the Presidium down to the Wards. In the area'Citadel: Flux and Wards Access' you'll find a man named Zabaleta.He'll hit you up for some money. If you don't give him any, you'llget some renegade points. If you give him the money, you'll get someparagon. Either way, this starts up an assignment. Oh boy!***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (give Zabaleta money)Renegade +2 (call him a drunk)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Our old friend Conrad is back again, if you want to move theassignment, Citadel: The Fan further. It will be covered in the sidequest section.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Since I've done every side-quest available up until now, my Shepardis crazily wealthy, all my characters in play have Spectre weapons, andI am able to purchase the Kassa Fabrication license from theRequisitions Officer in C-Sec, and the Geth Armory license from Morlanin the Lower Market. I do so while on the Citadel and when I head backto the Normandy. I save in front of the Quarter Master and reload untilhe gives me what I want.. a suit of Colossus Heavy Armor. It's onlyColossus IX, but this is vastly, enormously, even stupidly more powerfulthan my Onyx IV. I shell out 600,000 credits and put on what will likelybe the best armor I find in this play through.. Now I have Spectre VIIweapons, and Colossus IX armor.. and I haven't even gone to Feros orNoveria, much less Virmire! Needless to say, I shouldn't have any troublefrom anything from here on out.Just for kicks, lets compare what I was wearing, to what I will wear forthe rest of this playthrough:
Armor TypeOnyx IV (Previously)Colossus IX (Currently)
ArmorHeavy ArmorHeavy Armor
Damage Protection3978
Tech/Biotic Protection016
Yeah.. Taking cover is now optional. You know, for when I want to feellike I'm playing a shooter. Pew! Pew!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Now head back to the Normandy. If you want to continue theassignment with Zabaleta, go into the comm room to talk to mom. It willbe covered more in the side-quest section. Otherwise, it's time forFeros.
Sequence of Events:{WLK005}1) Heading to Zhu's Hope2) Clearing the Tower3) Talking to the Blakes'4) Food Problem5) Power Problem6) Water Problem7) Talking Around Town8) To the Tunnels9) Through the Tunnels10) Geth in the Tunnels11) Meating some Varren12) Ian and Back Again13) Making Zhu's Hope Whole14) To the Weigh Station15) Upper Weigh Station16) To ExoGeni17) ExoGeni Main Level18) ExoGeni Midden19) Infiltrating ExoGeni20) ExoGeni Upper Level21) Back to the Weigh Station22) Back to Zhu's Hope23) Combating the Thorian24) Normandy, Post-Feros1) Head out of the Normandy and talk with a man named David. He'll tellyou that the colony's leader, Fai Dan, wants to speak with you. As soonas he's done talking, he gets wasted by a geth missile, and it's timefor some shooting. Waste the largely ineffectual geth ahead of you.Continue on ahead (there's really no way to get lost) until you reachsome stairs. You'll get attack by some geth stalkers. Keep going andyou'll reach the colony of Zhu's Hope. Move through the colony untilyou reach Fai Dan.. none of the colonists have anything particularlyinteresting to say just yet anyway. You'll find Fai Dan arguing witha lady named Arcelia Silva Martinez. Talk to him and you'll be shortlyattacked by more inept Geth.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Since nobody will talk further until the geth are gone, head on tothe north and clear the tower of geth. Your destination is marked onyour map with an '!'. Go north, up the stairs, and then to the west,killing geth as you go. When you get to the large open room marked asyour destination, you'll come under attack from shock troopers, recondrones, and snipers. After they're dead, more troopers and a destroyerwill drop in. After that the dropship above leaves, and it's time toreport back to Fai Dan. Chat Fai Dan up and he'll reveal a number ofproblems in Zhu's Hope, along with the location of the geth HQ. You canget some paragon/renegade points depending on how you respond to FaiDan. (Saying you don't care about the colonists is probably not aparagon response, eh?)***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Geth in the Tunnels***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Now that the initial fighting is done, it's time to explore Zhu'sHope. If you're expecting to find an interesting city.. well, not somuch, but there are assignments to pick up, and a place to drop offyour loot. We'll cover everything there is to do in Zhu's Hope at thispoint here. Head east from where Fai Dan is and go into the structurelabeled 'Zhu's Hope'. What a crappy city. Go into the room on the rightwith the Blakes' inside (no relation to Helena, I presume.) Talk toCalantha, how you respond determines whether you get Renegade, Paragon,or no alignment points. Her husband has little of interest to say.Search the 'Public Extranet Terminal' for a Codex.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Secondary- Technology//Communications: Methodology<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Head east some more within the structure to find Davin Reynolds.He'll tell you about the colony's food problem, and a somewhat primitiveway to neutralize it.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Varren Meat***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures//Varren<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Continue east out of the structure, and head as though you're goingback to your ship. Talk to May O'Connell, who is tinkering withsomething.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Power Cells<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Head down a little ways from May to talk to Macha Doyle, who ismonitoring a terminal attached to a pipe. She'll tell you about thecolony's water problem.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Water Restoration<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Now head back up around the structure. There's a Salarian merchantnamed Ledra that you'll go past, but he has little of interest to sell.If you do not already have the top of the line Spectre Gear, some of theHaliat weaponry can be pretty good.. still, not good enough to buy alicense for it, and in any event, unless you jumped right into the storyyou're probably well on your way to getting to 1,000,000 credits anyhow.Go up around the structure instead of taking the stairs and going aroundto Fai Dan and talk to Hana Murakami. Now go around and talk to Fai Danif you want to talk to him about the colonist's strange behavior. Youknow, the focusing single-mindedly on a problem they can't resolve, oralways referring you to Fai Dan when you ask about the colony. Thatstuff. His answer will leaving you wanting, so head off to complete yourtasks.Feros: Tunnelso======================================================================o8) If you look at your map, find the yellow arrows furthest north named'Stairs down to Tunnels'. That's where you're heading. You'll fight somegeth before you reach the tunnels, nothing you can't handle though.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Head across the bridge and go into the side-tunnel with all theconveniently placed concrete barriers. Just in case somebody gets intoa fire fight here. Kill the geth and activate the first two WaterValves, one at the beginning of the tunnel, and the other at the end,both near the stairs out.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Head down the tunnel some more until you get to a bridge on yourright, which you should take. A door is in front of you. Immediatelyafter the door opens aim up, as two geth snipers are waiting on a ledgeto ruin your day. There is also a trooper ready to shower you with deathdirectly opposite your position, and there are no good places to takecover (with the exception of retreating out the door.)Continue down the hallway and into a room where three Krogans await you.From now on, there's a tactic for dealing with Krogan-do not take cover.Krogan are not stationary fighters, and tend to charge your position.They are also fond of shotguns, regenerating health, using immunity, andgetting up close to melee, which shields DO NOT AFFECT. Keep moving, andtry to keep your distance. Krogan Battlemasters are just about the onlything that can kill you in later levels on higher difficulties.. asidefrom geth colossi, that is. Once they're dead, shoot up the gethtransmitter.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Geth in the Tunnels//Inform Fai Dan<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Now head back and take the door opposite the bridge (look at yourmap, it's there.) You'll get a cutscene introducing you to Varren. Takethem all out, and head up the ramp to find and eliminate the VarrenAlpha. Loot the place. The vehicle at the top of the ramp (one of thetwo things on fire in this room) has a 'Fuel Compartment' you canscavenge power cells from. Two birds, eh?***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Power Cells//Deliver Cells to May O'ConnellFeros: Varren Meat//Inform Davin Reynolds<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Go back to the tunnels and head north, into another side-tunnel withgeth friends. This time a sniper and a destroyer join the fun. The lastWater Valve is right next to the stairs, which you'll probably run pastin your slavering quest to annihilate the geth. Make sure to get itthough. Exit the tunnels, head north, and talk to Ian Newstead. He's uh,a little strange. Geth will interrupt your little conversation, and Ianwill resort to babbling from then on out. Now head back, exterminate anygeth you encounter that have taken up residence behind you, and returnto Zhu's Hope.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Water Restoration//Inform Macha Doyle<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Talk to everybody who set you out on a task, leaving Fai Dan for last.Tell Davin Reynolds the Alpha is dead for some Paragon, and some loot.Demand more loot for some Renegade, and of course, more loot. Next giveMay the power cells for more goodies. Then it's Macha Doyle's turn. Nowtalk to Fai Dan. That's a buttload of Paragon you just got (with asprinkling of Renegade.) Don't worry if you're playing a Renegadecharacter.. it's not bad to get some good points if you make money whiledoing it, eh? Now it's time to head up to the Prothean Skyway.. youknow, a highway in the sky? Ugh. It's the elevator before the stairs tothe Tunnels.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Tell Gavin the Alpha is dead)Paragon +8 (Giving May O'Connell the Power Cells)Paragon +8 (Talk to Macha Doyle)Paragon +8 (Tell Fai Dan about the Transmitter)Renegade +2 (Demanding more loot from Gavin)Feros: Prothean Skywayo======================================================================o14) As soon as you exit the elevator, there will be trouble. Kill thepaltry geth attacking, and get in your Mako. How it got there is beyondme.. I personally will do my fighting outside of the Mako, and just usethe old hunk of junk to get from place to place. Oh, and don't be cuteand drive off the ledge. Apparently plummeting hundreds of feet countsas a critical mission failure. Who knew? This includes jumping off theroad to land on another road below it. Why the hell would you put a roadyou can land on, if it kills you to land on it? Who knows. There will beall kinds of geth blocking your way. Armatures, rocket troopers, theusual. There are also tunnels that can be accessed on the sides of theroads, which contain a few more geth and some loot.Feros: Upper Weigh Stationo======================================================================o15) When you reach the end of the skyway you'll go through a Mako-sizeddoor and you will receive some radio chatter that bears investigating.Exit the Mako and head down a ramp to find some Exo-Geni stragglers. Alady named Juliana Baynham and a corporate jerk named Ethan Jeong willconverse with you. Juliana wants you to look for her daughter, Lizbeth,Ethan want to be a jerk. There's also a man playing by a computer namedGavin Hossle, who wants you to get some data for him. Agree to help himif you don't suck.***ASSIGNMENT***Feros: Data Recovery.Feros: ExoGeni Approacho======================================================================o16) Continue on to the second part of the Skyway and kill the gethbaddies you find. Halfway up the geth will break out some of theirbigger boys, including some juggernauts and an armature. The roadeventually ends near the ExoGeni headquarters.Feros: ExoGeni Main Levelo======================================================================o17) Exit the Mako and head inside, killing geth as you go. Head up a rampand go to a decrypted door. Inside is a lootable, and a geth armature,which is playing possum. If you haven't been making a practice ofkilling these guys outside the mako.. well, just have immunity on, uselift if it's high enough of a level, and try to not get hit by itscannon.Feros: ExoGeni Middeno======================================================================o18) Opposite this room is a ledge you can drop down, one of your partymembers should chime in that it's a one-way trip. Kinda annoying. It'snot so high that any of your party members couldn't realistically justreach up and grab the ledge.. but it's impossible to get back up.Really, you're a genetically enhanced elite marine, but if you have toscale an eight foot obstacle-it's over. Head down the only routeavailable. As you enter the larger room, you'll be shot at by LizbethBaynham. Didn't expect to find her so soon, didja? Talk to her to findout there's a Thorian that the geth are after here, but you can't goback.. obviously, there's a humongous mountain of a wall blocking you-not like you're soldiers or something, or you don't have team-mates whocan hoist you up-so you need to disable the energy barriers the gethput up, which is being powered by a geth ship. Again, it's not like youdon't have your own ship-a state of the art Turian/human designedfrigate which could easily out-class a geth dropship. But alas, you'retrapped, and there's no way to contact your crew. Except for radios andwhatnot that you've used before.. Okay, enough knifing the plot. Still,couldn't they have like, made you fall down a hole, or found some otherexcuse to make you run through this building? After the conversation,some Varren will attack. And where there are Varren, there are bound tobe Krogan. Head south and through a door.Feros: ExoGeni Main Levelo======================================================================o19) You'll hear a Krogan Commander yelling at a VI as you go up thestairs. Waste him and talk to the VI, which will reveal a good deal ofinformation about ExoGeni, Zhu's Hope, and the Thorian. Head around thecorner, down another tunnel, up some more stairs, and into a room witha large number of cables in it. You'll have to drop down a ledge, andkill some geth. Head into a tunnel and follow it until it opens into alarger room, where some geth await. After the opposition is dispatched,you have two paths to follow, either head right, or left form thepassage blocked by the energy field. The path to the right leads up somestairs to a sleeping area for some Krogan. Kill them, and loot thestorage locker. Also, you'll find Gavin Hossle's Console here. Now headdown the path to the left of the energy field.Feros: ExoGeni Upper Levelo======================================================================o20) Go up the stairs and follow the tunnel until you come into a largerroom replete with geth to slaughter. After they're dead, hack intothe ExoGeni terminal to get some confidential information, which getsyou an assignment. Note that by searching one of the Terminals you canget information about geth activity in the Armstrong Nebula, if youhaven't already travelled there and been contancted by Admiral Hackett.***ASSIGNMENT***Investigate FacilityHead up the stairs and cross over to the other large room filled withgeth. Seeing a pattern here? Kill them and loot. Investigate a 'ServerNode' for a private log, which gets you yet another optional assignment.Of note, the Cerberus group is involved, which should particularly beinteresting. Now you have to shut the Shuttle Bay Doors to sever one ofthe claws keeping the geth ship anchored to the building. If you readthe repair bill, you'll get explanation enough. You need to get thedoors PSI to between 31 and 34. You then get a number of valves, 5, 7,17, 11, and 13. Do a little math.. (ouch, my brain.. aches from underuse..) And get the result 17+11+5=33, or 7+11+13=31. They even give youa little meter near your radar in case you are too moronic to add.***ASSIGNMENT***Investigate SamplesYou'll get a little cutscene, and afterwards, a transmission fromJoker. Now head back the way you came and go through where the energybarrier was. Lizbeth will be waiting for you, waiting to chat. Now thereare geth repopulating the highways. Hey, Bioware might not have createda whole lot of game, but damned if they don't get a lot of use out ofwhat they made.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Feros: Upper Weigh Stationo======================================================================o21) On your way back, near the Weigh Station, you'll get a transmissionfrom Juliana. Go down and investigate. Jeong seems to be going out ofcontrol, and he starts up a conversation with Shepard that is justthe epitome of friendly. This can end a number of ways. Most gratifyingis responding to Jeong with a bullet-in-the-brain, which is pretty muchany response that isn't charm or intimidate. How you respond to Jeongdoesn't matter for alignment, but accepting or refusing the anti-Thoriangrenades does-either way, you end up with the grenades. As usual, youget much better rewards for using charm/intimidate. The only downside isthat Jeong lives with charm/intimidate.. Oh, and it takes a WHOPPINGnumber of ranks to sway him.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have 12 ranks in charm you can convince him that there arepromotional opportunities in the Feros situation.If you have at least 10 ranks in intimidate, you can convince Jeong thathe's better off not risking his life screwing with the first humanSpectre.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Accept the grenades)Renegade +2 (Refuse the grenades)Paragon +26 (Charm Jeong)Renegade +27 (Intimidate Jeong)Feros: Zhu's Hopeo======================================================================o22) Head back towards Zhu's Hope. You now have a fundamental decision tomake about your alignment.. well, perhaps I'm over-hyping it a bit.Either disable the citizens of Zhu's Hope or kill them. This willgreatly increase your Paragon/Renegade meter, so long as you stick toyour guns.. or grenades. To disable the civilians, equip your grenadeswith the Anti-Thorian Gas I upgrades. After killing your first ThorianCreeper, your party members will talk to you. You have an opportunityhere to tell them either to waste everything, or to try and keep thecolonists alive. If you want to save the colonists, tell your party oryou'll have to worry about them the whole way through the colony.When you go through the door, you'll see a number of Thorian Creeperswaiting for you. These baddies work a lot like geth husks, as in theyhave to run up to you to do any damage.. Shotguns work nice, needlessto say. By the barriers near the elevator are four colonists for yoursaving/slaughtering fun. Go through the colony, killing creepers anddoing whatever with the colonists. Near where Fai Dan was you'll getan upgrade kit that will replenish your grenades, so you shouldn'thave too much of a problem with running out of grenades. Run up to thecreepers to activate them, and then move away from the colonists so youdon't accidently shoot them. Of course, if you're trying to kill themall, this is a lot easier. Head over to the Freighter Crane Controlsand activate it. This will move the ship and give you access to theThorian. Fai Dan will come out from hiding and kindly save you thetrouble of shooting him by doing it for you. Head down the stairs tothe left of the terminal you just activated.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +32 (+2 per colonist alive)Renegade +32 (+2 per colonist killed)Feros: Thorian Lairo======================================================================o23) Okay, now that you've made your way through the geth and thecolonists it's time to deal with the colonists. Head down the only pathyou can take, down the stairs until you find the Thorian. It'll sh*t outa Thorian Asari for you to chat with-she actually looks pretty imposing,too. Like, perhaps this is how the Asari should have looked in the firstplace.. Anyway, this conversation ends up with gunfire, as all goodones do. She's a vanguard with a shotgun, so be prepared to deal withher, some creepers, and whatever biotics she wants to throw at you.Once she's dead, head through a door to the right of the Thorian to finda Thorian Neural Node. Do the only natural thing and shoot the hell outof it. The Thorian screams, and you need to continue on. Get used to it.Head up some stairs and the Thorian will expel another Asari Clone.How does it keep giving her armor and guns? Oh well. Kill her, go downa hallway and take a door to the left. Go up a ramp and destroy anotherneural node. Another Asari clone comes out to get shot, and go throughanother door to the left. Follow the passage and kill a third neuralnode protected by a number of creepers which will gradually awaken toattack you. Just how are they invulnerable while they're crouching?Who knows. Magical bullet protection. Go through another doorway tothe left.. the hell is this, NASCAR?.. and go up another ramp overwhich the fourth neural node hangs. When it's dead, a door at the topof the ramp will open and you'll get to kill the Asari again.Immediately head left and in the open doorway is the fifth neural node.Continue past where the node was and go up some stairs. Kill the AsariClone again, go through a tunnel, and find her another time, guardingthe sixth and final node. Once it's gone, the Thorian plummets, and theactual Asari escapes from a nasty Thorian pod. Of course she'llimmediately become chatty. She'll give you the cipher, and you'll get achoice, whether to waste her, or let her go.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Let Shiala go)Renegade +9 (Execute Shiala)***CODEX***Primary- Ships and Vehicles//SovereignSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Asari: Military DoctrineNormandy: Post-Feroso======================================================================o24) Head back to the Normandy, where the crew will have another lovelysit down. Liara decides to be annoying and express concern for Shepard,which will end with her playing the damsel in distress again. Really,she's always getting woozy for no reason. So cliche.. Anyway, whenthat's done, you'll get to have another chat with the Council. Thistime, there's actually a point to talking to them. Every time you answerwith a paragon response, you'll gain paragon points, every time youanswer with a renegade response, you'll gain renegade points. Answerrenegade the first time, and paragon the next two times for the bestalignment score. (If you disconnect you get nothing.)***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2, +4, or +6Renegade +2Now to do some things about the Normandy. Talk to Liara for a Codex.If you've talked to her enough, she might start seriously talking abouta relationship. Ugh. Same goes for Ashley and Kaiden, but less ugh.Talk to Kaiden for another Codex. Head down to Engineering and talkto Wrex, Ashley, and Garrus for more Codexes.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Asari: ReligionSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: GovernmentSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan: Military DoctrineSecondary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//Systems Alliance: Military DoctrineSecondary- Technology//Biotics: Life as a BioticAfter you have all the Codexes you can get, you can either dosidequests, or head off to Noveria. If this is your 2nd story mission,nothing new will have happened at the Citadel (provided you did allthe assignments available after Artemis Tau.) If you are skimping onsidequests, or you are doing story missions in a different order, youmight have new assignments available in the Citadel. As for me, Idecide to tackle the two new assignments you can pick up in Feros, whichare located in the Maroon Sea Cluster. After that, it's Noveria.
