Face Seer -Time Traces Negative Reviews & Comments (2024)

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Face Seer -Time Traces App Complaints & User Negative Comments 2024

Face Seer -Time Traces app received 157 complaints, negative comments and reviews by users. Have you ever had a bad experience using Face Seer -Time Traces? Can you share your negative thoughts about face seer -time traces?

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Face Seer -Time Traces for Negative User Reviews

WorthlessDoesn’t even worth downloading it, don’t bother.Tinab1986Version: 1.2.1

BAD BADThis is bad game you have to pay people don't have the money to waste it on games do you agre? This is 0 stars on my report it says 1 star it only because you can't put 0 stars ✨I wouldn't download it just saying and the actual game is no where near the add it way way worse i wouldn't download it.DbhkxhndVersion: v1.0.8

ScamMakes you pay 0 stars think I have the money to buy that.HenzoniVersion: 1.1.1

WORST APPI HATE THIS APP! The reason I downloaded this app was to see me when I was older! Then you have to pay for it!?! I expect better! 😡😑💩💩💩💩💩💩 by the way the face generator doesn’t work....you might wanna work on it! This is the worst app ever! 😑😭.ᴄʜʟᴏ ᴄʜʟᴏᴇVersion: 1.1.1

JacquilineWaste of time.Jacquiline14Version: 1.1.1

Why I rated a bad rate on face seerI rated this 1 star because you only get a three day trial and then you have to pay over £8 every week for it and I think that is unfair because they just want to make lots of money from the app. Also as I went in I deleted it because I didn’t want to pay for an app that I’d use once and then pay useless money for nothing.LaaloopsyVersion: 1.2.0

TrashYou can’t even use the app unless you pay the 12$ every month. Not worth it..*locate the lamb sawse*Version: v1.0.8

DO NOT DOWNLOADI haven’t even got the app but I realize that the app will scan your face.....so ya do not download unless you want this app to discover what you look like. This can also be for any app that scans your face..Liza 123456789Version: 1.3.1


WhyWhy do you need money.Yntwrld999Version: 1.3.1

Don’t waste your timeShouldn’t be a free app if you have to pay to use it once you open it.Doydo 15279Version: v1.1.0

TerribleTerrible..IfdsxhhgcczeVersion: 1.3.1

It said I looked like a boy!!!!!!😡😡😡😡The baby prediction isn’t working it’s really annoying otherwise this game I have a Lotta fun it is fine but has some if you can get the glitches Like the baby prediction keeps making up excuses for not doing that is dumb it’s saying I’m a boy come on!!😡😡it’s not realistic if you want a laugh come to this gameThere’s not a lot of things to do read dreams is inspiring but what comes out of it can you change these glitches super an annoying and way too expensive don’t buy unless you want A laugh dumb glitches.BmcelyeaVersion: 1.3.1

T r a s hMy wife and I tried this app to see how our hypothetical biological child would look like. However, this absolutely hom*ophobic app refused to give us our result. 1 star. Yeet.MulderGodzillaScullyVersion: 1.3.1


Waste of money 👀This app is ridiculous. When you download it, it gives you a trial for 8.49 a week. When you click ‘Free for new user’ it comes up that you have to pay for a trial for 3 days and it says it will start on the 20th of September 2019. I recommend you don’t download it and don’t waste your money to see your future or other stuff. Maybe you shouldn’t lure people into seeing their future and then forcing them to get a trial..XxMimiVIPxXVersion: 1.2.1

Nope.This app is supposed to be for fun and needing to pay just to use it is pointless. There should be some features we can use and the monthly sub is too much.Change the way the app works then I’ll try again..CutiePotatoVersion: 1.2.1

BAD/ SCAM!You have to pay...when you do pay nothing works (face isn’t detected and etc) DON’T download 😡.RELAX DUDE!!!!!!!!Version: 1.3.1

Don’t downloadRubbish app.AsasasaddddVersion: 1.2.4

The worst app ever you have to pay not worth it at allDo not download unless you want to be broke.FunnnnnnmndjjjsVersion: 1.3.1

TrashCan’t even use the app until you make a “purchase”. Free trial3Days? Whoop de doo..MacbumpVersion: 1.2.0

