Southern Blotting vs. Northern Blotting: What’s the Difference? (2024)

Southern blotting detects DNA; northern blotting, RNA. Both are lab methods to identify specific sequences in samples.

Southern blotting is a technique used in molecular biology to detect the presence of a particular DNA sequence in a DNA sample. In contrast, northern blotting is used to detect specific sequences of RNA in a sample of RNA. Both southern blotting and northern blotting are used to identify and measure the presence of genetic material, but they target different types of nucleic acids.

The process of southern blotting involves transferring DNA from a gel to a membrane, followed by detection with a specific probe. Conversely, northern blotting involves a similar process but with RNA. While both techniques involve the transfer of genetic material to a membrane, southern blotting focuses on DNA, and northern blotting focuses on RNA.

Southern blotting is often used in gene discovery, mapping, and diagnostics. On the other hand, northern blotting is frequently employed in studying gene expression levels in different tissues or under different conditions. Both southern blotting and northern blotting can be essential tools for researchers, but they provide insights into different aspects of cellular function.

The probes used in southern blotting are designed to be complementary to the DNA sequence of interest. In contrast, the probes used in northern blotting are complementary to the RNA sequence of interest. Both southern and northern blotting require the use of probes that specifically bind to the target sequences, but the nature of the probe depends on the type of nucleic acid being studied.

Southern blotting and northern blotting both require the use of electrophoresis to separate nucleic acid fragments before they are transferred to the membrane. However, the type of gel used differs; southern blotting typically uses agarose gel, while northern blotting often uses polyacrylamide gels or agarose gels that contain formaldehyde to denature the RNA.


Type of Nucleic Acid



Common Usage

Gene mapping, diagnostics

Studying gene expression

Type of Probe

DNA probes

RNA or DNA probes


Specific DNA sequences

Specific RNA sequences


Southern Blotting

A diagnostic tool in molecular biology for DNA sequence detection.

Doctors use southern blotting to test for specific genetic disorders in patients.

Northern Blotting

A molecular biology technique for RNA size and sequence analysis.

Researchers use northern blotting to determine the size and quantity of RNA expressed from different genes.

Southern Blotting

A method that transfers DNA fragments from a gel to a membrane for analysis.

Southern blotting helped visualize the DNA fragments resulting from the restriction digestion.

Northern Blotting

A tool for studying the regulation of gene expression at the RNA level.

With northern blotting, scientists can observe changes in RNA levels in response to environmental changes.

Southern Blotting

A procedure for DNA sequence identification using hybridization of probes.

Through southern blotting, the researchers were able to identify the target DNA sequence in the genome.

Northern Blotting

A method where RNA is transferred from a gel to a membrane for probe hybridization.

Using northern blotting, we analyzed the RNA transcripts produced by the cells.

Southern Blotting

A laboratory method for DNA fragment analysis after gel electrophoresis.

Following the electrophoresis, southern blotting was employed for further DNA analysis.

Northern Blotting

A laboratory procedure to identify specific RNA molecules among a mixture.

Northern blotting was crucial in identifying the RNA molecules responsible for the observed effects.

Southern Blotting

A technique for identifying specific DNA sequences in DNA samples.

Using southern blotting, we confirmed the presence of the gene mutation in the sample.

Northern Blotting

A technique used to study gene expression by detection of RNA sequences.

Northern blotting showed different expression levels of the gene under various conditions.

What is southern blotting?

Southern blotting is a technique for detecting specific DNA sequences in a sample.

What is northern blotting?

Northern blotting is a method for detecting specific RNA sequences in a sample.

How accurate is southern blotting?

Southern blotting is highly accurate for detecting specific DNA sequences when done correctly.

Can southern blotting be used for RNA?

No, southern blotting is specifically designed for DNA analysis.

Is northern blotting reliable?

Yes, northern blotting is a reliable technique for studying RNA sequences and gene expression.

Does southern blotting require prior knowledge of the DNA sequence?

Yes, a sequence-specific probe is required, so prior sequence knowledge is necessary.

Can you perform northern blotting without knowing the RNA sequence?

No, you need to know the sequence to create a complementary probe for detection.

Can northern blotting detect DNA?

No, northern blotting is used exclusively for RNA detection.

How do you see RNA in northern blotting?

Labeled probes hybridize to target RNA in northern blotting, and the signal is visualized using various detection methods.

Can southern blotting be automated?

While traditionally labor-intensive, newer technologies and methods are enabling automation of southern blotting.

Is there a rapid method for northern blotting?

Traditional northern blotting is time-consuming, but newer techniques and kits offer more rapid options.

Are there alternatives to southern blotting?

Yes, PCR and DNA microarrays are modern alternatives that are often quicker and more sensitive.

Why is the name "northern" blotting used for RNA detection?

The name "northern" blotting was chosen as a playful contrast to "southern" blotting, reflecting its use for RNA instead of DNA.

What are the applications of southern blotting?

Southern blotting is used in gene discovery, mapping, forensics, and genetic disorder diagnostics.

Where is northern blotting commonly used?

Northern blotting is often used in molecular biology research, particularly in studying gene expression.

How is DNA visualized in southern blotting?

In southern blotting, labeled probes hybridize to the target DNA and are detected by autoradiography or other methods.

What's the purpose of the probe in southern blotting?

The probe in southern blotting binds to and marks the specific DNA sequence being sought.