After I've done the ExoGeni quests, I head to Noveria. Once again, youdon't seem to be welcomed with opened arms. Everybody hates you, getused to it. Before I leave the Normandy, I visit the quartermaster andpick up a suit of Silverback X for Garrus.. it's not the best, but it'smuch better than the Silverback V he DID have. I also sell off my loot.Noveria: Port Hanshan Docking Bayo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK006}1) Rent-a-Cop Shakedown2) Giana Parasini3) Merchant Opold4) Administration5) Lilihierax6) Mallene Calis7) Talking to Rafael8) Lorik Qui'in9) Synthetic Insights10) Obtaining the Garage Pass11) To the Garage12) To Peak 1513) Garage14) Bugs15) More Bugs16) Mira17) Landline18) Reactor19) Decontamination in Progress20) Security21) Medical Bay22) Dr. Zev23) The Quarantine Labs24) Damned Asari..25) No Good Deed..26) Benezia27) Genocide28) The Hot Labs29) Normandy, Post-Noveria1) Go to enter Noveria. On the way you'll be bothered by some rent-a-coptrying to exert her authority. Any Shepard with balls would bristle atthis. No matter what you do, they'll try to secure your weapons.Obviously, this isn't going to go well. Luckily for them, GianaParasini loves them, and saves them a bullet-related death.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head inside and go up the stairs, where Giana Parasini will talk toyou. It doesn't matter what you say-you'll get information that ourfriend Matriarch Benezia is here. You know, blue chick, mother of Liara?Uh.. you saw her after Eden Prime?.. The only chick in the game withmore than a B-cup? Even if they are scaley and gross.. anyway, if youdon't have Liara in your party, one of your NPCs will suggest gettingher. Either way, you have to get Anoleis to give you clearance to goafter her. Continue down the stairs to the right and up the elevator.***MISSION***Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan//Administrator AnoleisNoveria: Matriarch Benezia//To Peak 15Noveria: Port Hanshan Plazao======================================================================o3) Go into the shop to the right and talk to the Hanar shopkeep named'Merchant Opold.' He'll ask you to bring an item through customs forhim. Unlike some assignments, if you say 'no' he'll leave the offeropen to you. Nice of him, eh? You can buy some crappy licenses here,which I wouldn't suggest, and a Medigel upgrade. He can also sell yousome good non-human armors. (Colossus, Predator, for example.) so youmight want to save/load to get him to stock some. Also, if you're doingNoveria early and you don't have any better gear.. his Titan IV armorfor humans is worth considering. Yeah, I know I said not to buyanything, but it could be a long time before you find better armor, andten to twenty thousand credits isn't a bad price to pay for the decentdamage protection that armor has.If you accept the assignment, you can ask who the recipient is. You'llhave to Charm/Intimidate the Hanar to get him to tell you though.There's no immediate reward for this, but if you DO Charm/Intimidatethe Hanar, you can go to the Hotel and screw the Hanar over by sellingdirectly to the buyer.. and then again, you can always turn the'evidence' over to Anoleis, which will be covered last of all theoptions below.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 6 ranks in Charm you can convince the Hanar thatit would be stupid to help smuggle for a potential enemy.If you have at least 4 ranks in Intimidate you can threaten to not helpif he doesn't tell you.***ASSIGNMENT***Noveria: Smuggling//Retrieve the PackageIf you didn't Charm/Intimidate, you need to go pick up the package now,which is in a crate outside the Normandy handily named "Opold'sPackage." You can turn the package over to Opold now, decide to keep itfor yourself (it's a random level-based weapon mod, the likes of whichyou've likely sold by the dozen by now) or if you found out who thebuyer is, you can take it to them (see below.) If you give it to Opold,he'll give you a measly 250 credits. You can haggle for more withCharm/Intimidate.. but even then you only get 500 credits.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 5 ranks in Charm you can point out that the Hanarneeded you to make any profit.If you have at least 6 ranks in Intimidate you can insult the Hanars'reward.Head over to the Hotel, go up the stairs, and talk to a Krogan namedInamorda. He'll ask you to sell the package to him directly, bypassingOpold and getting more money. Bring the package back, and he'll offeryou 500 credits. Charm/Intimidate him and he'll offer more.. up to 750credits. Any way you cut it, you'll get some Renegade points forcutting out Opold.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 6 ranks in Charm you can tell him it's worth morethan 500 credits.If you have at least 4 ranks in Intimidate you can threaten him withbodily harm.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2Finally, if you give Anoleis the upgrade, he'll thank you, and giveyou 200 credits, and a pass to leave the port. I prefer to not help him,since I don't like him. And he puts conditions on your behavior withBenezia.. which doesn't do a damn thing, but still.. co*cky littlelizard.. Err.. But this is a way you can go about it. You can alsoCharm/Intimidate him into letting you keep the mod.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 7 ranks in Charm you can say you'll impound it..for safety and stuff.If you have at least 5 ranks in Intimidate you can say you can't leavethe mod in the hands of a civilian.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Go to the 'Administration Office' and ask Giana to let you seeAnoleis. You can also question her about things, if you want. Anoleiswill have some alternative quest options for you after you trigger themelsewhere. Namely, you can give him Opold's upgrade instead of variousother alternatives (see above) and you can also bring Lorik's OSD toAnoleis instead of Lorik. Both of which are covered in their properplaces.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Now go to the elevator near 'Synthetic Insights' and talk toLilihierax for another missions. When you're done talking to him go upto the 'Hotel' elevator.***MISSION***Noveria: Peak 15//Mysterious RumorsNoveria: Port Hanshan Mezzanineo======================================================================o6) As soon as you enter the large room in front of you, an Asari willask for a moment of your time. Fortunately, unlike most NPCs, she's notpushy enough to force you into a conversation. How considerate. Shewants you to talk to a man representing Binary Helix named RafaelVargas and plant a bug on him. Short story even shorter, she wants youto keep a conversation going with him long enough for her device to doits job. If you go all-Paragon, you'll get a large amount of Paragonpoints.***ASSIGNMENT***Noveria: Espionage//Keep Him Talking***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Pick the option "Not this time" to forfeit the assignment.)Paragon +2 (Take the assignment, then quit, picking the "This is wrong option.")Up the stairs you can listen to a Salarian Businessman talk aboutsomething fishy going on in Synthetic Insights. Uh. Okay.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Now it's time to talk to Rafael.. if you accepted the assignment. Goover to him and initiate conversation. You can rat out Mallene. We'llcover that first. Go back to Mallene and either tell her the truth. Shewill ask why, after which you can either answer with a Paragon orRenegade response for a few points in either. If you lie to her, you'llget a good amount of Renegade, and then get the chance toCharm/Intimidate her.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 3 ranks in Charm you can get Mallene to give youmore money for your dis-service.If you have at least 4 ranks in Intimidate you can threaten to rather out to Vargas.OR... if you try to go through the conversation with Vargas, you'llhave to succeed at a number charm/intimidate challenges to keep himtalking long enough to succeed. If you don't succeed at enough andhe catches on, you'll fail to accomplish your goal. If you succeed attwo Charm/Intimidates, you can just talk through the rest. Claim yourreward and Charm/Intimidate Mallene for more money.. and some Paragonand Renegade. Keep in mind that if you keep either Charming him orIntimidating him, the next Charm/Intimidate will be easier. Forexample, if you Charm him the first time, the second question willrequire a six Charm, whereas the second Intimidate will requireeight Intimidate. I would like to point out that, no matter howsatisfying it would be, you can't rat Mellena out AFTER you completedthe assignment.. but then again, I guess there wouldn't be much point.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***About the Citadel having Salarians provide enhancements..If you have at least 3 ranks in Charm you can tell him you renegotiateterms yearly.. Blah.If you have at least 3 ranks in Intimidate you can tell him to stopwasting your time.When he's telling you the specs of the product..If you have at least 6 ranks in Charm you can say you never heard of atechnique that reduces muscle degeneracy.If you have at least 6 ranks in Intimidate you can tell him that hisproduct isn't good enough.When he tells you he can work in a sensor enhancement package..If you have at least 9 ranks in Charm you can ask him aboutdistribution.If you have at least 9 ranks in Intimidate you can tell him not to tryand rip you off.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +9 (Lie to Mallene about telling Vargas)Renegade +2 (Complete the assignment and Charm/Intimidate Mallene.)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) A little ways further in you'll find a seated Turian named LorikQui'in. He'll tell you that Anoleis is corrupt, and his goons areransacking his offices (Synthetic Insights) for the evidence Qui'inhas on him. Wee. Head back down the elevator and take the elevator toSynthetic Insights. Note that you can go upstairs and decrypt a'Security Control Unit' and disable the Synthetic Insights Security.Noveria: Synthetic Insights Officeso======================================================================o9) When you arrive, two ERCS Guards will try and stop you. If you don'tuse Charm/Intimidate, a fight ensues.. which isn't really a bad thing.Either way there's going to be fighting.. this just gives you a chanceto get rid of some of your enemies peacefully.. and to get someParagon or Renegade. You'll want to head upstairs to get to the computerthat has the info you want. It'll be identified as 'Lorik Qui'in'sComputer'. On your way out, Kaira Stirling-one of the hussies who wasgiving you trouble earlier-will come out. Answer her with either aParagon or a Renegade response to get some alignment points. Wrex inparticular has a good comeback for her.. Ah.. Wrex. Kill her croniesand leave.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 6 ranks in Charm you can call the Guards out onthe fact that Anoleis paid them.If you have at least 8 ranks in Intimidate you can point out thatyou can kill them.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Paragon +8 (Charm the Guards)Renegade +2Renegade +9 (Intimidate the Guards)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Now you have some choices.. either give the OSD to Lorik, or toAnoleis. Considering I just shot up a dozen of his cronies, I'm moredisposed towards Lorik. Gianna will be waiting for you outside of theelevator. She'll tell you to talk to her before you give the evidenceto Qui'in.If you want to help Lorik, go find him. You have two options, get himto testify (like Gianna wants) or give him his evidence. If you get himto testify by Charm/Intimidate, you'll get a whopping amount to eitheryour paragon or renegade scores, depending. If you just hand theevidence over you can Charm/Intimidate him into giving you more loot.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(testify against Anoleis)If you have at least 5 ranks in Charm you can tell Qui'in he'll be ahero.If you have at least 5 ranks in Intimidate you can threaten to turnthe evidence over to Anoleis if Qui'in doesn't testify.(turn over the evidence)If you have at least 8 ranks in Charm you can tell him that he owesyou.If you have at least 7 ranks in Intimidate you can tell Qui'in thatyou saved him from a nasty prison shower scene.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +24 (Charm Qui'in into testifying)Renegade +25 (Intimidate Qui'in into testifying)If you decide to be Anoleis' crony, you can always give him theOSD for the pass you're after, and some substantial Renegade points.You don't get anything out of Charming him though.. in fact, yousacrifice what Renegade points you would have otherwise received. Ifyou Intimidate him you get your pass AND you get to keep the evidence,which then lets you turn it over to Gianna, and get both the Renegadeand Paragon rewards.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 4 ranks in Charm you can tell Anoleis that allyou care about is finding Benezia.If you have at least 4 ranks in Intimidate you can threaten Anoleis,and keep the evidence.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Give Lorik's Evidence to Gianna)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Anoleis)There is yet ANOTHER option, however. If you go tell Anoleis thatGianna is investigating him he'll 'fire' his secretary and you'll get awhopping bonus to your Renegade score. Go in after the.. firing.. andobtain Anoleis' hall pass. You can then go back to Lorik and haggle fora small reward from him, as well. My favorite solution is to go getLorik's evidence, convince Lorik to testify against Anoleis, and thengo leak Gianna's identity to Anoleis. It ends with an outstanding+50 to your Renegade total, two dead corporate assholes, a handful ofcredits from Lorik, and a bunch of paperwork for the legitimateauthorities. What's not to like?***MISSION***Noveria: Leave Port HanshanNoveria: Lorik Qui'in***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +25 (Reveal Gianna's identity to Anoleis)Regardless of how you get your pass, who you side with, when you get ithead to the Garage.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Shortly after entering you'll be ambushed by some geth. After theyare slag, Maeko Matsuo will enter. Talk to her and get in the Mako.Time to go hunting old blue ladies.Noveria: Aleutsk Valleyo======================================================================o12) Okay.. I'm not going to go into detail over this area, really. We'vedone this too many times, you and I. Your goal: Get from point A topoint B in the Mako, killing Geth as you go. Get out of the Mako toget more experience, and don't stay out too long.. Cold Hazard, and all.As you might expect from Artemis Tau and Feros, you'll have to dealwith rocket troopers, armatures, turrets.. nothing you haven't facedbefore. You'll eventually reach a building with conveniently placedrubble in front of the door, forcing you to hoof it.Noveria: Peak 15 Garageo======================================================================o13) Once you get inside you'll be attacked by some geth and Krogans. Killthem. Once they're dead, an announcement will broadcast telling youthat the VI interface is offline until the reactor is started up again.Head up some stairs and through a door. One of your party members willmention some turrets facing the wrong way. Head into the Security Room.For some loot, then go up an elevator.Noveria: Peak 15 Administrationo======================================================================o14) Go through a door to the outside and kill some geth. When they'redead, you'll get a cutscene showing off some new foes.. the Rachni. Whatsci-fi game would be complete without bug aliens? In one of the roomsinvestigate a terminal called 'Gravitic Weapons Research' for a Codex.Go through some more doors and up another elevator.***CODEX***Secondary- Ships and Vehicles//Weapons: Disruptor TorpedoesNoveria: Peak 15 Mira Coreo======================================================================o16) Exit the elevator and blast the little bugs you see. Go further intothe room, run around the round thingy, and access the Mira Core. Thecore will lower, giving you access to the memory core, which you caneither repair manually, or by using 100 Omni-gel. To fix it manually,you have to play a little 'game' where you need to move all four ofthe blue blocks under the 'X' button to the ones under the 'Y' and 'B'buttons.One of my responders to this FAQ, Dragonskye, has given me a much bettersolution to this puzzle than my own (at least, she seems to understandHOW she solved it) so I'll go with what she said. I was able to useher solution right from the e-mail without even looking at the game, soI'd say it's a solid solution. Here's what she has for us:"This is a logic puzzle. The point is to move the blocks from column Xto column B. The problem is that you can ONLY move a block that issmaller in a column onto a block that is larger than it. The easiestway is as follows:"You should see three columns on your screen, two are empty (Y and B)and one has a bunch of lit-up blocks of varying sizes in it (X).They are numbered here from smallest to largest (X-1 is the smallestblock, X-4 is the largest, the X on the top is just for reference.)