Doesn’t workNot only do you have to commit to 11.99$ a month to have a 3 day trial. The baby prediction doesn’t work 95% of the time it says “age don’t match” and it doesn’t ask for both partners race which gives me a white baby with a Latino partner!.L.C.13Version: 1.3.1

Worst Game Ever MADEFirst of all. Instagram had a suggestion for this. It looks quite interesting like “what would my future baby look like” or “what will happen in the future” so I thought it was a good idea to download this. First, it said this game was 4+ yet it still kept popping up to buy PRO for 8 dollars A WEEK. How can 4 year olds buy things like this. Honestly very stupid. There was also no sign of “future baby” in that app. And it would fail to agree my name and date of birth! It would also not let me play any of the games on the app and say No Connection or TRY AGAIN LATER! When I checked my connection and it was super normal! Honestly, this game is TRASH. It should go down. It’s horrible. Whoever made this should legit stop this app..AnoymousLadyLadVersion: v1.0.8

You have to payNot trying to be rude but if u can’t pay more then £3 then don’t get this because you have to pay when u get on the app so it kinda wasted my time because I cannot pay for that.SometinkVersion: 1.2.0

BadDoesn’t let you do any unless you pay.Cocoa butter sweetVersion: 1.3.1

This sucks 👎You have to pay to do all the cool stuff and the baby thing doesn’t even work! I hate this app so much!😡😡.Kat7721Version: 1.3.1

Non-Subscriber’s Beware!!!My wife and I downloaded this app but NEVER opened it per the 3-Day trial by hitting the “Subscribe Now” button. We immediately deleted this app off our phone (ONCE AGAIN...NEVER INITIATING THE 3-Day Trial) to then discover this evening (almost a month later) that our iTunes account, specifically this app has been charging us $9.62 a week (three times thus far in August) with a fourth charge pending?!PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you open this app and DO NOT hit the “Subscribe Now” button, i.e. initiate the 3-Day Trial, I highly recommend that you double check your iTunes Account to make sure your not getting money squeezed out of your account unauthorized like we did!!!.UofL5Version: 1.2.0

Brown eyes to blueLol this is mess up, I have brown eye and at 30years my eyes turn blue 🤣 also I’m 26 so the is no way in 4 years I’d look like that.ZkederVersion: 1.2.1

Charged $70 After DownloadingI don't know who this company is or what they're playing at but I downloaded this app along with many other games and found out a couple weeks later that I had been charged for a yearlong subscription for $70. This is just bad business. It would have recurred had I not caught it. I thought this was a silly game to have some fun with. Wrong. This is a scam company who wants you to download the app so that they have access to your credit card. I will be fighting the charges. BEWARE. Who would ever pay $70 for this junk beats me..Mickie911Version: 1.3.1

CancellationI tried for one time and then I deleted my app but I've got email about bills. I want to cancel my account..LalayoohyunVersion: 1.2.1

Don’t waste your moneyThis app is awful, don’t waste your money.Roxy1997Version: 1.3.1

Don't use this appNo provision. To opt out of automatic payments when wrong button pressed to start payments. Do not use this app..MemesmokeyVersion: 1.2.0

An Incredibly Dumb Excuse For Fortune TellingI saw this on an ad while playing another video game, and it is incredibly misleading. First off, the face app to predict how you look is inaccurate. I tried it, & it made me look like Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees without the mask.Secondly, if you ask the “ask a question” thingy something, it doesn’t respond with anything that makes sense. For example... even with one of the already pre-made questions I clicked on (“should I get a dog?”), it responded with “you will have monetary wealth,” or some BS like that. I don’t care about the bloody money, I just want to know if I should get a dog! Seriously.With the celebrities, you can’t pick the one you want, you have to choose from a select few. It says “error” nearly 50% of the time which makes it frustrating.The “make a wish” publishes your wish to thousands, which I didn’t realize. So yeah, can’t make a personal wish unless you want it flaunted to hundreds of people.I would only play the “free trial” just to have fun with it, because some of the responses are comical. However, don’t pay your money (or your parents’ money) to some app that generates fabricated responses. I’ve never been a fan of online “fortune telling”, but this one especially.Just see an actual palm/tarot card/astrological reader if you want real wisdom and guidance. Thanks..Zachary RandomVersion: 1.3.1

Time traces turn out horrible and deleting the app now .From LouMj.Dancer HVersion: 1.5.1