Why are probes necessary in northern blotting?

In northern blotting, probes identify and bind to target RNA sequences for detection.

What can be used instead of northern blotting?

Alternatives like RT-PCR, RNA-seq, and microarrays can be used for similar purposes with different advantages.

Why is it called "southern" blotting?

Southern blotting is named after its inventor, Edwin Southern.

Southern Blotting vs. Northern Blotting: What’s the Difference? (2024)


Southern Blotting vs. Northern Blotting: What’s the Difference? ›

Distinguishing the three techniques might not be so easy. However, the main difference that has to be noted is the molecule that each technique is meant to identify. Southern blot detects specific DNA sequences, Northern blot detects particular RNA sequences, and Western blot detects specific proteins.

What is the difference between Northern blotting and Southern blotting quizlet? ›

Southern blot is used to detect DNA. Northern blot is used to detect RNA.

Which blotting technique is best? ›

Western blot is a technique that is very useful for protein detection as it allows the user to quantify the protein expression as well.

What is the primary purpose of Northern blotting? ›

Northern blotting allows one to observe a particular gene's expression pattern between tissues, organs, developmental stages, environmental stress levels, pathogen infection, and over the course of treatment.

What does Northern blotting tell you? ›

A northern blot is a laboratory method used to detect specific RNA molecules among a mixture of RNA. Northern blotting can be used to analyze a sample of RNA from a particular tissue or cell type in order to measure the RNA expression of particular genes.

What is the key difference between Southern and Northern blotting? ›

Distinguishing the three techniques might not be so easy. However, the main difference that has to be noted is the molecule that each technique is meant to identify. Southern blot detects specific DNA sequences, Northern blot detects particular RNA sequences, and Western blot detects specific proteins.

What is the purpose of Southern blotting? ›

Southern blot analysis can be used to investigate whether a gene is amplified, deleted, or structurally rearranged in cancer cells as compared to normal cells. Although this technique is quite labor-intensive, it's particularly useful for detecting large deletions in tumor genomes.

Why is Southern blotting better than PCR? ›

Southern blotting does not rely on PCR amplification of DNA. This means that repeat expansions that are too large to amplify through PCR can be accurately sized. For some patients, it may be the only method that can provide accurate sizing of their repeat expansion.

What are the three types of blotting? ›

Three main types of blots are used regularly in laboratories. Western blot for proteins, Northern blot for RNA, and though not very common, Southern blot for DNA. There can be slight variations to these blots, each for a specific experimental purpose.

Which blotting technique is used to detect protein? ›

Western blotting is the technique used for the detection of proteins. Separation of proteins is done using gel electrophoresis that takes place based on their molecular weight.

What are the disadvantages of Northern blot? ›

Compared to qPCR, the major limitations of Northern blot analysis are low detection sensitivity and easy RNA degradation by contaminated exogenous ribonucleases (RNases) in the course of extensive handling of RNA prior to blotting.

What information is gained using a Northern blot? ›

Northern and Western Blotting

Northern blotting is similar to Southern blotting, but is used to identify RNA molecules that are separated by gel electrophoresis according to their size. These are recognized using fragments of labeled complementary DNA, or genomic probes.

How to interpret Southern blot results? ›

The results of Southern blot are visualized as bands on the membrane. These bands represent DNA fragments of various sizes. To determine the size of these fragments, their relative lengths are compared to those of DNA bands with known sizes.

Is Northern blot qualitative or quantitative? ›

It is a qualitative analysis to study ribonucleic acids (RNA) for gene expression analysis. This blotting technique operates based on size-dependent RNA separation and helps identify the RNA transcript size.

How long does a Northern blot take? ›

Traditionally, Northerns have been blotted overnight using capillary transfer and a high salt buffer (10X SSC or 10X SSPE). By using a weak base as the medium (e.g., NorthernMax® One-Hour Transfer Buffer), the transfer can be completed in just 1 hour. Alternatively, RNA can be electroblotted in 1 hour.

What are the key steps of performing a Northern blot? ›

The steps involved in Northern analysis include:
  • RNA isolation (total or poly(A) RNA)
  • Probe generation.
  • Denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • Transfer to solid support and immobilization.
  • Prehybridization and hybridization with probe.
  • Washing.
  • Detection.
  • Stripping and reprobing (optional)

What is the northern and Southern blotting procedure? ›

Fragments of DNA and RNA molecules separated by gel electrophoresis are transferred to a nylon or nitrocellulose membrane in a process termed as Southern and Northern blotting, respectively. Southern blotting was introduced by Edwin Southern in 1975 as a method to detect specific sequences of DNA in DNA samples.

What is the difference between Northern blotting and microarray? ›

The microarray technique allows the expression rate of thousands of genes at a time (high throughput), whereas in the northern blotting technique, only a few genes can be expressed (low throughput). The northern blotting technique must be performed manually, whereas automation is possible in the microarray technique.

Is Southern blotting used for DNA or RNA? ›

A Southern blot is a laboratory method used to detect specific DNA molecules from among a many other DNA molecules. The technique was named after its inventor, Edward Southern.

What is Southern blot a technique to detect differences in? ›

Now mostly replaced by alternative technologies, southern blotting is a method for sizing fragments of DNA that are detected using a complementary DNA probe. It can also be used to determine DNA methylation status.


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