Move the corresponding block on the left to the location on the right.(Or just hit the buttons in order from left to right.. the lazy man'ssolution: X,Y,X,B,Y,B,X,Y,B,X,B,Y,X,Y,X,B,Y,B,Y,X,B,X,Y,B,X,Y,X,B,Y,B. Whew!)
..or just use 100 Omni-gel. It's not like it's good for anything else.Now you get to talk to Mira, a VI. You'll eventually find out that youneed to reactivate the tram to get over to where Benezia is. To do that,you'll need to reactive the reactor and the landlines. Anyway, talk tothe VI all you want, then get to work. Turn around and head through thedoor, up some stairs, and into an elevator.***MISSION***Noveria: Peak 15Noveria: Peak 15 Roofo======================================================================o17) Leave the elevator and continue until you reach an outdoor area. It'sswarming with Rachni, so get to exterminating. When that's done,head towards the ! on your mini-map and activate the 'Landline.' Nowhead back to the main room and head into one of the previously-lockedside doors, through some tunnels, and into an elevator. You'll probablyget attacked by some Rachni on your way, but it's nothing serious.***MISSION***Noveria: Reconnect LandlinesNoveria: Peak 15 Reactor Coreo======================================================================o18) Head out of the elevator into a small room and do some looting. Youcan go down either side tunnel, each takes you to the same place, andeach has a geth destroyer waiting for you. In the more open area aresome geth stalkers. Head to the middle and activate the reactor. Nobodysaid powering a Helium-3 reactor had to be hard.. unlike transferringmemory logs for a VI. There is also a side-ramp that leads to a roomup top where you can score some extra loot. Now head back to the mainroom again, and go into the formerly locked door across the room. Youcan expect another Rachni to pop up.. it almost seems like they weretrying to be scary on Noveria.. I don't know, keep going until youreach.. another elevator.***MISSION***Noveria: Reactor RepairNoveria: Peak 15 Tramo======================================================================o19) Off the elevator, go to the door on your right and access Mira.She'll tell you about some plasma jets that can make short work of theRachni in the tunnel ahead. You can also ask about the Hot Labs and RiftStation. You have a couple of options now. You can open the dooryourself (average decryption), activate the plasma jet failsafes (harddecryption), or get Mira to open the door for you. The best experiencereward comes from using the failsafe, so I suggest doing that. Oncedone, head through decontamination and onto the tram.***MISSION***Noveria: ContaminationNoveria: Rift Station Lower Level//Main Levelo======================================================================o20) Head through this area and find the elevator to the Science Station.Once there, you'll come across a security barricade, where a CaptainVentralis will be waiting. Talk to him, you can score some paragon orrenegade points depending on your responses. When you're done talkingto him, a pair of Rachni will attack. Dispose of them, and you cantalk to Ventralis some more. When you're done, head north-east fromthe barricade and enter the 'Medical Bay'. Oh, you can skip thefollowing parts (2-6) by heading past the area marked 'Security'. Ofcourse, this bypasses some side quests, kills some NPCs, and is justlazy. For shame. You'll shoot your way through ERCS Guards andturrets on your way to the Secure Lab, and you can resume followingthe FAQ at Sequence #7.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***You can ask him about the security of Rift station, which makes himrespond touchily. You can charm/intimidate for information on thesecurity system, which may come in handy later. Either one you use,you get the same info, just different dialogue. At least three pointsof charm/intimidate should do it.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) There are lots of people you can talk to, including a taciturnAsari named Alestia Iallis, an Elcor named Petozi (who doubles as amerchant, should you need to unload some loot), and a Salarian namedDr. Palon. None of which do much besides add some flavor at this point.If you go into the 'Guard Barracks', you can snag some loot. Head to thewest and go down some stairs.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->22) Talk to Dr. Zev Cohen and get him to spill the beans on the sickfolks. He'll tell you the sickies were exposed to a toxin, and asusual you can charm/intimidate for more info. Of course, you don't getany points for anything, so it really doesn't matter.. You can alsomess around with the Mira terminal, but she has little information tooffer. After you're done with that, talk to Captain Ventralis again,who lets you have access to the Quarantine Lab with little fuss. If youreturn to Dr. Zev, you can try and charm/intimidate him to give you hismaintenance pass. If you aren't able to do so, you'll just have to gosave his buddies.. which will net you experience, so it's not all bad.Head to the elevator marker on your map labeled 'Elevator to QuarantineLab.'***MISSION***Noveria: Quarantine***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 8 ranks in Charm or Intimidate, you can getZev to spill the beans. For what good it does you.If you have at least 5 ranks in Charm, you can offer to protect themin exchange for the card.If you have at least 4 ranks in Intimidate, you can threaten to shootyour way into maintenance.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) You'll exit into the 'Scientist Barracks', within which you can findHan Olar. He'll provide more backstory, and tell you how to get intomaintenance if you don't already know. To the north, you'll findmaintenance, to the south, you'll find the Quarantine Lab. If you havethe maintenance pass, you can skip the rest of this section, if not,go bug the ERCS Guard outside the door to the lab. He's impolite-tosay the least-especially if you don't have the captain's permission toenter.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->24) Enter the Quarantine Lab and go into the rooms to the right beforeyou make the cure to pick up some loot. In the first room, in thefar-left corner is a terminal that will allow you to 'Make Cure.' Tomake the cure, hit the highlighted button when the bar above fills toa point in between the two guide triangles. Once that's done, you'll beconfronted by the Asari from downstairs. Leave the lab and head back toDr. Cohen. Han Olar will chat with you along the way, and tell you thegeth came from maintenance. Give the cure to Dr. Zev, and he'll thankyou and give you the maintenance pass. You can try to extract more outof him via charm/intimidate. Either way, you get a whopping amount ofParagon for being such a nice guy/gal. As a note, this is where Iunlocked the Completionist and Soldier Ally achievements.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 4 ranks in Charm, you can convince him to give yousome Medi-gel.If you have at least 7 ranks in Intimidate, you can.. do the same thingyou could've done with Charm, but more meanly.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +24<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Now head back up to the Scientist Barracks and go north to reachthe Secure Lab. En route you'll be attacked by a Rachni in a naturalcave formation. You'll reach a junction where the route from therestricted access area and the maintenance tunnels link up, and yes,you can go back through the restricted area to pick a fight with theERCS Guards to milk this place for all its worth. Head to the 'SecureLab' to move forward.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) You'll be confronted by Benezia when you reach the 'Secure Lab'.She'll characteristically tell you that her and Saren were breeding theRachni to set them loose on their enemies. There is a bit more dialogueif you have Liara in your party, but a fight ensues nonetheless. Beneziais pretty much invulnerable as the fight begins. She'll use her 'PowerLevel' to summon bad guys, in multiple rounds. Don't waste your timeshooting Benezia, instead waste her guards. She'll hit you with bioticsand pistol fire during, but by this point in the game, it's more anannoyance than a threat. First she'll summon some Asari commandos. Nextit will be some geth troopers, then some geth snipers. After they aredead, you'll chat with Benezia a bit more. She'll give you an OSD withthe location of the Mu relay on it, then attack again. This time, youcan-and should-hurt her. She'll have some more commandos come out, tohelp her, but once they're dead, the battle is over.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->27) Now you get to deal with the Rachni queen. This would be a bit of afight, I imagine, if she wasn't sealed in a containment tube. As it is,the big bug is at your mercy. It'll do what all big ugly aliens do inthis game, and take control of an Asari in order to speak to you. It'lltell you that the Rachni are rampaging because they were isolated andtrained for warfare-as opposed to all the perfectly sane ones thatnearly overran Citadel space two thousand years ago. The Rachni queenwill ask to be released, but you're also in the position to eliminateher, and the Rachni race with her. No matter who you have in your party,one will always pick each side. Obviously a paragon/renegade choicehere. Do what you will, but I for one, do not think the idea of Rachnion the loose bodes well for the sequel. Besides, it's not like youhaven't-and won't later-encounter Rachni in space. You're not quitedone with this place yet. Do some looting and head down the easternside of the map, towards the area with two elevators. Take the elevatorthat leads to the 'Hot Lab.'***MISSION***Noveria: Death of a MatriarchNoveria: Rift Station***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +24 (release the Rachni Queen)Renegade +25 (terminate the Rachni Queen)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) Head into the room opposite the elevator to talk to YaroslevTartakovsky. He'll fill in more backstory, and tell you about settingoff a neutron purge to destroy the remaining Rachni. Ask him about howto set off the purge, and a Rachni will waste him. Kill the Rachni andget the codes off of his body. Go into the room opposite the elevatorand activate the Mira Terminal. Give her the code, which initiates atwo-minute countdown. A horde of Rachni appear between you and the exit,but most of the bogies on your radar are for show. You can easilyempty the room of Rachni and make it down the elevator in good time.If you stand in the doorway, you can simply pick them off withoutletting the bigger Rachni melee you. Head down the elevator and to thetram.***MISSION***Noveria: The Hot LabsNormandy: Post-Noveriao======================================================================o29) Back to the Normandy again, and another chance to wrangle withthe council. Now.. if you happened to be pursuing a romance, you'llget encountered by the other two potential members of the love triangle,either Ashley or Kaiden and Liara. You've got to tell one of them off,so make your pick. This is one part of the game, I'll concede, is betterif you're male Shepard. Unfortunately, he still finds a way to come offacting like a retarded teenager. In any case, make sure you pick thespecial friend you want. You won't get another chance.Go around talking to folks, you can delve deeper into some of theirhistories and get some more Codexes. You'll get the Codexes listedbelow by talking to the following characters, in order: Kaiden,Garrus, and Wrex. I find Wrex's new story to be particularlyinteresting.. Ah, Wrex. When you're done head to the galactic map andhead to the Sentry Omega cluster, Hoc System, and land on Virmire.***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: BiologySecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Turians: ReligionSecondary- Aliens: Non-Council Races//Krogan: Biology
Now, provided you've done two of the following three events: ArtemisTau, Feros, or Noveria, the next time you go to your galactic map in theNormandy you'll get a message from the council, informing you about thesituation on Virmire. After which, you can freely travel to Virmire atany point in time.. either before or after your last original storymission. Virmire is a bit more.. climactic than the other missions, so Isave it for last.***MISSION***Virmire//Go to VirmireRace Against Time//Find the Conduit***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Primary- Planets and Locations//Planets: VirmireSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: Special Tasks GroupVirmire: Landing Zoneo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK007}1) The first Gatehouse2) Gatehouse 2 and 33) The Salarian Camp4) Disrupt Geth Communications5) Take down the Satellite Uplink6) Destroy the Refueling Bay7) Infiltrate the Base 8a) North Entrance 9a) To the Security Office 8b) South Entrance 9b) To the Security Office10) Detention Cells11) The Lab12) Speaking with Sovereign13) Special Delivery14) Martyrdom15) Scuffle with Saren16) Normandy, Post-Virmire1) You'll start out on the surface of Virmire beside the Mako, with aninitial goal of taking out some AA towers so the Normandy can land.Sounds simple enough, get in the Mako and blast your way through thebad guys! Follow your map the only direction you can go, destroyingenemies on the way to the gatehouse. Remember, smite your inorganicfoes on foot for more juicy experience. Most of the enemies will bedrones and troopers. When you reach the gatehouse, leave the Mako andsearch it, unless you don't like experience and loot.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Leave the first gatehouse and head towards the next two. They'llthrow some more serious geth at you en route, like colossi andarmatures. They'll even be tricky-dicky and split the paths on you!Oh nos! Make sure you kill all the Geth biggun's for the experience.When you get to the gate, disembark and head up the stairs, smashinggeth as you go. Head into a room across from the stairs and shut downthe AA Gun Power Controls and activate the Gate Controls. Get in theMako and head to the third gatehouse just down the way. Repeat theprocess with the third gatehouse and head to the Salarian Camp. You'llget a yummy reward when you reach there. As a progress note, here iswhere I officially hit level 50, and unlocked the 'Power Gamer'achievement.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) You'll disembark and get into a conversation with a Salarian namedCaptain Kirrahe, who will tell you that every AA gun within ten milesis now gunning for the Normandy. While you're grounded, you might aswell help Kirrahe with his little problem. It seems Saren found a curefor the genophage, and is breeding an army of krogan. Needless to say,Saren can't have his army, and Wrex isn't too happy about the idea ofdestroying what cure there is. You can buy goodies from CommanderRentola, who has a Medigel upgrade for sale. When you're ready to moveon, go talk to Wrex.Having done the armor quest I was able to save Wrex by just picking thetopmost option every time (I had a measly three points into Charm atthe time.) Hell, so long as you DON'T pick a renegade response, he willyield to reason. If you did NOT get Wrex's armor earlier just pickingthe Paragon responses will not work, you'll need to use charm/intimidateto save him. If you pick renegade responses to the point where thecharm/intimidate option comes up, and shoot Wrex, it's game over for thekrogan. If you wuss out at this point, Ashley does it for you. Theoption where you have three responses-two on the left, and one on theright-is the pivotal point of the conversation for Wrex's survival, playnice here, and you should be fine. Frankly, however, it's better to justhave gotten his armor for him, and have talked to him after each storymission. Much better alignment rewards, and you get to keep your krogan.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 8 ranks in either Charm or Intimidate, you canget Wrex to back down.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (You kill Wrex, and pick the Paragon reposes following)[This is in addition to the 25 Renegade points]Paragon +8 (Ashley kills Wrex, you choose Paragon responses following)Paragon +8 (You Charm Wrex)Paragon +28 (You talk Wrex out of insubordination)Renegade +9 (You Intimidate Wrex)Renegade +25 (You kill Wrex)when that's done, talk to Kirrahe. You'll need to infiltrate Saren'sbase with a small squad while Kirrahe provides a distraction. The goal?Use the Salarian's ships' drive core to function as a crude nuclearbomb. Translation? You and two other teammates shoot the hell out ofeverything you see. You'll need to send one of you human buddies toaccompany the Salarians, so pick whichever one you're least attachedto. Talk to the captain to gain some Codexes and continue when you'reready. The Salarian gives a little pep talk to his squad, and theassault commences.***MISSION***Virmire: Assault***ASSIGNMENT***Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: GovernmentSecondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: Military DoctrineVirmire: Base Approacho======================================================================o4) Now you're back in control again, head to the north to the'Communications Tower'. Kill the geth in the way and disrupt the'Triangulation Tower'. This will help Kirrahe's team, and net you someparagon points.