Junk$11.99 just to see what I will look like in the future, and it’s not even accurate! I would bet good money that I will not look like what it says I will look like! Do not download, it is a waste of time..FjcrhmgdklhtdfhiiVersion: v1.0.8

This is a fraudTotally a misleading product. Accidentally subscribe for this, forgot to unsubscribe and being charged for 3 weeks. 1 week is 11.99$. 3 weeks are 36$. I deleted the app just after 10 minutes of using and forgot to unsubscribe. The app itself is no thing worth 12$ per week. This is a total trap. Why did you not charge every weeks so people know that they are being charged for this so they can unsubscribe if they do not want the app. Who would pay that much money for this trash? This company is a fraud. I want a refund for this trash. I am extremely disappointed and angry. At this time, everyone is so tight in budget because of the corona virus pandemic and you charge people for this trash with an extremely overpriced product like this, I hope karma will find you. Be safe out there! Karma will find you! Heartless business..WhowouldbuythistrashVersion: 1.3.1

Bad bad bad bad badYou make me spike.GgdhdbdgjveeyheghVersion: 1.3.1

SCAMSupposedly a free app (so you download it) but you can’t do anything without paying! You take a photo of the person/people but have to pay to unlock the results. Should be a bit of fun but instead is a faff and waste of time downloading as no one in their right mind would pay for a stupid app like this!.Em12ily34Version: 1.3.1

BewareWaste of money don’t buy.Noel12341993Version: 1.2.0

Face seerSo you know the celebrity face thing well well I was scrolling through the celebrities I finally picked one and then I went to the thing to take the pictures of yourself when I put the thing on it showed a picture of my face while I was scrolling through the celebrities I think somebody needs to fix this bug because it really creeped me out also most of the app is just ads for other apps it’s getting annoying and the fact that you have to pay for some of the stuff is kind of getting on my nerves because you could barely see the X in the corner when you first log into the app and we are trying to get away from like the $67 per year subscription just to get a couple extra stuff also all of those ads are like the super cheesy ones that make you click on some thing and then takes you to the app on the App Store and the thing is usually something to do like a demo of the game it’s getting on my nerves also can you please fix the fact that you took a picture of me while I was scrolling through something it’s extremely creepy also just so you know you better not be using that any of the pictures of me on this app like on any ads..Honest reviews 20 100Version: 1.3.1

App failed to openThe app doesn’t work!!! I want my money back!!.123sususVersion: 1.5.1

My thoughtsYour baby predictor is terrible!!! That is the reason I downloaded it and it just keeps reading “ages don’t match” no matter what picture I put in for the app. We are a year a part....🤦‍♀️.Tawa1981Version: 1.2.1

I’m reasonable App subscription costsBe careful before downloading this app it’s not 100% clear on subscription costs weekly monthly yearly. Which in my opinion are really high.Also age not Compatible match. on baby futureThere’s only 6 years between my self and partner..ExpIaynVersion: 1.2.4

LolBabies got a beard and looks no we’re near true.CrazzyscorpionVersion: 1.2.2

AwfullOn the ad for this app, it shows something completely different to the game itself. It is extremely inaccurate and I would recommend not downloading this game..Üüü :-pVersion: 1.2.0

It was inappropriateToday I went to make a wish and before I do I read some of the nice wishes. I read some of the ones in love but they were inappropriate for little kids. Some of them were really gross. I have no idea why it was rated 4+. I also thought I finally found a app that doesn’t make you pay for everything. I hope that the ratings are changed or something is done to the free wishing. I hope someone can change it and if no one believes me read some of the wishes. Some of the most disgusting wishes I found were the ones was close to the bottom. Don’t waste your time or your money. Honestly I think it should be shut down at this point..LiyahJ1620Version: 1.3.1

Don’t download.I was playing a game and this was an ad on it, at first I was like “Oh, this seems pretty cool!” I was so wrong. As soon as I press this game it gave me a pop-up that pretty much said “Pay us 70$ to play!” like why make a FREE game if you have to pay for all the hot stuff!? So if you ‘rich’ or something like that then don’t mind all of us raging out on this and be my guest! But we’re all asking for changes!!! Please!! Why do an ad and not warn us that it’s freaking 70 bucks to actually play it?!!! If you make changes, I may come back...but until now I’m deleting this app forever...thank you..Painbotgirl1234Version: 1.3.1