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Now head west, fighting geth as you go. Your target is theSatellite Uplink Tower. The Satellite Uplink is on the roof of theoverhang directly across from the ramp you took. Aim up, and shoot itto score more points for the good guys.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) You'll find yourself on a number of bridges. Head north for theRefueling Platform. Once there, blow up the fuel tank and the gethflyers to help out your Salarian buddies.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Head on over to the west, the area marked on your map as theResearch Facility. Kill the paltry defenders outside and head intothe door to the north. Alternatively, there is a locked door you canenter to the south. Follow the 'A' paths if you go through the northentrance, and the 'B' paths if you go through the south. They both linkup, so it doesn't really matter which you choose.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8a) Go across some bridge until you reach a Security Console. Activateit and you'll be able to cut the alarms. You can also trigger thealarms to draw the bad guys to the Salarian squads. You'll get paragonpoints for leaving the guards in the base, and renegade points forluring them to the Salarians.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +9<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9a) Now head into the room marked as Warehouse on your map. Kill theindoctrinated Salarians and geth inside as you move to Maintenance,and eventually down a hallway that leads to the Security Office. Whenyou enter you'll get a status report from Kirrahe. If you got the basesecurity on them, they'll be in trouble, if not, the captain tellsAlenko to lay off so the enemies don't bunker up. In the Security Officesearch the 'Salarian Intel Report' for a Codex if you haven't gotten itfrom Kirrahe. You can also shut off the alarm if you lured the bad guysto the Salarians. You can go through the door that is marked 'To Labs'to explore the base area that leads to the south 'B' entrance (seesequence 5b for the back-track information.) Head through the doormarked 'To Detention Cells' when you're ready (Sequence 7.)***CODEX***Secondary- Aliens: Council Races//Salarians: Military Doctrine<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8b) You'll head through what look like sewers and into the MaintenanceBay. You'll wax a couple of indoctrinated Salarians and get to aSecurity Console. Activate it and you'll be able to cut the alarms.You can also trigger the alarms to draw the bad guys to the Salariansquads. You'll get paragon points for leaving the guards in the base,and renegade points for luring them to the Salarians. Head through thenow-unlocked door and kill two more indoctrinated. Search behind thestairs for a good bit of loot, then go up them to reach Virmire: Labs.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +9Virmire: Labso======================================================================o9b) You are in a room called Cell Block B. Talk to one of the Salarianprisoners, who wants to be let loose. If you do so, all the prisonersare freed, and you'll get attacked by the ingrates. Still, it's paragonto free them, and renegade to leave them in there. Even though it'samusing to see the Salarian bust his face on the glass, paragon givesmore points in this instance. Head down the stairs at the far end ofthe room and through a door. You're now in the Security Office (seesequence 6a for the back-track information.) Head through the doormarked 'To Detention Cells' when you're ready (Sequence 7.)***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +2Virmire: Detainment Levelo======================================================================o10) Exit to the outside and take a right and go through the door. Talkto another captured Salarian. Again, it's paragon to let him go, andrenegade to leave him inside. Once you decide, search another cell withfour mindless Salarians inside. Again, paragon if you let them go,renegade to open up the door and put them out of their misery. Prettyruthless too. Now, after they are dead, you can go back to the firstcell and let the Salarian out after all. This way, you can net a totalof renegade +20 and paragon +2. Not bad. Now head back and take theelevator up to 'The Lab.' Mind you, not the stairs to 'The Labs.' Meh.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +9Renegade +11Paragon +2Paragon +4Virmire: Labso======================================================================o11) In the Genophage Labs are a number of husks in suspended animation.Go too far in and they'll be set free, and along with a krogan 'Dr.Droyas' they will attack. That's right, a krogan scientist found a curefor the genophage.. with help. Makes you think the Salarians justweren't really trying, eh? Head through the door in the room and acrossthe bridges to reach the Security Office.. err.. the other one. Insideis an Asari named Rana Thanoptis. What the conversation comes down usual.. is the decision to either spare her, or fill her head withbullets. Since you get nothing for being nice.. and since it's so muchfun.. I introduce her to Shepard's pistol. Now exit the room, and goacross a bridge. Keep going until you reach an elevator.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +9Virmire: Communication Towero======================================================================o12) Head down the stairs and investigate the 'Communications Panel' toget another creepy flash-memory, like on Eden Prime. On your way out,you'll be introduce to Sovereign, public enemy #1. When it's donetalking, it breaks a bunch of glass to show that it is scary, and themission continues. Head back through the Security Room and onto thebridge, where a new path has been lowered.. just follow the bad guys.Virmire: Base Main Levelo======================================================================o13) Once you reach the 'Base Main Level' you can immediately go downsome stairs and grab some loot. Continue until you reach the area markedTurret Control on your map. Kill the enemies and deactivate the turretcontrols. Kill more bad guys when they arrive and go up the elevator.You'll come to an open area with water on the ground, kill any get yousee and keep going. The Normandy will land and drop off the nuke. Justas things seem to be going smoothly, Kaiden/Ashley will tell you they'repinned on the AA tower (whomever you weren't traveling with. The otherwill stay behind and set the nuke while you head to rescue the previous.So pick your two favorite aliens and get going.Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds/Base Main Levelo======================================================================o14) Head down the southern 'Breeding Trench' to reach the AA tower.Break through the krogan and geth in your way, and be wary of the kroganwarlord. If he charges, use a biotic like throw, lift, or singularityto stall him. Get into the elevator and take it up to the Base MainLevel. En route to your stranded squadmate, a geth dropship lands andreinforcements attack the nuke site, prompting your other squadmate toactivate the nuke. You now have to make a choice, go on to the AA towerand save whomever is in there, or go back to the nuke site and savethat NPC. You can only save one, so choose well. If you are nice to theperson you condemn, you'll get paragon points, and if you choose therenegade response, you'll get renegade points. Don't forget to lootthe crate nearby, either way. Because everybody cares, this is whereI found my first suit of Colossus armor on my first playthrough. Ofcourse, I simply bought it before Feros this time around, but I stillremember the badassness this armor imposed when I first got it.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) In my game, this leaves Kaiden to die, even though he was my Shep'sromantic interest. Maybe the next game will put forward a male NPC whois less of a weenie. I head back to the nuke site to rescue Ashley, afar more interesting and manly character. When you get back to theBreeding Grounds, you'll have to dispatch several rather hardy geth.After that's done, Saren shows up silver-surfer style and confronts you.A fight will eventually ensue, just shoot Saren up and dodge the rarerocket he sends at you. Saren will retreat when he takes enough damage.You grab your wounded comrade and head aboard the Normandy, whichnarrowly escapes the detonation.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 7 ranks in either charm or intimidate, you can tryand reason with Saren, although the attempt is ultimately futile atthis point. You'll net a tiny boost to your Renegade/Paragon score ifyou charm/intimidate him.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Charm Saren)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Saren)Normandy: Post-Virmireo======================================================================o16) The surviving member of your team feels guilty they survived, andLiara bothers you with more mind-melding, but manages to determineSaren's goal: Ilos. You can then access the council, they play the usualpolitics-good cop-bad cop-and ultimately don't believe you about thereapers. If you're disobedient with the council, you'll get somerenegade. If you helped Kirrahe's team enough, him and some of hissubordinates will be on the Normandy. If you didn't, Kirrahe will havedied during the mission. By now the Requisitions Officer was selling melevel X Spectre weapons, so I indulged myself. When you go to thegalactic map, you'll get the good news that the council is sending in afleet to Ilos, all you have to do is go back and meet with Udina at theCitadel.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2
Even More Sidequests on the Citadel
Sequence of Events:{WLK008}1) Grounded2) Terra Firma3) Drugged Diplomat4) Insubordination5) The Last Ride6) Virtual Rape1) You'll meet with the council one last time, and they'll reveal theirtrue colors. Instead of sending you after Saren, they ground theNormandy. Fortunately Captain Anderson has a plan, all you have to dois go meet him in the club Flux. If you're saucy with the council andUdina, you can score some renegade. As you go through the Citadel,make sure to complete all side-quests you have left. You won't getanother chance.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2Citadel: Upper Wardso======================================================================o2) En-route to Flux, you'll run into a bunch of human protesters led byCharles Saracino. He's part of a political organization called the"Terra Firma" party, and he wants your support. Either accept ordecline. Accepting to support him is a renegade action, denying is aparagon action.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Just outside of flux will be a man named Elias Keeler, who wants youto fetch some stims for him. If you don't get him any, nothing happens,and he waits until you change your mind. Clearly the game wants you tohelp him dope himself. If you tell him he's an addict, you'll get achance to charm/intimidate him, or get him the drugs. If you want tojust go get him the drugs, pay your old friend Dr. Michel a visit. Youcan either get him a Depressant, or a Stimulant. While you're here, youmight as well get her Medigel Upgrade, if you haven't already. When youget back to him, you can give him the stimulant he wants, or thedepressant. Since you get some hefty renegade for doping him with adepressant, I give that to him. Besides, it's not like I need moneyanymore.***ASSIGNMENT***Citadel: Negotiator's Request***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 4 ranks in Charm, you can tell him he's the onlyone using drugs to negotiate.. which leads to another, more difficultcharm/intimidate attempt.If you have at least 3 ranks in Intimidate, you can tell him he's nothelping by risking arrest.. which leads to another, more difficultcharm/intimidate attempt.(After charming or intimidating him the first time)If you have at least 8 ranks in Charm, you can tell him the negotiationisn't worth his life.If you have at least 7 ranks in Intimidate, you can strong arm him intorehab.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Keeler twice)Renegade +9 (Give Keeler the Depressant)Renegade +2 (Intimidate Keeler twice)Citadel: Flux and Wards Accesso======================================================================o4) Now that those distractions are out of the way-two assignments abouthuman bigotry right after the council bones you-I finally get to Flux.Captain Anderson is sitting by one of the tables on the lower level.Talk to him. He knows a way to get you ungrounded, but it involves himeither evading Citadel control, or hacking into Udina's computer. Oncethe decision is made, head down to the Normandy. The big difference asfar as I can tell between the two options? If he goes after CitadelControl he'll take a bullet for the cause of good. If he goes afterUdina's computer, we all get the satisfaction of seeing Udina get what'scoming to him. Part of what's coming to him, in any event.Normandy: The Final Rideo======================================================================o5) Go around and chat with everybody, it'll be your last time aboard theNormandy, and your last time talking to some of the NPCs. Make sure youcheck out the Styx cluster before you head off, too. There are twosystems you can explore there to wrap up all the sidequests. When you'reready, travel to Ilos.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Now is when the climatic scene of your romance will trigger, ifyou've maintained good relations with your significant other, and ifyou haven't nuked them at Virmire. If you don't turn them down, you'llget to see the raunchy, steaming, hardcore sex scene that had Fox Newsin a tissy over the alleged ‘sexxbox'. Ah.. conservatives.. Anyway,when you're done showing innocent children these scenes of repugnantrape, pick up your controller and get ready to head into the finalstretch of game. And make sure you pick your squad wisely! You will notbe changing it again.***MISSION***Ilos: Find the Conduit***CODEX***Primary- Planets and Locations//Planets: Ilos
Sequence of Events:{WLK009}1) Plaza2) Courtyard3) Security Station4) Vigil5) Race to the ConduitIlos: Upper and Lower Ruinso======================================================================o1) An anti-climatic ending is avoided when Joker makes his impossibleMako drop practically on Saren's head. I know, I was surprised too.Unfortunately, Saren closes a door behind him, and you must open it.Hoof it to the south on your map towards an area marked 'Plaza'. Killall the geth, and either head around the building towards the'Courtyard' or down a path north-west of the Plaza that leads to a'Trench', inside of which you'll find more geth, and an Armature Controlconsole, which you can disable to make life easier.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head around a building south-west from the Plaza to reach theCourtyard. East of the Courtyard you can enter an elevator to get atsome loot, but your destination is in the south-west corner of themap. When you get there, take the elevator and endure some intra-partybanter.Ilos: Security Stationo======================================================================o3) Your goal here is to head north through the geth, through theArmature Bay, and to the Security Room. In your way are some tough geth,although you can activate several Armature Repair Stations to get someof the dormant armatures on your side. Frankly however, it's probablyeasier to just gun down the existing geth. Head around to the side ofthe building marked Security Room and take a ramp up. Inside, you canactivate a 'Security Panel' to watch a damaged hologram. Go down tothe front of the building and head through a tunnel in the middle,which contains an elevator just for you.Ilos: Archiveso======================================================================o4) You'll find yourself back in the Courtyard. Head over to the Makoand drive into the bunker Saren fled into. Drive down shooting geth asyou go until you hit a barrier. Get out of the Mako and head through adoorway to the left. Go down an elevator and talk to Vigil. He'll spillthe beans about.. well.. pretty much every secret Mass Effect 1 has tohide. To be brief, the Conduit you've been searching for is a back doorinto the Citadel, and the Citadel is a trap set by the Reapers. You haveto chase Saren through the Conduit and stop him before he can givecontrol of the Citadel to Sovereign, who will use it to summon theReaper armada. You can get some renegade points if you choose snippydialogue options.***ALIGNMENT***Renegade +2Ilos: Trench Runo======================================================================oThere's a bit of gaming to do here, that's easy to explain. Drive in theMako down the singular path available to you, and slag all the geth yousee en route to the Conduit. When you get close, you'll see the Conduitin the distance. A cutscene will play, showing you Sovereign's assaulton the Citadel. Serves them right. When the game goes back to you, youwill have 40 seconds to reach the Conduit, which is plenty of timeprovided you ignore all the geth in your path. Reach the Conduit, andyou're gold.
Showdown with Saren
Sequence of Events:{WLK011}1) Invasion2) The Ascent3) Saren's Fall4) Irony5) Natural SelectionCitadel: The Presidiumo======================================================================o1) You'll make a dramatic entrance in the Citadel, and the Mako willprove exactly why it's an ATV, and not an aircraft of some sort. On thatnote, it would probably do just find as a cannon ball, and for MassEffect 2, lets hope it is exactly that. Head over to the Avina Terminalto learn a bit about the situation. Saren is near the council chambers,which means you'll have to climb the Citadel Tower to get to him. Headup to the elevator and get prepared to ride to your final fight.Citadel Tower: Maintenance Shafto======================================================================o2) Or not. You really didn't think you'd get to sit in an elevatorall the way to the top, did you? Your goal is to forge ahead throughSaren's cronies and reach the top of the tower. You'll run into somegeth infantry in a tunnel, and some bigger geth and a krogan warlordwhen you get back 'outside'. Head up a ramp and take a right, shootingas you go. Kill some more geth and you'll get to an area with someCitadel Defense Turrets. Activate them, as a geth dropship will showup with playmates for you, and the more turrets you have shooting at it,the faster it bites the dust. Continue on, dealing with some bigger gethand Krogans. You'll get to another large open area that has plenty oftroopers and geth turrets. Getting hit by a turret is not suggested.Let your bullets pave the way as you reach the far end of the area,taking a left down a ramp which leads to a door.Citadel: Towero======================================================================o3) You're now inside the tower again, the council chamber is just alittle ways ahead. Kill the handful of geth in your way and make yourway to Saren. Saren will chat with you for a bit before any bulletsfly. If your charm/intimidate is very high, you can talk Saren out ofa fight here. You'll have to succeed at three consecutivecharm/intimidate attempts, but they all have the same difficulty. If youcan succeed at one, you can succeed at them all. Doing so will make Sarenspare you a bullet by putting one through his own brain. If you can'ttalk him out of a fight, you'll have to do the job yourself, and it'spretty much the same thing you dealt with on Virmire-but with the addedsatisfaction of killing Saren. He'll throw some techs and rockets at you,but it's nothing that warrants any real dread or even the use of anyspecial tactics. Once he bites the glass, activate the Control Panel.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 9 ranks in charm or intimidate you can convinceSaren to redeem himself, break free of Sovereign's control, and do theright thing.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +24 (Charm Saren)Renegade +25 (Intimidate Saren)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Now you get the chance to screw over the council. Normandy and anAlliance fleet are within range of the Citadel, and you have threeresponses to give to Joker. Either save the council at the cost ofAlliance lives, tell them to focus on stopping Sovereign, or topointedly ignore the council. You get a whopping amount of Paragon forsaving the council, a whopping amount of renegade for condemning them,and a bit of both if you're pragmatic.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Paragon +28Renegade +9Renegade +29<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) After the cutscene, Sovereign will take control of Saren's inorganicremains-which as it turns out is quite a bit of Saren, possibly morethan even he knew. Now begins your final fight against Sovereign Saren,who for all intents and purposes functions like a geth stalker. He'lljump around a lot and shoot things at you. Pull out all your abilitiesto make this.. rather annoying.. fight go by faster. When you're donetaking pot-shots at the little frog-bot that Saren became, sit back andwatch the final cutscenes of the game.. and make a few final choices.
Side Quests {SDQ001}
After completing three of the four following missions (Feros, Liara'sDig Site, Noveria, or Virmire) you should tie up any loose ends.. whichmeans it's side-quest time. If you've been exploring on your own, you'veprobably done a good bit of these, but in case you haven't.. Note thatthis listing will NOT include assignments that can be completed entirelybefore leaving the Citadel for the first time.. they are part of themain walkthrough, and you will find them covered in greater depththerein.Citadel: Family Matter{SDQ002}o======================================================================oAfter completing one of the post-Citadel missions (Artemis Tau, Feros,or Noveria) return to the Citadel. Go to the Presidium, near the bank,and talk to Michael or Rebekah. Use either charm or intimidate to getthe best results. Whose side you pick doesn't really matter.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(Michael)If you have at least 2 ranks in charm you can convince Michael that itis Rebe-KAH's decision.If you have at least 3 ranks in intimidate you can tell Michael thatyelling isn't solving anything.(Rebe-KAH)If you have at least 3 ranks in charm to convince Rebe-KAH to give thebaby a better chance than the father had.If you have at least 2 ranks in intimidate you can tell Rebe-KAH tonot endanger the baby.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (charm Michael or Rebe-KAH)Renegade +9 (intimidate Michael or Rebe-KAH)Citadel: Old Friendso======================================================================o(Note: This quest only triggers if you have the background 'Earthborn.')After completing one of the post-Citadel missions (Artemis Tau, Feros,or Noveria) return to the Citadel and go to Chora's Den. Outside, nearthe Citadel Rapid Transit you'll find a man named Finch, who claims tobe an old buddy of yours from your young days in a gang. He'll ask youto get his buddy out of some drug trouble with the Turians.Head into the bar and talk to the 'Turian Guard'. If you rat out Finchyou'll get a small boost to your Paragon and Finch will show up tothreaten you some more. charm intimidate finch!! Or.. if you don't haveenough ranks in charm/intimidate, you can always pay Finch off, whichmakes you look like an utter pansy (a point the Turian Guard willkindly point out). Then again, you can always shoot him, which is greatfun! It saves you the trouble of bribing him, nets you some nicerenegade points, and gets the Turian's approval.If you go try and get Curt freed from prison, you'll have to convincethe guard by charm/intimidating him.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least X ranks in charm you canIf you have at least X ranks in intimidate you canIf you have at least X ranks in charm you canIf you have at least X ranks in intimidate you can***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (Tell the Turian about Finch)Renegade +9 (Shoot Finch)Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things{SDQ003}o======================================================================o(Note: This quest only triggers if you have the background 'Spacer'.)After completing one of the post-Citadel missions (Artemis Tau, Feros,or Noveria) return to the Citadel and go to the area leading to theWards from the Presidium ('Citadel: Flux and Wards Access') and talk toZabaleta. He'll try and bum some money off of you.. your good deed orstinginess will get you some paragon or renegade.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (give Zabaleta money)Renegade +2 (call him a drunk)Go to the Normandy and talk to your mother via the Comm Room and learnmore about this Zalabeta. By the way, your mother's name in Mass Effectis Hannah, in case you weren't looking. Just a bit of trivia I'm surewill never come up again. Now head back to the Citadel and findZalabeta exactly where you left him. You can get some renegade bytelling him off, or a whole lot of paragon by helping him out withmoney for food.. of course, there's always charm/intimidate. NormallyI would intimidate him, but since there not much of a chance of megetting the required charm/intimidate on the first play through, Isettle with buying him groceries.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 4 ranks in charm, you can tell him to go to theVeteran's Affairs Office.If you have at least 5 ranks in intimidate, you can tell him to stopwhining.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (give Zalabeta money for food or charm Zalabeta)Renegade +9 (intimidate Zalabeta)Renegade +2Citadel: The Fan{SDQ004}o======================================================================oYou should have begun this assignment earlier (see the Citadelwalkthrough.) Conrad will pop up from time to time (not randomly) aftercompleting main story missions and spending time exploring. Being niceto him only encourages him.. but it continues the quest. Telling him offends the assignment without any reward or consequence. The first timeyou talk to him, he asks for an autograph. After messing around in spacea while, go back to continue the assignment. This time he asks to take apicture of you. To continue on with the quest, let him take it. I'm sureit'll make his 'wife' so happy. After Artemis Tau I head back again (ifyou didn't do plenty of sidequests, just check back after each majorstory mission for him.) Conrad has a great idea this time. He wants youto sign him on as a Spectre. Don't blow him off outright, or things willend badly for Conrad. Pick either the top or middle option, thencharm/intimidate him. As usual, I find the best option to beintimidation, which gets you a good bit of renegade, and it teachesConrad a lesson. Do whatever you feel is best.. as long as it involvescharming or intimidating him. Either way, this assignment is over.***CHARM//INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 2 ranks in charm, you can convince Conrad to gohome.If you have at least 3 ranks in intimidate, you can put a gun toConrad's face and show him the glamour of being a Spectre.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (charm Conrad)Renegade +9 (intimidate Conrad)Citadel: The Fourth Estate{SDQ005}o======================================================================oAfter completing one of the post-Citadel missions (Artemis Tau, Feros,or Noveria) return to the Citadel. Head up to C-Sec and talk to KhalisahAl-Jilani. You can either go through the interview (charming orintimidating to get the most experience/credits), leave the interviewbecause of the reporters bias (to gain paragon) or punch the reporterfor her 'snide insinuations' (to gain renegade).***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***(about placing the Citadel's needs before the needs of Earth..)If you have at least 2 ranks in charm you can defend the council'sauthority.If you have at least 2 ranks in intimidate you can defend your loyaltyto humanity.(about the Normandy..)If you have at least 3 ranks in charm you can mention the Turian'sinvolvement in the Normandy's design.If you have at least 4 ranks in intimidate you can ignore the input ofthe Turians into the Normandy's design.(about handing Earth's most advanced warship over to the citadel..)If you have at least 6 ranks in charm you can defend that the Normandyis still commanded and crewed by humans. (This skips the option below.)If you have at least 5 ranks in intimidate you can assert your-andthe Alliances-command over the Normandy. (This skips the option below.)(This option pops up only if you answered neutral on the questionbefore.)(about humanity getting the respect it deserves from the galacticcommunity..)If you have at least 8 ranks in charm you can say humanity will gainrespect when it earns it.If you have at least 7 ranks in intimidate you can remark that the wayto gain the respect of the galaxy is to do so through military prowess.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon{SDQ006}o======================================================================oAfter doing plenty of side-quests, or after one of the post Citadelstory missions, talk to Garrus in the Normandy. He'll tell you about oneDr. Saleon, whom he is eager to find. Head to the Kepler Verge, Herschel
System. Board the MSV Fedele and make your way through the ship. One ofthe games' few enemies will be onboard, named 'Test Subjects'. Killthem and head into the back of the ship. When you find Dr. Saleon.. orDr. Heart, as it may be, conduct the conversation as you see fit. Thegood Doctor ends up dead, and Garrus learns a lesson.. good or bad.There's plenty of looting to be done in this room before you leave.Investigate Facility{SDQ007}o======================================================================oYou can get this assignment in Feros, while exploring the Exo-Genibuilding. (See the Feros section of the walkthrough for moreinformation.) This assignment will be replaced by UNC: ExoGeni Facilitywhen you scan the planet Nodacrux in the Vostok System of the MaroonSea Cluster. It will be completed under the UNC: ExoGeni Facilityheading below.Investigate Samples{SDQ008}o======================================================================oYou can get this assignment in Feros, while exploring the Exo-Genibuilding. (See the Feros section of the walkthrough for moreinformation.) It turns into UNC: Colony of the Dead while performingthe assignment, and will be covered under that heading below.Tali and the Geth{SDQ009}o======================================================================oThat data you found after finishing UNC: Geth Incursions are of someinterest to Tali. After finding it, the next convo with her will concernthat data. You really have two choices here, give her the data, or don't.You get a measly amount of paragon for giving her the data, and a measlyamount of renegade for denying her.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +1Renegade +2UNC: Asari Diplomacy{SDQ010}o======================================================================oAfter completing one of the story missions you may get a transmissionfrom a Nassana Dantius, who will ask you to meet her in the EmbassyLounge on the Presidium level of the Citadel. I rarely get her message,however, as I typically do all the sidequests possible before hittingany of the major story missions.On the planet Sharjila in the Artemis Tau Cluster, Macedon System,head to the north to find a 'Stronghold.' Unfortunately everything inthe galaxy except Shepard is immune to environmental hazards, so you'llhave to kill the forces outside. Head inside and kill the pirates andthe 'Asari slaver.' Go upstairs and search the computer to find out thatthe Asari, posthumously named Dahlia Dantius is related to a diplomat onthe Citadel named Nassana. You can just tell her, gaining a few paragonor renegade points, but as always the best route it to use charm orintimidate. This gets you more credits, and the Armali Council license.For some reason, you don't seem to get any paragon/renegade for usingcharm/intimidate in this situation. Oh well.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 3 ranks in charm, you can convince Nassana togive you a little something extra.If you have at least 4 ranks in intimidate, you can bully Nassana toshell out the goods.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2UNC: Besieged Base{SDQ011}o======================================================================oIf you have a full Paragon meter, you'll be contacted by Admiral Hackettupon entering a new solar system. He'll tell you that some biotics havedrugged some researchers on a medical station and are using them ashuman shields. Head over to the Hades Gamma cluster, the Cacus system,and land on the planet Chohe. Head to the south-eastern corner ofthe map to find the Science Base. Inside are a number of pain-in-the-assbiotics who love to spam their powers and keep you on the ground.Drugged-up scientist meander about the entire time, just begging to getcaught in the crossfire, which is exactly what you're supposed to avoid.Engaging in a fire-fight in the middle of the complex and having yourparty shoot at will is certain to end in unwanted casualties, so leaveyour party by the entrance and head inside the base. Shoot to get theattention of the terrorists and run back to the tunnel connecting theentrance/antechamber to the large central complex. The terroristsshould follow you down the tunnel, where you should have much lesstrouble slaughtering them while avoiding your scientists. You may haveto do this several times to lure them all. Your biggest problem will bebiotics being thrown about and all the exploding devices lying about,which serve no real purpose other than to kill the scientists millingabout. Once they're all dead you'll get a reward. Loot and leave. You'llget a glowing review from Hackett back on the Normandy if you manage tosave all the civilians, but other than that, I can't say.UNC: Cerberus{SDQ012}o======================================================================oAfter completing the assignment UNC: Missing Marines, head anywherefrom the Citadel, and Kahoku should contact you, prompting this quest.Head to the Voyager Cluster, Yangtze System, and land on the planetBinthu. You'll have a number of 'Research Bases' marked on your map, oneto the north and slightly west, one to the east and slightly north, andone to the south. Each one will have two turrets outside, a force ofvarious Cerberus troops inside, and some odd beasties, whom you will befacing en masse during either Feros or Noveria. Eliminate all Cerberuspresence, and search the body of Kahoku when you find him. Once Binthulies silent, you'll get another assignment.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Hades' DogsUNC: Colony of the Dead{SDQ013}o======================================================================oThis assignment is originally obtained in Feros, and is listed in yourjournal as "Investigate Samples". When you approach the 'CivilianStructure' on Chasca, the assignment will update, and turn intoUNC: Colony of the Dead.Head to the planet Chasca, in the Matano System of the Maroon SeaCluster. When on Chasca, drive the Mako to the south-west to find a'Civilian Structure', upon nearing your journal should update to theabove assignment heading. Go inside the structure and kill all the huskswithin. There's a good bit of loot about, especially upstairs.There's another 'Civilian Structure' south-east of the northern-mostone, so head there next. Pretty much the same thing, too. Kill thehusks, loot, and leave.Now head south-west some more to reach a 'Science Facility'. Outsideyou'll find.. more husks to kill. Go inside and.. *sigh*.. you knowwhat's going to be in here.. more husks. Kill them, head to the back,loot, and activate the terminal. Cerberus will pay for this. Grr.. andstuff.. You're done.UNC: Dead Scientists {SDQ014}o======================================================================oTravel to the Kepler Verge, Newton System. On the way you'll receivea transmission from Admiral Hackett, telling you about some deadscientists. Accept the mission and land on planet Ontarom.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Dead Scientists//Find the Scientist***CODEX***Primary- Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures//Thresher MawsHead to the south-east to find a 'Science Station', kill the mercenariesoutside and enter. Kill more mercenaries and make your way to the back.You'll come across a 'Corporal Toombs' threatening to shoot a scientist.More dialogue options! You can shoot Toombs by picking the renegadeoption both times, and this is the most obvious renegade solution. Ifyou try to get more information, you get the option to kill thescientist yourself (intimidate) or to let Toombs kill him. If you choosethe paragon option twice (or try to go neutral) Toombs will kill thescientist, and then himself. In any event, if Toombs kills thescientist, he'll kill himself. The best solutions lie in finding outmore information, then either taking the paragon or renegade option.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Dead Scientists//Report to Hackett***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 10 ranks in charm you can tell Toombs that heisn't like the scientists, and convince him not to sully his name bybecoming a murderer like them.If you have at least 8 ranks in intimidate, you can shoot thescientist yourself, and abuse your Spectre immunity a bit. This is byfar my favorite choice, and in the grand scheme of things, the mostjust.***ALIGNMENT***(Since the game goes to a load screen after the conversation, it'shard for me to tell what points you actually get, but I'll take mybest guess..)Paragon +8 (Charm Toombs)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Toombs)UNC: Distress call{SDQ015}o======================================================================oWhen you scan the planet Metgos, in the Argos Rho Cluster, HydraGalaxy, you'll receive a distress call from planetside. Be a goodShepard and investigate. Head south-east to find the source. When youget near it, you'll get ambushed by get armatures, rocket drones,and rocket troopers. This can be a bit much at earlier levels, but ifyou're tough, you can manage without the mako. Just make sure toretreat and find a place to park that's out of the line of fire. Oncethey're all gone, this assignment is over.UNC: Espionage Probe{SDQ016}o======================================================================oTravel to the Voyager Cluster, Amazon System to get a transmission from5th fleet's Admiral Hackett. Accept to do this assignment and yourjournal will update.