Face Seer is BADI like the concept but they make you hav to pay for everything, and if you don’t you can’t even do anything. I wish they would change it because in the add for it it doesn’t say anything about that you had to pay to do the animal face swap, they just showed it. I don’t think anyone should download this app it’s not worth it and it’s a scamP.S I find it funny that whenever it says developer response, it always says the same thing so they don’t really care about the people who plays, they just care they are getting money off these people.MrShrimpBoi1020(Roblox)Version: 1.3.1

Would give -5 stars if I couldThis app is a user experience disaster. Can’t do anything until you subscribe, you have to deny a subscription to get the 3-day trial offer (how generous /sarcasm) for the $4.99 PER WEEK price. That’s $20 PER MONTH and $240 PER YEAR. You can get Photoshop cheaper than that.But whatever, right? So then you get in and hope to actually use the app for the advertised feature, right? WRONG. You can only use the advertised feature between 9:30 and 11:29am.DO NOT DOWNLOAD, and this app should be removed for predatory practices until it changes its scam-based model..BradhodsonVersion: 1.5.5

Disappointed and inaccurate resultsI mean I saw the adds think oh I’m going to get this so I can see my future self and so I got the app and I was not a VIP so you can’t do anything really well that’s how I fell and I hade to find that out the hard way I clicked on the thing that lets you see your future self and nope you have to be a VIP so I was like there has to be another way and believe me I tried so many apps just to see my future self but nope have to pay for it and then this thing came up and said if you want to see you self in 30 years and only 30 years you have to rate them 5 stars in the App Store so in then I’m like you got to be kidding me so I did it and it was so inaccurate and I couldn’t see my self in any other age so inaccurate this app would be good only if everything was free and we would have a accurate results..InaccuretVersion: v1.0.8

TerribleI would give this 0 stars but that’s not possible . For this app ( like all the others ) we need to pay to do almost everything . I do NOT recommend..Mango•qwjejdidbVersion: 1.7.0

Do not recommendAccidentally downloaded the app and it charged me $115 !! By using my finger print be careful if you download this ap...RachieVersion: 1.3.1

HmmIt’s a bit bad that you have to pay for literally everything in the app.JozelnVersion: 1.2.2

NobodyNobody is paying $12/month to use a gimmick..Ascended SageVersion: 1.3.1

No ratingsBiggest pile of you know what I’ve eveeer has to download. Paying £32 a month for a stupid app. Like cmon get a grip! And if you pay for this you’re this crap you’re dumb af. This app charges more than Netflix can you believe it. Next I’m out.JohnydubzVersion: 1.2.0

Face seer- time tracesHahahahaha I wanna was the day I wanna was a good day I wanna was a good day.Ccc ciVersion: 1.2.0

Very badThis is yet another app where the free user can’t do anything. I saw this app on an ad for another app, which was previewing the baby prediction feature. You can’t even use that as a free user, so there was literally no point in me downloading this anyways.However... the amount of disrespect the developers have shown just through the three minutes of me playing is horrific. When asked to pick my race, there were three options... the “Spanish/ Latin American”, the “white race”, and... the “yellow race”. THE YELLOW RACE. Excuse me, but how uneducated must you be if that is what you refer an entire group of people as? Mind you, there was no option for African Americans either. Oh boy excuse me, I have truly been educated on the three races today 🙄. Perhaps at the very least, despite the obvious greed in the features, you could change that to be less offensive and add more races to be more inclusive. Definitely uninstalling. Not worth any of my money..LunsaciaVersion: 1.2.2

BadTerrible because it says you can try it for free when you have to pay to see your results. I want to see what I look like when I am older but I can’t because it won’t let me on the “free” trial. Do not recommend this app..Asma804Version: 1.1.1

Rip offScammyTrash rip off expensive going into your personal information.I_saundersVersion: 1.5.1

Predatory ApplicationAbsolutely grotesque & predatory business model. First they target users through social media, advertising the app as a “Free installation” - which of course it is, until you actually open the app and are asked to pay 11.99/WEEK. Per WEEK! It’s insane. They offer a free trial of course, but you will be automatically billed at the end of the trial, unless you opt out before hand. They are clearly banking on attracting a few unsuspecting individuals to sign up and forget about this app, so they can leech off of their funds. Do yourself a favour and do NOT install this app - it isn’t worth your time, money, or attention..Josh.McIntyreVersion: 1.2.5

hom*ophobiaSo this app is rlly cute like the design is adorable but when i went to the seduction guide they assumed i was straight and was like “how to attract HIM” which .. no thanks! also me and my girlfriend tried to use the baby maker and it literally wouldn’t work because we are both girls. it was like “gender doesn’t match try again” so ... that’s cool. i’d rlly consider giving this app five stars if it weren’t for this :).Natalie1211Version: 1.2.5

Nothing like the preview photos! Poor English.I very rarely make a review for apps, but this was sooo stupid and not ANYTHING like what they advertise so I had to. They pictures they “age” in the previews of this app look awesome. I decided why not try it...it was SO bad and took several tries to get it to work. The English is pretty bad and does not make sense. It asks you “please put your date of birth” but only has two boxes with numbers to select - sooo how would the month and day help with aging my photo? Or is it supposed to be the last two digits of the year I was born? It’s all terribly confusing with the broken English and I’m shocked they actually think it’s worth $70!!!.KittypawsssVersion: 1.3.1

SCAM CHARGES $70 TO USE!!!All other reviews of this app are phony and probably generated by the application itself. When you open the app for the first time if you click continue it will charge you $70 a year. It is in small print and the interface is designed to get you to quickly click through hoping they can scam $70 off of you. Everybody please report. THIS IS A SCAM. The app offers services that you can find on free applications and for good cause because nothing about this app translates to $70 a year value. APPLE YOU HAVE TO GET THESE TYPES OF SCAMS OUT OF YOUR STORE..Mason7777777777777777Version: 1.3.1

Rip off and to expensive!!!!You really want me to pay that much for a fake sightseeing app that costs me more than a lifetime subscription to minecraft mods. I mean seriously! Who would by this app. I doubt it even has proper future predictions. I can just open the app and recognise that if I pay $119!!! for a app that will give me no benefit or scientific solutions to live, then I might as well by the whole of Walmart’s poptart stock and live off that because that is less expensive than your trashy fake, Unstatistical, Irrelevant, scammy little thing you’ve got going on..AidennshierVersion: 1.3.1

Stealing money through subscriptionsI was unnecessarily charged the subscription while I wasn’t even using the app. And deleted everything related to it from the phone.This is simply cheating! And cheap tricks to earn money.SanyakapilVersion: 1.2.2

So badYou have to pay money to open the app like really what is this. Don’t waste your space.JadenplayzVersion: v1.1.0

Funny as heckDidn’t last for the free three day trial. Uninstalled after an hour of laughs. This app was not designed for Asian. My wife and I are not age compatible for the baby prediction but we are just 8 months apart in age. It thinks my boys are girls in the aging and baby prediction functions. I am guessing they only had ugly Asians in their database. I told my wife I was going to divorce if she ever ended up looking like that. Then I did myself and said that if I ever looked like that I would divorce myself😂. The app is only good for about 15 minutes of laughs. Definitely not worth the $9 it costs for a week..GumPowVersion: 1.3.1

1star for sureI don’t really like that the only reason I downloaded this app was because I wanted to see what I looked when I grow up and all the good stuff you have to pay for so I am so disappointed that the only reason I downloaded this app I had to pay for! And it’s the only thing that showed on ads so you expect it to be free and only that but it’s not you have to pay for that I’m so disappointed because I really wanted to know what I look like when I’m older so I get the one I suggest you do not download this app it’s so boring and if the only reason you want to see this up to you and you didn’t want to pay go look at another app because this one’s not the one for you it’s a horrible app I hate it do not download it i’m not trying to be mean so please don’t report me I’m just saying I really don’t like this up maybe they should make it free when you do tell me then I’ll re-download the app..Katelyn.pVersion: 1.3.1

True garbage 🗑You have to pay to use this appAnd it isn’t really even real.Georgina the 9 year oldVersion: 1.3.1

So badTerrible.IsabellerainVersion: 1.2.0

Bad gameI really don’t like this game because it’s you have to pay for it and I don’t like pay for things because my I don’t wanna pay for things in game or for games this is three days free so I tried to do three days free and it’s only been three days but it still hasn’t let me that’s why this game is terrible I do not recommend it for anyone unless you have money to pay for it I don’t because I’m saving up my money for something else but I don’t want to say but I wouldn’t recommend this game for anyone who does not want to Pay for it.Fnfu urhtyjggwVersion: 1.6.2