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Espionage ProbeLand on Agebinium and head to the 'Alliance Homing Beacon', north-westof center. Exit the Mako and head into the mineshaft. Continue downuntil you find the bomb-get trapped in the tunnel with it-and have anice chat with an angry outlaw. Regardless what you do, the end resultsare the same, leaving you in a mine with a nuke set to detonate in 10seconds. All you can really do is disarm the thing yourself. You haveto play a slower version of the button-press mini-game and disablethree hardpoints, 10 presses per hardpoint. I didn't know disarmingnukes was so easy! Anyhow, after that's done, exit the mine to theoutside. Haliat and his goons are waiting at the bottom of a cliff, andrunning in there is rough with a low-level poor-gear character. If youhave any points into sniper rifles, the task becomes almost childishlyeasy. After they are dead, explore, and head back to the Normandy.UNC: ExoGeni Facility{SDQ017}o======================================================================oThis assignment is originally obtained in Feros, and is listed in yourjournal as "Investigate Facility". When you scan the planet Nodacrux inthe Vostok System of the Maroon Sea Cluster it will change to UNC:ExoGeni Facility. When you scan the planet Nodacrux, you'll get atransmission from Joker telling you that the Normandy is picking up adistress beacon from planetside. Land on Nodacrux and go to the 'ScienceFacility' in the south-east. Instead of androgynous, characterless husks,you'll be fighting.. Thorian creepers.. *sigh*. Oh well, go in and killall the creepers. Go in one of the rooms in the back, and some ExoGeniscientists will thank you for rescuing them. I might be playing a 'bad'Shepard, but she's also a Shepard who likes to put bullets in the brainsof people that are bad. You know, like an anti-hero. They reveal they wereworking on samples from the Thorian, and had devised a way to turn victimsinto docile slaves. You have a number of ways to resolve this situation.If you pick the paragon or neutral option, she tries to bribe you. GoingParagon again will provoke a fight, and get you a healthy bonus to yourParagon rating. If you take the Renegade option, you'll get a goodbonus to your Renegade points. Of course, if you accept the bribe.. you'llget some cash. I can get credits anywhere, and if you allow yourself toget bribed, you wont be able to loot the room. Simply put, you get moremoney-and some alignment rating-if you kill them. Plus, people who turnother people into plant-slaves deserves some shotgun love.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8Renegade +9UNC: Geth Incursions{SDQ018}o======================================================================oOne of the larger side-quests, aside from the affair with Cerberus,head to the Armstrong Nebula to get a transmission from Hackett tellingyou about Geth incursions. Each of the four systems in the ArmstrongNebula (Gagarin, Hong, Vamshi, Tereshkova) are part of this assignment.Having four planets with geth to kill makes this a fairly good sourceof bonus experience. Go in whatever order you wish, I will goalphabetically by system.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Geth Incursion//Eliminate Geth OutpostsFirst stop is Rayingri in the Gagarin System. When you land head southand navigate up the mountains to the 'Overrun Research Base.' Insideyou'll have plenty of husks to kill. When they die, the real gethshow up. Kill them too, loot, and leave. More geth are waiting outside.Format them and leave the planet.Next it's time to head to the Hong System and land on planet Casbin.In the north-west corner you'll find an 'Anomalous Signal' which isguarded by three geth armatures, and three geth turrets, each of whichis capable of killing a moderately well-equipped and leveled Shepardin one shot. If you want the extra experience, whittle them down a bitwith the Mako, then pop out and finish them off. The next geth positionis east of the center, conveniently listed as 'Geth Outpost' on yourmap. Find a position in the hills and snipe the geth from their towers.After the garrison is dead, a geth dropship will arrive and unload somegood old troopers for you to take pot-shots at. Destroy the dropshipto stop reinforcements, or take your time picking off geth until thedropship leaves. Either way, when all the get are gone, you're donehere.Next stop is the planet Antibaar in the Tereshkova System. Your preyis in the north-east, and they mean business. Take position in thehills where you can get cover from the geth, and snipe the bastardsthin. The Geth Colossus, on the other hand, is a pain. He's going tobe hard to bring down with conventional weapons. Soften him up withthe Mako, and you'll manage. Once all those geth are gone, a dropshipcomes and lets loose some troopers, and a pair of geth prime. Sufficeto say you don't want to be anywhere near the geth prime.. snipe allthe troopers, and wear the prime down with the mako before engagingthem. Once all that is over with, it's time to head off to your fourthoutpost.Finally, there's Maji. Go north and slightly west to find some gethheavy turrets. Once again, if you soften them up with the Mako anddestroy them on foot, you'll gain a good bit more experience. Destroythem all and head to the geth outpost. Kill the geth in the towers.When they're all dead, a colossus will drop. Whack it and you'll find..there's another outpost. Yay. You now have access to the Grissom Systemin the Armstrong Nebula.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Geth Incursions//Eliminate Geth BunkerOnce on Solcrum head over to the east a bit. You'll come across abunker guarded by three geth in towers, and two colossi. Destroy them,and enter the complex. Don't rush into the main room. You're going towant to use the door as cover. There are a number of geth stalkers,destroyers, and a juggernaut inside. The stalkers should be yourfirst targets, since they're the most aggressive. Just so long as youdon't rush in and avoid the missiles the destroyers and juggernautshoot at you, you should be fine. In fact, this is probably the easiestfight of this whole assignment. Loot the place, particularly to getthe info on the first floor-Tali will want this.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Tali and the GethNow for an asides. At this point in the game my Shepard is level 21(I've not logged a single kill in the Mako) and I finally get my firstdose of mid-level gear. You'll know it when you see it-guns thatout fire your old ones by 10-20 points in every category, that sortof thing. To keep track on how the leveling process is going, checkthe 'my progress' section later in the guide to see if you're on track.UNC: Hades' Dogs{SDQ019}o======================================================================oHead to the Voyager Cluster, Columbia System, and land on planetNepheron. Head over to the south to find an 'Underground Facility.'Outside of the facility are snipers and anti-tank units.. rockets. Goinside and kill all the Cerberus troops, investigate the terminal inthe back, and you're done. When you get to the Normandy and go toleave, you'll be contacted by an agent of the Shadow Broker, who wantscopies of that Cerberus data you have. Of course, this is technically..well, literally.. treason. You know, giving away information abouthumanities rogue spec-ops group conducting illicit experiments in orderto create super soldiers? Anyway, it's a purely paragon or renegadedecision.UNC: Hostage{SDQ020}o======================================================================oHead to the Hades Cluster, Farinata System, and board the MSV Ontario.This is going to be a biotic slug-out, so if you can, make sure yourarmor is up to snuff with physics threshold and biotic resistance.. ormake sure your gun is good. I really don't recommend this until youstart getting mid-level gear (see my level 21 Shepard, later in theguide.)Go inside, and as soon as the shooting begins, you'll get a 3:00countdown before the hostage is shot. This shouldn't matter too much,as the biotics are rather aggressive. Either you'll mop them upfairly quickly, or they'll kill you, either way, the timer shouldn'tmatter much. They LOVE to spam their biotics, and they can keep youon the ground fairly continuously if you don't have some protection.Once you get to the Chairman, you'll have a chat with the Biotic Leader.You can choose to fight them right away (which gets your Chairmankilled) or you can try and be a nice guy (which still gets the Chairmankilled.) The only way to save the Chairman is to charm/intimidate thebiotic leader. Meh. What you say after the charm/intimidate doesn'treally matter. The leader is actually fairly tough-he's not an adept,that's for sure. He'll use immunity, and does fair weapon damage.That combined with his two biotic buddies knocking you down could bebad news. If the shooting starts, back out of the room and take coverby the door. Kill his two biotics, and he shouldn't be too muchtrouble alone. Don't forget to loot around when the problem isresolved.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 6 ranks in Charm, you can convince the leaderthat the biotics need the Chairman.If you have at least 5 ranks in Intimidate, you can convince theleader that he's making all biotics look at terrorists.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2Paragon +8 (Charm the leader)Renegade +9 (Intimidate the leader)UNC: Hostile Takeover{SDQ021}o======================================================================oThis old quest, from back in the Citadel, can be a bit of a pain. Butif you were up for the Geth Incursions, this should be cake. Head overto the Gemini Sigma Cluster, Han System, and land on Mavigon. Head tothe south-east corner of the map to find a Syndicate Hideout. Destroythe turrets and head inside. Destroy the crimelord, and you're off toanother ice planet to find crimelord #2. Or #1. Hey, do 'em in whateverorder you wish.Your next destination is the Hades Gamma Cluster, Dis System, to thelovely iceberg of Klensal. Find the Syndicate Hideout and kill thiscrimelord much like the last one.. or much like you WILL kill the NEXTone. Now that they're dead, Helena awaits.Travel to the Horsehead Nebula Cluster, Fortuna System, and land onAmaranthine. Head south from center to find an Engineering Outpost.Go through the door to be put into a conversation with Helena. Youcan go the renegade route and let her go for some credits, or you cango paragon and try and arrest her. If you charm/intimidate her, she'llsay some extra dialogue but still come to the conclusion that she'drather die than go to prison. You net more paragon/renegade for usingcharm/intimidate, but the core decision remains the same. The optionsare simple: arrest her, or take the bribe. Note that if youcharm/intimidate her, and then let her go, you can come back and lootas you wish. Typically, I choose to fight Helena.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 10 ranks in charm you can convince Helena thather band has been tainted by their past activities.If you have at least 7 ranks in intimidate, you can try to get Helenato disband the group.. unsuccessfully, but it does net you a largeamount of renegade points.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (arrest Helena)Paragon +8 (charm Helena)Renegade +9 (intimidate Helena)UNC: Listening Post Alpha{SDQ022}o======================================================================oHead to the Styx cluster, Erebus system and land on Nepmos. When you getnear the Listening Post, you'll have swarms of Rachni to compete with.When you get a chance, talk to Lieutenant Durand. She'll tell you a lotof "I don't knows", but the key is, she needs the bases automateddefenses back up. Investigate the Generator, which will prompt you touse the Mako to power up the turrets, under the proviso that you can'tuse the Mako while it's charging. Who needs it anyway? Connect the Makoto the generator and go bust some Rachni faces. When they are dead, talkto Durand again to find the main source of the Rachni, at a 'RachniInfested Mine' to the west. when you get there, leave the Mako and enterthe mine. Kill all the Rachni inside until a pop-up notifies you thatyou've slain the Rachni on Nepmos. Do some looting around here, youmight just get something nice. I happened to get a suit of Colossus Xlight armor in these mines. In any case, the assignment is over.UNC: Listening Post Theta{SDQ023}o======================================================================oAfter Noveria, head to the Styx cluster, Archeron system and land onAltahe. Head south from the center of the map to find the 'ListeningPost'. Exterminate the Rachni inside and out and search the terminalin the back of the post to discover the location of the last supplydrop the post received.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Listening Post AlphaUNC: Lost Freighter{SDQ024}o======================================================================oTravel to the Gemini Sigma Cluster, Ming System. Locate the MSWorthington and board the sucker. Inside you'll have to go through aroom that has booby traps. After that, head into the Crew Quarters andlisten to a recording. Next check out the co*ckpit for anotherrecording, and finally stop off in the Medical Bay. After listening tothe last recording, you'll get attack by a biotic lady. Put her down,unplug her man, and leave.UNC: Lost Module{SDQ025}o======================================================================oHead to the Attican Beta Cluster, Hercules System to get contacted byAdmiral Hackett. He wants you to recover a downed spy probe before thegeth reach it. Head on over to Eletania and get to business. You canfind your probe to the east, however, the data you're after seems tohave be stolen by some indigenous monkey creatures. Fun. Head southto find the first colony of monkeys. If you kill any, you'll get abonus to your renegade score (one time bonus). If you decide to not bethe cause of the Eletania Monkey Scourge just search them instead. Thecolony you're looking for is north and slightly to the east. Head upinside the mine and search the monkeys in one of the lower tunnels toget the module. If you didn't kill a single monkey, you'll get a niceparagon bonus. After you get the data some geth will ambush you. Notethat there's absolutely nothing that prevents you from going throughthe quest as a monkey friend, gaining the Paragon bonus, and as soonas you have that module, dusting off a monkey for the Renegade bonusas well. It's good to be complex.Check out the Eletania Glitch in the Alignment section of this FAQ{CHR046} for info on how to max out your Paragon meter on this quest.Or be a snooty purist and ignore the opportunity.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +6Renegade +4UNC: Major Kyle *Incomplete*{SDQ026}o======================================================================oWhen you enter the Hawking Eta, Century System, you'll get atransmission from everybody's favorite Alliance taskmaster-AdmiralHackett. Apparently your CO from Torfan has gone cultist and Hackettbelieves he has murdered some Alliance officials. Head to the moonPresrop to investigate.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Major Kyle//Investigate Major Kyle's CompoundGo up to the large structure, where a door jockey will talk with you.Telling him you served with Kyle in Torfan is one way to go if you'retrying to avoid (or at least delay) a fire fight. If you mention that'Alliance officers are dead' you'll get a chance to charm/intimidate.If you want the straight-forward method, say whatever you wish to theguard, hack your way in, kill everybody around, and unlock the bunkerwith a terminal on the first floor. Note that if you get them tounlock the bunker, you can go inside the compound and loot it. Justmake sure not to shoot anything.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 3 ranks in charm, you can convince the guard tolet you in.If you have at least 5 ranks in intimidate, you can threaten the doorguard.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2 (charm the door guard)Renegade +2 (intimidate the door guard)***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Major Kyle//Talk to the MajorNow head into the bunker across the way. If you started a fire-fight inthe compound, you'll have hostiles here, too. Make your way to the backto have a chat with Kyle. The only way to peacefully resolve this questis to have a high enough charm/intimidate to get Kyle to do the rightthing. Otherwise it ends with Shepard putting a bullet in Kyle's head..which in most cases I think is the best way for a quest to end. Still,you get more points if you charm/intimidate. You can alwayscharm/intimidate and then pick renegade responses to kill Kyle (andhis followers) anyway.***CHARM/INTIMIDATE***If you have at least 7 ranks in charm, you can convince Kyle that hisfollowers will suffer if he doesn't give himself up.If you have at least 8 ranks in intimidate you can threaten to kill allof his followers if he doesn't cooperate.***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +8 (Charm Kyle)Renegade +9 (Intimidate Kyle)Paragon +2 (Kill Kyle//Paragon)Renegade +2 (Kill Kyle//Renegade)UNC: Missing Marines{SDQ027}o======================================================================oHead to the planet Edolus in the Artemis Tau Cluster, Sparta System.Go north to find the distress beacon, as well as an alliancetransport that was sacked by a thresher maw. Destroy the thresher maw,examine the marine, and report the bad news to Kahoku. He'll head offto go 'do his part.'***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Missing Marines//Speak to KahokuUNC: Missing Survey Team{SDQ028}o======================================================================oHead to the Hades Gamma, Antaeus System and land on the planet Trebin.Just north of center you'll find a Research Base. Search the computerin one of the trailers (not forgetting to loot!) for some information.Head into the excavation site and kill the husks inside.UNC: Privateers{SDQ029}o======================================================================oAfter getting this assignment from Garoth in the Citadel Tower, headto the Horse Head Nebula, Strenuus System, and scan the MSV Majesty,and land on planet Xawin. Head to the north-east corner of the mapto find a 'Mercenary Base.' Kill the snipers and turrets outside,then kill all the baddies inside. Be careful, as there are a number ofKrogans amongst them that can be pretty strong. Go upstairs into theback room and check the terminal for a codex, and search the body todiscover that it is of one Captain Willem. No happy ending for Garoth.Depending on how you tell him, you stand to gain some paragon orrenegade.***ASSIGNMENT***UNC: Privateers//Talk to Garoth***ALIGNMENT***Paragon +2Renegade +2***CODEX***Secondary- Ships and Vehicles//Space Combat: General TacticsUNC: Rogue VI{SDQ030}o======================================================================oOn your way to the Grissom System (see the assignment UNC: GethIncursion) you'll be contacted by.. you guessed it, Admiral Hackett. Hewants you to head to luna and manually disable a military VI that hasgone rogue. This mission unlocks an entire talent tree for Shepard, soit's a little worth doing.Head over to the Local Cluster, Sol System, to get to good 'ol Earth.Make sure you check out our home planet for a codex, and swing by Marsfor another, then land on Luna.***CODEX***Primary- Humanity and the Systems Alliance//EarthSecondary- Aliens: Extinct Races//Protheans: Mars RuinsThere are some groups of turrets hanging around the map (one to theeast, one to the south west, and one group to the west around the'Alliance Training Ground.') that should be killed. By now my Shepardis strong enough to just get out and circle-strafe until they die. Andremember, you get twice the experience.. more even.. if you kill themout of the Mako.Anyway, you have three bunkers which to explore. Do so in any order,the assignment isn't done until all the VI Conduits are destroyed. Theconduits are located in the back, you'll have to fight your way throughsome drones to get at them. The assault drones are nothing, but therocket drones can be a pain, especially when they cluster up and getaggressive. Be sure to search the 'Data Port' in one of the bunkers.When you destroy the third and final set of drones you'll get amessage that says you've achieved a 'specialization class.' Thisreplaces your 'career' talent tree, such as soldier, and is inevery way beneficial. As a soldier I have two options: Shock Trooperor Commando. Shock Trooper increases health, damage protection,Immunity or Barrier, and Adrenaline Rush. All of which are absolutelygreat improvements. On the other hand, Commando increases my damagewith all weapons, Immunity, Marksman, and Assassination. Frankly, I'mgoing to choose Adrenaline Rush (which make me able to use ALL myabilities more often) over Marksman (which sucks considering, I alreadyhave an Assault Rifle) and Assassination.. it might be nice, but withShepard imminently becoming a tank, I shouldn't have to rely on mysniper rifles as much any more. I suppose if you're an infiltrator,Commando would be nice, since it makes your pistols nearly as good asassault rifles.. but for me, I'm going with Shock Trooper. Anyway,you now have twelve ranks of your specialty class (instead of six)your seventh rank gives you a good bonus to either damage or damagereduction. So make sure to get up to at least rank 7, as there aren'ttoo many talents out there that will be a better buy.***CODEX***Secondary- Ships and Locations//Vehicles: Combat DronesUNC: The Negotiation{SDQ031}o======================================================================oWhen you have a maxed out Renegade meter, Admiral Hackett shouldcontact you. He'll ask you to negotiate with a raider named Darius.Given your track record, the Alliance is essentially sending you downto kill the man, since obviously (due to your Renegade level) peacefulnegotiations and following the rules aren't your forte. Head over tothe Hades Gamma cluster, Plutus System, and land on the planet Nonuel.Head to the North-east and enter the 'Warlord's Outpost'. Inside you'llencounter Lord Darius. If you let him speak, he'll tell you the Alliancefunded him so he could take over the region. If you pick Renegadedialogue options, you'll end up in a fire fight soon enough. However,if you pick all the Paragon options and swallow your pride, you canresolve the matter without a fight, as unholy as that outcome would be.If you don't kill Darius, Hackett will honor your treaty, but you canget him to spill the beans about the fact that the whole meeting wasa set-up, and that you were really supposed to kill Darius. AdmiralHackett is a Renegade, too! Groovy.Wrex: Family Armor{SDQ032}o======================================================================oYou should really do this before heading to Virmire. Go to the ArgosRho cluster, Phoenix System and land on Tuntau. In the south-westcorner of the map you'll find a 'Hidden Structure'. Go inside, and Wrexwill inform you about the guy here (if he's in your party.) ApparentlyWrex wants his armor back.***ASSIGNMENT***Wrex: Family ArmorGo through the door, kill everybody, head upstairs, grab the armor,and you're done. This will allow you to get through a conversation withWrex later in the game without having to rely on charm/intimidate.
Galactic Locations {GLC001}
Below I have listed all the galactic locations in Mass Effect, organized
by cluster and system. Underneath that heading I have information
detailing any planets, comets, ships, or whatnot that have some interest
to the player.. Basically if it can be landed on, boarded, or scanned
for resources. These intra-system objects are listed by their proximity
to the star (planets on the first orbital ring will be listed first.)
Planets that can be landed on or ships that can be boarded will have
an asterisk (*) before the name. The descriptive text is mainly there
to point out enemies, and to mirror (with brevity) the quests. Note
that I might call Rare Elements Rare Earths, and vise-versa, because
the game itself refers to them by the two different names. Same with
Prothean Data Discs/Disks. I've tried to streamline behind what the
quest section says, but if I missed a few, you know what I mean.


Argos Rho: Hydra
*Metgos(Level 2 Heat Hazard)
When selected, you'll get a distress call from a party on Metgos. Head
south-east to find the source. It's actually a geth trap. Smite the
geth and explore.

Crashed Probe ->>> North-west of center.
Heavy Metal ->>> South-west of center.
Rare Earth ->>> South-east of center.
Turian Insignia ->>> North-east of center.
CanrumSurvey: Turian Insignia
SybaSurvey: Gas Deposit


Argos Rho: Phoenix
PatashiSurvey: Rare Earth
Carbonaceous AsteroidSurvey: Prothean Data Disc
On Tuntau you can start the assignment "Wrex: Family Armor" by heading
to the 'Hidden Structure' in the lower right corner of the map. Kill a
bunch of pirates, loot the place, and get Wrex his armor back.

Crashed Probe ->>> North-west corner.
Heavy Metal ->>> North of center
Light Metal ->>> West of center.
Matriarch's Writings ->>> North-east corner.
VebinokSurvey: Light Metal


Armstrong Nebula: Gagarin
JunthorSurvey: Matriarch's Writings
Just south of center you'll find the geth you're looking for, in the
'Overrun Research Base'. Kill them, head back outside and kill the geth
who show up.

Crashed Probe ->>> East and slightly north of center.
Heavy Metal ->>> North and slightly east of center.
League of One Medallion: South-west corner.
Rare Earth ->>> South-east of center.
Rare Earth ->>> South-west of center.
AntirumgonSurvey: Light Metal


Armstrong Nebula: Grissom
BendaSurvey: League of One MedallionZaheruxSurvey: Light Metal*Solcrum<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Head to the east to find the geth you're after. Kill them, go insidethe bunker, and kill the geth in there, too.Crashed Probe ->>> South of center.Light Metal ->>> South-east of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>> South-west of center.Rare Earth ->>> North of center.Rare Earth ->>> North-east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Rocky AsteroidSurvey: Rare Earth{GLC006}o======================================================================o|Armstrong Nebula: Hong |o======================================================================o*Casbin<---------------------------------------------------------------------->There are geth in the north-west corner for you to destroy, and geth tothe east. The geth presence in the north-west is centered around an'Anomalous Signal', whose guardians represent a significant challengeeven for the Mako. In the west, you've got a number of ground troopsthat are better picked off on foot than by the Mako. Once those twospots are dead and the planet is searched, you're gold.Crashed Probe ->>> East and slightly north of center.Heavy Metal ->>> Just north of center.Rare Earth ->>> East and slightly south of center.Rare Earth ->>> South-west from center.Salarian ID Tags ->>> West of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->MatarSurvey: Matriarch's WritingsTreagirSurvey: Light Metal{GLC007}o======================================================================o|Armstrong Nebula: Tereshkova |o======================================================================oCarbonaceous AsteroidSurvey: League of One Medallion*Antibaar<---------------------------------------------------------------------->There are some anomalies to the west that are guarded by a ThresherMaw, if you're in the mood for some squealin', circle-strafin', andexperience gainin'. Anyway, the geth you want are to the north-east.Again, sniping is your friend. After you've killed enough geth,reinforcements will show up, led by a geth prime. You'll be gladyou're out of reach from this guy.Crashed Probe ->>> North-west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> South-west of center.Light Metal ->>> South-east corner.Light Metal ->>> Just north-west of center.Prothean Data Disc ->>> West of Center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->PatamalrusSurvey: Heavy MetalThegeuseSurvey: Heavy Metal{GLC008}o======================================================================o|Armstrong Nebula: Vamshi |o======================================================================o*Maji<---------------------------------------------------------------------->North and slightly west of center you'll find the path leading to thegeth outpost, naturally lined with turrets. Destroy them, and head tothe outpost. De-geth it, and explore.Crashed Probe ->>> South-east corner.Light Metal ->>> Just north of center.Light Metal ->>> Just south-east of center.Rare Earth ->>> South and slightly west of center.Turian Insignia ->>> South and slightly east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->PregelSurvey: Turian Insignia{GLC009}o======================================================================o|Artemis Tau: Athens |o======================================================================oProteusSurvey: Gas DepositCirceSurvey: Gas DepositPharosSurvey: Turian Insignia{GLC010}o======================================================================o|Artemis Tau: Knossos |o======================================================================oMetallic AsteroidSurvey: Heavy Metal*Therum(See Liara's Dig Site in the main walkthrough)ArchanesSurvey: Gas Deposit{GLC011}o======================================================================o|Artemis Tau: Macedon |o======================================================================o*Sharjila(Level 1 Pressure Hazard)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Just north of center is a 'Stronghold' surrounded by a number ofenemies. Kill them, and the ones inside, and download the informationabout Nassana from the terminal.Light Metal ->>> South and slightly west of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>> West and slightly north of center.Rare Earth ->>> North and west of center.Rare Earth ->>> South-west corner.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->PorolanSurvey: Matriarch's WritingsMetallic AsteroidSurvey: Light MetalFargeluseSurvey: Gas Deposit{GLC012}o======================================================================o|Artemis Tau: Sparta |o======================================================================oAsteroid ClusterSurvey: Prothean Data Disc*Edolus<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Head north to find the distress beacon-and a thresher maw. Kill it andexamine one of the marines to discover that these are Rear AdmiralKahoku's boys.Crashed Probe ->>> East and slightly south of center.Light Metal ->>> South-east of centerHeavy Metal ->>> South of center.Rare Element ->>> South-west of center.Salarian ID Tags ->>> North-east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->OntamalcaSurvey: Gas DepositAlsagesSurvey: Rare Earth{GLC013}o======================================================================o|Attican Beta: Hercules |o======================================================================oSyidedSurvey: League of One Medallion*Eletania(Level 1 Toxin Hazard)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You can find your lost probe to the east. Afterwards, it's time tohunt for monkeys. Head to the colony north and slightly east of centerand enter the mine. Search the monkeys, fight you way through somegeth ambushers, and leave. Head over to the south-west corner to findan 'Anomaly'. If you got the gift from Sha'ira, you can use it now tofind out a little more about Prothean-human history.Crashed Probe ->>> North and slightly west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> East and slightly south of center.Heavy Metal ->>> West of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->ZatorusSurvey: Heavy Metal{GLC014}o======================================================================o|Attican Beta: Theseus |o======================================================================o*Feros(See Feros in the main walkthrough)SharringSurvey: Prothean Data DiscQuanaSurvey: Light Metal{GLC015}o======================================================================o|Exodus cluster: Utopia |o======================================================================oNo points of interest.{GLC016}o======================================================================o|Gemini Sigma: Han |o======================================================================oParavinSurvey: Matriarch's Writings*Mavigon(Level 1 Cold Hazard)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Okay, your real goal on this planet is to waste the crimelord here. Inthe south-eastern corner of the map you'll find the Syndicate Hideout.Enter, kill, loot, leave. Note that you'll get bonus XP if you killthe turrets out of the Mako.Crashed Probe ->>> South-western corner.Heavy Metal ->>> Just north of center.League of One Medallion ->>> Just east of center.Light Metal ->>> North-east corner.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->PatatanlisSurvey: Light Metal{GLC017}o======================================================================o|Gemini Sigma: Ming |o======================================================================o*MS WorthingtonBoard<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Go around looting. When you get into the large central room, you'll findthat various objects have been rigged to explode if you get too close.Shoot them to blow them up without getting too close.. they don't domuch damage anyway. Go search the Crew Quarters first, then theco*ckpit, and finally the Medical Bay. After reading the last log, Juliawill attack. Put the deranged biotic down, and shut off Jacob's lifesupport. Head back to the Normandy.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->ParagSurvey: Light MetalAltanorchSurvey: League of One Medallion{GLC018}o======================================================================o|Hades Gamma: Antaeus |o======================================================================oEdmosSurvey: Gas DepositPlobaSurvey: Matriarch's Writings*Trebin<---------------------------------------------------------------------->There are a number of baddies near a crashed probe near the middle-leftof the map. You can find the transmitter that is causing Exo-Geni'sprobes to crash in the top left corner of the map. The assignment"UNC: Missing Survey Team" can be completed by searching the ResearchBase (just north of center) and examining a computer for moreinformation. Now head north to the Excavation Site and exterminate thehusks within. Search the planet and head back to the Normandy. Becareful near the Turian Wreckage, as there is a Thresher Maw nearby.Rare Earth ->>> Just south-west of center.Rare Earth ->>> Just east of Excavation Site.Turian Insignia ->>> Right side of map, south of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->VemalSurvey: Rare Earth{GLC019}o======================================================================o|Hades Gamma: Dis |o======================================================================oNearrumSurvey: Light Metal*Klensal<---------------------------------------------------------------------->One of Helena Blake's accomplices is on this planet. These guys mustlike the snow, eh? Anyway, head over to the 'Syndicate Hideout' andexterminate him.Crashed Probe ->>> South-east of center.Heavy Metal ->>> East of 'Syndicate Hideout.'League of One Medallion ->>> South of center.Light Metal ->>> East of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Metallic AsteroidSurvey: Light MetalRayshaSurvey: Turian Insignia{GLC020}o======================================================================o|Hades Gamma: Cacus |o======================================================================oZayarterSurvey: Heavy Metal*Chohe<---------------------------------------------------------------------->If you have a full Paragon meter, you'll get the incentive to head tothis planet. To the west, north-west are a group of mercenaries withheavy weapons and a corpse nearby. There's also a Thresher Maw by theHeavy Metal deposit in the south. In the north-east you'll find a shackwith no less than three Matriarch's Writings in various containers. Thebase you're looking for is in the south-east, however. Kill as manyterrorists as you can without shooting researchers.Crashed Probe ->>>> South-west corner.Heavy Metal ->>>> South of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>>> North-east of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>>> North-east of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>>> North-east of center.Rare Earth ->>>> North-west of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->FaringorSurvey: Rare Earth{GLC021}o======================================================================o|Hades Gamma: Farinata |o======================================================================oRocky AsteroidSurvey: Light Metal*MSV Ontario<---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Board the Ontario, and take out the Biotics. Deal with the leader,diplomatically, or ammomatically, and loot.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->JuntaumaSurvey: Prothean Data DiscNepneuSurvey: Rare Earth{GLC022}o======================================================================o|Hades Gamma: Plutus |o======================================================================oMingitoSurvey: Rare EarthClocrolisSurvey: Rare Earth*Nonuel(Level 1 Heat Hazard)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->In the north-western corner of the map you'll find a Light Metaldeposit guarded by a Thresher Maw, just outside of the operationalarea. The fact that there's a Level 1 Heat Hazard doesn't make markingthe resource or killing the Thresher Maw any easier. Darius'sstronghold is in the north-east.Crashed Probe ->>>> West of center.League of One Medallion ->>>> South-west of center.Light Metal ->>>> North-western corner.Matriarch's Writings ->>>> South-west of center.Rare Earth ->>>> North-east of center, near the Warlord's Outpost.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->{GLC023}o======================================================================o|Hawking Eta: Century |o======================================================================o*Presrop<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Head over to the 'Biotic Compound' south-west of center and deal withMajor Kyle and his gang. When searching the planet, beware the ThresherMaw to the north-east. Just south and east of center are a group ofhostile mercenaries for your killing pleasure. Lots of experience pointson Presrop. There's also an 'Abandoned Mining Camp north and slightlyeast of center that has some looties.Crashed Probe ->>> West of center.Rare Earth ->>> South-east of center.Heavy Metal ->>> South-west of center, by Biotic Compound.Turian Insignia ->>> Slightly north-west of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Metallic AsteroidSurvey: Heavy MetalCanctraSurvey: Light MetalTharoptoSurvey: League of One Medallion{GLC024}o======================================================================o|Horse Head Nebula: Fortuna |o======================================================================oMaganlisSurvey: Turian InsigniaTherumlonSurvey: Rare Earth*Amaranthine<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Helena Blake awaits you to the south, after you've dealt with heraccomplices. Deal with her as well and explore.Crashed Probe ->>> west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> North and slightly west of center.Rare Earth ->>> East and slightly north of center.Rare Earth ->>> South-east of center.Turian Insignia ->>> Just south-west of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->{GLC025}o======================================================================o|Horse Head Nebula: Pax |o======================================================================o*Noveria(See Noveria in the main walkthrough)VelesSurvey: Matriarch's Writings{GLC026}o======================================================================o|Horse Head Nebula: Strenuus |o======================================================================oYunthorlSurvey: League of One MedallionAntitarraSurvey: Gas DepositMSV Majesty*Xawin(Level 1 Cold Hazard)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Scan the MSV Majesty to get the ability to land on Xawin. In the northeastern corner there is another geth ambush waiting for you. You'llfind a 'Mercenary Base' in the north west, replete with turrets andsnipers outside that must be demolished. Kill everything inside andfind the body of Captain Willem. Be careful near the crashed probe,as a thresher maw lurks nearby.Crashed Probe ->>> South-west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> North of center.Heavy Metal ->>> South-east corner.Light Metal ->>> North-east of center.Turian Insignia ->>> Just south of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->{GLC027}o======================================================================o|Kepler Verge: Herschel |o======================================================================o*MSV Fedele<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Destroy the 'Test Subjects' and head to the south-eastern room. Onceyour confrontation with the good doctor is over, leave.