Well this is a total rip off.When I downloaded face seer the first thing I saw when I tapped on the app. was something saying BUY FACE SEER VIP!I couldn’t escape the page and when I tried to get off the page by pressing continue it just said Are you sure you want to buy this?I clicked no then deleted the app..Thatweirdanimefan2.0Version: 1.5.1

Doesn’t workApp predictions don’t work.Onion44230Version: 1.2.0

Stupid!!!!!All I have to say is don’t get this stupid game, unless you want to pay £67 a year.You should not have to pay to see a picture, the game maker just obviously wants to be rich! This game is such a disappointment, all I wanted to do was see what I would look like when I’m older. SHUCH A RIP OFF!!!!!!Once again, DON’T get this RUBISH, STUPID game!!!!!!!!!.DhdbzjsVersion: 1.3.1

Worst app In the whole worldHonestly this app is not fun at all . I have seen apps that are similar to this one but they are way better. I think that the creators of this app shouldn’t have made this app nobody likes it. When I first download this app I thought that I would like it but I was wrong. I literally hated it . My sister downloaded this app and deleted immediately I don’t know if she played it or not but I saw her when she deleted it. Please fix this app because there’s a lot of haters of this app and that doesn’t happen usually with other apps like this..Claire PetersonVersion: 1.3.1

I deleted it straight awayI wanted to have a go at the baby generation thing but you have to pay to see the results and I wouldn’t pay in a million years if there charging £9.00 a week!!.Duuuuuhhhh!😦Version: 1.2.5

Such a rip off, charge you $15 a weekSays 3 day free trial but charge you $15 for a week before then.Un happy customer19934!Version: 1.2.4

Absolute rubbishU have to pay for a free trial it’s just not right we shouldn’t have to pay.SomethinweirdVersion: 1.3.1

CRAPThis isn’t a good report I rate it no stars this is because the app is racist and only uses white faces. Do not download this app. This app leaves space to discriminate and is bringing irate (whatever it means) you white people who have the app you can just brag I mean like who care s.HgvmmhgfjkhfjhVersion: 1.1.1

Bad gameThis game should be put down, It just takes photos off the internet and steals your personal information. I do not like this game it’s says it’s free but you have to pay it’s stupid..😐😡.Cass coddoVersion: 1.5.1

Wow bravo you did suchhhhhh a good job.My title was sarcasm. I downloaded this bc of the ad and it looked so cool to see what I would look like when I’m older. And guess what? You have to pay. You have to pay for something that is fake. The only thing that caught my interest (without money ofc) was a question and answer. So I asked about my my best friend who was my friend since first grade. I asked is she loved me (as a friend) and it said you might need to think about your relationship again! I scoffed and sent a screenie to my friend. Then I asked if I would graduate from college and it told me to fix my attitude before. I deleted this app bc I didn’t need someone to tell me something that is obviously rude and fake.If you don’t want to be told off buy this app or pay money, do not download this. Waste of storage..Coder 6234🧐Version: 1.5.0

Don’t DownloadThis app is trash and highly offensive/racist..DjdchfhjVersion: 1.2.0

You have to payYou have to pay for the what will you look like when you get older. It is really bad..Tokjh,gvgjVersion: 1.1.1

Good but could be betterI wish you didn’t need to pay money for it and then it will be even better I am even got that game so I added and then it said free trial so I didn’t wanna do it I just deleted it I wish you didn’t need to pay for the trial I was trying to do it by myself and then 13 but it never worked.FlisstrixVersion: 1.2.2

I Hate This App.I hope people see that this is a scam right away because if they don’t.. I hope there private information gets shared on this app. As soon as I opened the app it asked me to pay for it!?! Of course I wasn’t.. so I went out of the app and went back in and the thing was gone. But then something popped up and it asked for my face and birth date!? And then it hacked my phone somehow. My phone shut off and didn’t come back on. I hope this apps “Privacy Police” gets taken away..Kevin is my dadVersion: 1.3.1

Rip offThis game is a rip off ! Takes a lot of money without clearly telling you how much the game will cost and continue to take money.SadermannVersion: 1.6.1