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Rocky AsteroidSurvey: Heavy Metal{GLC028}o======================================================================o|Kepler Verge: Newton |o======================================================================o*Ontarom<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Head to the south-west to discover an underground facility. Kill themercenaries outside, enter, and kill some more mercenaries. Resolve theconflict with Toombs and the scientist one way or another.Crashed Probe ->>> South-west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> South-west corner.Heavy Metal ->>> South-east corner.Turian Insignia ->>> Just north and slightly east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->KlencorySurvey: Matriarch's WritingsJuncroSurvey: Gas Deposit{GLC029}o======================================================================o|Local Cluster: Sol |o======================================================================o*Luna<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Land on the planet and head west to find the 'Alliance Training Ground.'Kill the turrets and empty the three bunkers. There are also moreturrets to the south-west and east that can be harvested for bonusexperience.Crashed Probe ->>> North-west of center<---------------------------------------------------------------------->{GLC030}o======================================================================o|Maroon Sea Cluster: Caspian |o======================================================================o*MSV Cornucopia<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Board the ship and head into the crate-filled cargo area, which iscrawling with husks. Kill them and head into the crew quarters for loot,and finish by heading into the co*ckpit and reading the captains log.Wee.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->ClotancaSurvey: Heavy MetalFarnuriSurvey: Heavy MetalAntidaSurvey: Turian Insignia{GLC031}o======================================================================o|Maroon Sea Cluster: Matano |o======================================================================o*Chasca<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You have three areas of interest on Chasca, the two 'CivilianStructures' and the 'Science Facility', all of which are located in thesouth-western corner of the map. Go get 'em.Escape Pod ->>> South and west of center.Heavy Metal ->>> North of center.Light Metal ->>> Just south of center.Prothean Data Disc ->>> South-east of center.Rare Earth ->>> Far north of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Metallic AsteroidSurvey: Heavy MetalRocky AsteroidSurvey: Prothean Data DiscSupaySurvey: Light Metal{GLC032}o======================================================================o|Maroon Sea Cluster: Vostok |o======================================================================o*Nodacrux<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You'll get a message from Joker when you scan this planet, telling youthe Normandy picked up a distress signal. To the north-west you'll findsome Thorian creepers and a trailer with some loot. For the assignment,you'll find a Science Facility to the south east. Blast some Thoriancreepers, enter the complex, kill, and loot.Engine Debris ->>> East of centerHeavy Metal ->>> West and slightly north of center.Light Metal ->>> South and slightly west of center.Turian Insignia ->>> North-east corner.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Metallic AsteroidSurvey: Heavy MetalPataitonSurvey: Matriarch's Writings{GLC033}o======================================================================o|Pangaea Expanse: Refuge |o======================================================================o*Ilos(See Ilos in the main walkthrough){GLC034}o======================================================================o|Sentry Omega: Hoc |o======================================================================o*Virmire(See Virmire in the main walkthrough){GLC035}o======================================================================o|Serpent Nebula: Widow |o======================================================================oThis is where everybody's favorite Citadel is. The many, manyassignments you can take on are covered in the walkthrough or theside quests sections above.{GLC036}o======================================================================o|Styx Theta: Acheron |o======================================================================o*Altahe<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You can land on Altahe after Noveria, but I tend to put it off forlater. There are the common lootables around, but the main attractionsare the hive clusters. There's one just south-east of center, each ofwhich will consist of several hives, and each of those is protected bysome Rachni warriors, and typically one brood warrior, a big Rachnithat can use biotics. Take 'em out one at a time and you'll be fine.South of center you'll find a 'Listening Post' which is surrounded byhives. Go give it a bit of exploration love and search the terminalsin the back.Crashed Probe ->>> North and east of center.Heavy Metal ->>> South and west of center.Matriarch's Writings ->>> South of center.Rare Earth ->>> North and west of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Carbonaceous AsteroidSurvey: Turian InsigniaGrosalgenSurvey: Light Metal{GLC037}o======================================================================o|Styx Theta: Erebus |o======================================================================o*Nepmos<---------------------------------------------------------------------->You'll land on Nepmos ideally after getting an assignment to come herewhile exploring Alathe. Go to the Listening Post and kill Rachni untilthere are no more to kill. Your assignment will upgrade after talkingto Durand, and you'll get more bugs to kill to the west at the'Rachni Infested Mine'.Crashed Probe ->>> South west corner.Heavy Metal ->>> South east of center.League of One Medallion ->>> West of center.Light Metal ->>> South west of center.Rare Earth ->>>> North eastern corner, near the Mining Camp.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->QuajiSurvey: Heavy MetalWermaniSurvey: Prothean Data Disc{GLC038}o======================================================================o|Voyager Cluster: Amazon |o======================================================================o*Agebinium<---------------------------------------------------------------------->The main thing to do here is find the missing nuke, which can be foundin a mineshaft north-west of center. Find the nuke in the mine andmeet one of Shepard's many fans, a Batarians named Haliat. Disarm thenuke, leave the mine, kill Haliat, and finish exploring the planet asnormal.Light Metal ->>> South-west of center.Light Metal ->>> North-west corner.Rare Earth ->>> South of center.Turian Insignia ->>> North-east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SonedmaSurvey: Rare EarthSybinSurvey: Turian InsigniaTremarSurvey: Gas Deposit{GLC039}o======================================================================o|Voyager Cluster: Columbia |o======================================================================o*Nepheron<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Besides the obvious 'Underground Facility' of Cerberus' that needsdestroying, there's a thresher maw guarding a trailer with some lootin the south-west. Oh, and do destroy the Cerberus presence, by the way.Crashed Probe ->>> South and slightly east of center.Heavy Metal ->>> East of center.Light Metal ->>> South and east of center.Rare Earth ->>> North and slightly east of center.Salarian ID Tags ->>> Just west of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->OntaheterSurvey: Rare EarthGromarSurvey: League of One Medallion{GLC040}o======================================================================o|Voyager Cluster: Yangtze |o======================================================================o*Binthu<---------------------------------------------------------------------->There are three 'Research Bases' on Binthu that need to be destroyed.Crashed Probe ->>> West of centerHeavy Metal ->>> North of center.Prothean Data Disc ->>> South of center.Rare Earth ->>> South-east of center.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->DregirSurvey: Light MetalAlrumterSurvey: Prothean Data DiscPatajiriSurvey: Rare Eartho======================================================================o| || Miscellaneous || {MSC001} |o======================================================================oIn this section I will record the progress of my Shepard when I feel itis significant, just to give you an idea of how I played through thegame. This is entirely for reference, and since the drops areluck-based, don't fret if you've got worse gear.. and obviously, you'llbe happy as a clam if you have better, right? I didn't include any infofor before level 20, as you really don't have all that much variationin the gear you get until you start to level. When you get weapons andupgrades that are level III and IV, you know you're going to get newgear soon..Level 21 Shepard (my level after completing UNC: Rogue VI){MSC002}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->Soldier
Pistols0/12Shotguns0/12Assault Rifles8/12Sniper Rifles3/12Combat Armor7/12First Aid0/12Assault Training8/12Fitness12/12Lift1/12Soldier1/12Charm1/12Intimidate2/12Spectre Training1/12Unspent8Health312Creds238735WeaponsRaptor IVStriker IVAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage198152Shots Before Overheat491.5Accuracy Rating3159ArmorOnyx IVHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 39Shields:126Tech/Biotic Protection0Level 37 Shepard (my level after completing Artemis Tau){MSC003}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SoldierPistols0/12Shotguns0/12Assault Rifles8/12Sniper Rifles3/12Combat Armor8/12First Aid0/12Assault Training12/12Fitness12/12Lift12/12Shock Trooper12/12Charm2/12Intimidate2/12Spectre Training1/12Unspent11Health555Creds1431522WeaponsHMWA VIIHMWSR VIIAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage336278Shots Before Overheat631.8Accuracy Rating7585ArmorOnyx IVHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 39Shields:126Tech/Biotic Protection0Level 43 Shepard (my level after completing Feros){MSC004}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SoldierPistols0/12Shotguns0/12Assault Rifles8/12Sniper Rifles3/12Combat Armor8/12First Aid0/12Assault Training12/12Fitness12/12Lift12/12Shock Trooper12/12Charm3/12Intimidate3/12Spectre Training1/12Unspent17Health617Creds1182527WeaponsHMWA VIIHMWSR VIIAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage336278Shots Before Overheat631.8Accuracy Rating7585ArmorColossus IXHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 78Shields:420Tech/Biotic Protection16Level 48 Shepard (my level after completing Noveria){MSC005}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SoldierPistols0/12Shotguns0/12Assault Rifles8/12Sniper Rifles3/12Combat Armor8/12First Aid0/12Assault Training12/12Fitness12/12Lift12/12Shock Trooper12/12Charm3/12Intimidate3/12Spectre Training1/12Unspent22Health671Creds5492343WeaponsHMWA VIIHMWSR VIIAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage336278Shots Before Overheat631.8Accuracy Rating7585ArmorColossus IXHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 78Shields:420Tech/Biotic Protection16Level 50 Shepard (my level heading to Ilos){MSC006}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SoldierPistols0/12Shotguns0/12Assault Rifles12/12Sniper Rifles3/12Combat Armor12/12First Aid0/12Assault Training12/12Fitness12/12Lift12/12Shock Trooper12/12Charm3/12Intimidate3/12Spectre Training1/12Unspent16Health732Creds6597091WeaponsHMWA XHMWSR XAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage384336Shots Before Overheat772Accuracy Rating7786ArmorColossus XHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 79Shields:450Tech/Biotic Protection18Level 60 Shepard (after beating the game on Hardcore & Insanity){MSC007}<---------------------------------------------------------------------->SoldierPistols4/12Shotguns2/12Assault Rifles12/12Sniper Rifles12/12Combat Armor12/12First Aid0/12Assault Training12/12Fitness12/12Lift12/12Shock Trooper12/12Charm12/12Intimidate12/12Spectre Training12/12Unspent0Health860Creds9999999WeaponsHMWA XHMWSR XAssault RifleSniper RifleDamage384336Shots Before Overheat772Accuracy Rating7786ArmorColossus XHeavy ArmorDamage Protection: 79Shields:450Tech/Biotic Protection18o======================================================================o| ||Updates/Thanks {UPD001} || |o======================================================================oVersion 1.0 to 1.01 changes (5/5/2010){UPD002} o=o Added the multiple play-throughs and difficulties sections inthe introduction. o=o Added the romance sub-section in the NPC section of the guide. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for General Septimus. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Chellick. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Jahleed. o=oUpdated the interaction possibilities with the WarehouseWorkers during the assault on Chora's Den. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Rear AdmiralMikhailovich. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Jeong. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Saren on Virmire andin the Citadel Tower. o=oUpdated Charm/Intimidate requirements for Helena Blake o=oAdded the Sidequest UNC: Besieged Base and the correspondingCacus System. o=oAdded the Sidequest UNC: The Negotiation and the correspondingPlutus System. o=oExpanded the Index to include Sequence by Sequence sectionsin the main walkthrough. o=oUpdated the Noveria Mira puzzle. o=oAdded information to Emily Wong's second quest. o=oAdded the Eletania infinite Paragon glitch. o=oIncluded my ultimate Level 60 Shepard stats. o=oFixed many, many typographical errors. Still way too manycommas in the guide, but that's just my quirk. I love commas.. o=oUpdated UNC: Dead Scientists Quest o=oUpdated UNC: Major Kyleo======================================================================oVersion 1.01 to 1.02 changes (5/17/2010){UPD003} o=oAdded information to the Mako section of the FAQ. o=o Added a note about the different versions of Predator Armor inthe Licenses section of the FAQ. o=oIncluded class information for all specialization classes inthe Class section. o=o Included the specialization talent bonuses in the Talentssection. o=o Corrected the Sentinel talent information in the Talentssection. o=o Corrected the Stasis talent information in the Talents sectionof the FAQ. o=o Minor updates to the Feros section of the main walkthrough. o=o Updated the quest on Noveria involving Anoleis, Gianna, andLorik Qui'in. In addition to making the section less wordy, Iadded more solutions to the quest. o=oMade several minor updates to the Citadel portion of the FAQ,including the substitution of the name Chellick with Chaleche.Ah, spellcheck. It's at least as harmful as it is helpful.. o=oAdded the quests for the 'Colonist' and 'Earthborn' backgrounds. o=oAdded the Equipment Section to the FAQ.o======================================================================oVersion 1.02 to 1.03 changes (1/29/2012) (380,265 bytes){UPD004} o=oMajor reorganization of the guide to make it more like mylater, better guides. The number of Walkthrough sections havebeen drastically reduced, resulting in fewer sections filledwith more 'Steps' in each Sequence of Events. o=oWalkthrough search keys and the Sequence of Events headings arenow below each area transition they refer to, instead ofpreceeding it. It simply makes more sense aesthetically. o=o Renamed many of the 'Sequence of Events' steps. Damn, were theoriginal ones bland. 'Head to Spaceport'. That might as wellhave been the FAQ itself! What a butt-nutter.. anyways, they'remore vague and alliterative now, like they're supposed to be. o=oSome 'Sequence of Event' numbers were followed by :, some werefollowed by ). It was a wrenching, decisive decision, but Iultimately decided to go with ), and hom*ogonized the guide.Curves are better than colons any day.o======================================================================oSpecial Thanks to:{UPD004} o=oDragonskye, for a much more elegant solution to the Miraterminal puzzle on Noveria. Thanks for making this guide seemmore intelligent than it really is. o=oSverre, for telling me about charming/intimidating Emily Wongduring her second mission, and for telling me about the infiniteParagon glitch on Eletania. o=oJordan, who informed me that if you're rude to Ashely throughoutEden Prime, you can score some Regenade by talking to her on theNormandy and continuing to be obtuse.


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