WhySo like I saw this on an ad, I never use these apps but I downloaded it and it’s saying I have to pay £7.99 yearly, so I’m a bit bothered by that 😐.Emerald.10Version: 1.3.1

DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!!I downloaded this from seeing an ad on tik tok and thought it would be funny, it was a free app. You open the app and the first thing open is a big box where you hit OK. It then makes a purchase for $70, if you don’t read the fine print, too late! No filling out card info, it already has it from your Apple product info. There’s no “are you sure?” Or “is this amount correct?” Like normal apps before you buy something. I would of never paid for this app and it makes accidental purchases easy to do!.KaitlinMichelle02245Version: 1.3.1

I’m confusedI don’t know how to cancel.JdoahckehenVersion: 1.1.1

TERRIBLEI think this is bad because half the he stuff it wants to do is nosy around in your bank account. It says it’s free but when you get on the app it makes you pay money and I deleted the app as soon as I realised that. just whatever you do ,do NOT get this app I tell you it’s a cheat making you have to pay money I rate it zero stars..XfthgfxhfxghxVersion: 1.3.1

✨Come on man✨The reason I downloaded this game well because it looked fun and cool I’m sure that’s why we all purchased it am I right? When I got this game I was excited but than i had to pay to do anything and dat mad meh frustrated. And don’t get me started on the celeb look alike ( bruh come on man ) Also when I go to the animal look alike thingy ma bobs the only animal it will let me use is a corgi and if I wanted to see what animal I ACTUALLY looked like u guessed it I have to PAY pls fix this game i get why u have to pay but u can’t do anything without paying 20$ I think was the amount so pls fix this game because I think it could be really cool 😎✨🔥💥🍔👌🏻✌🏼.Hairston2010Version: 1.6.1

SucksThis game sucks I download this app and you pay money!!!.Queen🌸🌺Version: 1.5.1

Absolute rip offReally bad app. I have tried over 20 times to do a photo for baby prediction each time getting pointless message of “ age does not match try again later”Immediate unsubscription - if you want to create an app and charge for it - make sure it is actually working 👎👎👎👎👎Sent from my iPhone.JolaukVersion: 1.2.0

StupidBad.RubesioVersion: 1.5.0

Not as good as I expectedThis can be fun but my 30 years pic came out looking old than the 40 years pic, I am 34 and don’t look anything like it. Can be good for humour.HoovesaddictedVersion: 1.1.1

Not dat greatYou have to pay of course not happening.Butterfly2228Version: 1.5.1

Does not workApp is not working properly..드래곤드래곤74Version: 1.2.2

Unauthorized charging accountAvoid using this app...!! Hopefully they got removed permanently!!!.DonkioVersion: 1.2.2

Just make a babyJust make a real baby, it’s cheaper..TpclarkeVersion: 1.3.1

Money not worth itIt’s too expensive 100 dollars per year don’t buy it.NickpittigsVersion: 1.3.1

Don’t download unless want to waist ur time and spend all ur moneyI wouldn’t recommend this app but if u want to pay for it u can but i wouldn’t pay it also when it says “free for new user” it still asks for money so I rate it 1 to be honest I don’t see point I. This app because it’s all for money and not good quality so ye.JessieandreveiwsVersion: 1.5.0

😤This app totally looked awesome, and I wanted to try it out, but unfortunately when I opened the app, it gave me the “option” to buy the VIP. I naturally did not want to spend seventy dollars on something so frivolous, so I attempted to exit the screen. But alas, I could not. I closed the application several times, and reopened it, but still the screen was there. I could not try your product due to this issue, but I imagine it would be incredible. If you can fix this problem, I would be honored, and, to be perfectly honest, quite glad to try it. Also, you might get a better rating, you turkeys!!!!!!!PS I have a rather prodigious vocabulary for a fifth grader, don’t you think?.IkjejnkkbfVersion: 1.3.1

WHYWhy does it cost money no body is going to buy it🙁😐😬.Sfstcjfhfuio13478Version: 1.2.1

Very very badI don’t mean to offend u but this is one of the worst face game things. First u have to pay 70!! I mean 70$ I year that’s way too much u shouldn’t even need to pay!! And the free user can’t do anything so what’s the point. I was really disappointed so I picked to see what I’d maybe look like when I’m older.. I took a picture and it gave me the same picture but me with one eye and no teeth!! And it was the same exact picture but an ugly face. Plus it was the same face but one was mad, sad, and happy. So there is my review and I deleted this game right after that because I was super sad and mad of how it turned out. Do u agree?.The worst ever 😞😡😡😡🤬Version: 1.3.1

Complete scamThis is a complete scam, don’t waste your time using this app.IiConclusiveVersion: 1.1.1

The worst game I ever hadThis game is a scam obviously you have to pay $9 dollars a week it just wants you to spend your money I am only 7 years old I thought this would be free but it turned out to not be free I suggest you don’t get this game ever in your life if you do you just got scammed by a game it’s making you spend you money on a very stupid game and you have to pay credit and children don’t have credit cards but grownups do my mom or dad don’t buy me games that cost money so I hope this game gets deleted from the App Store and this stupid game is a hole scam it doesn’t even tell you how you actually look when your old it is just a lie do not even try to buy this game..DereckitoooooVersion: 1.2.7

I want it for freeI just want to do it and i hate it.Vero089Version: 1.3.1

Why??This app is horrible i am a girl and i wanted to know what i was gonna look like and it just added face expressions and a moustache! like what the heck! i also tried the baby prediction and it said i was gonna have a baby at 57!!!!! horrible!!.Player360Version: 1.5.1

Worst game everIt is a waste of time and you. Need subscribe and that cost MONEY!!!!.Creative Distruction proVersion: v1.0.8

Don’t waste your time or moneyOkay I want to start off by saying that as soon as I opened the app before I could even see what all it had to offer, it throws a ridiculous 70$ year subscription at my face and (all my fault) put my thumb on the home button before I even read what it said. If your wondering if I could cancel the subscription, yes I could. Would I be getting my money back? No!!! No I will not. Well what will I be getting with these wasted 70$? Most of the things in the app which should come free, especially considering how horrible the future self thing is. It’s like they took a random old person and just put an onion skin over it, and you would get more accurate results on a snap chat filter! I got this app to see if I could get some laughs in the future baby thing, and ended up paying 70$ on something that should come free with the app. App feels like a scam..Kaden brillVersion: 1.3.1

SCAMI wish I can give it a 0 star, this is horrible 🤬😡👎🏻 you have to 💰 PAY like they think I am rich like WHAT THE HECK!!!.Chloe lovess cats :3Version: v1.1.0

It only registers Male and FemaleI rated this app 1 star. Shortly after downloading it, I unsubscribed and deleted it. I wanted to match mine and my partners faces to see what our ‘potential’ baby would look like, for fun. However because we are both women, the app instead showed up a notice saying “gender doesn’t match” which I found highly offensive and disappointing, as we just wanted to try this out, like anyone should be able to. It was very disheartening that because we are two females, the app wouldn’t allow us to be merged together like it would if we had been Male and Female. Seeing as it’s an app and it’s meant to be for fun anyway, I don’t see why it couldn’t have been made to just register anyone. This could also be problematic for anyone who the app considers to not look the gender that it wants to assume... Due to this being such a simple thing the creators could have considered and can easily correct, I shall not be recommending this app to anyone..JaneyStenVersion: 1.1.1

Pretty stupidFor the daily fortune it started assuming i’m married... IM 13!!just think that should be fixed but otherwise it’s ok.UrmomgaeandthatsokVersion: 1.3.1

Not worth downloadingI downloaded this app because it showed you can use it for free, however once you upload the pictures and submit to see the results you have to sign up and pay for the app. Funny how they stuck people into buying this. Is not free, not even the first sample, so don’t waste your time or money. I repeat, you have to pay for the app at least one Week and the full year is over $60, so unless you want to waste your money and pay for something you can’t even see a sample of, I would recommend to stay away and don’t waste your phone memory on this app!.Nelram01Version: 1.3.1

Help me to quit this appMy son load this app but I don’t want to keep it and certainly don t want to be charged for it. I don’t see where are the option to quit.Lila1224Version: 1.2.0

RefundI need a refund now it has been 10 mins ive had it downloaded im deleting it nowWorst app everI meed a refund its been less then my three day trial.------------123Version: 1.2.2

Auto subscription bewareThis app is targeting those users who do not know how to cancel subscription in their iTunes account and hit them with $14 per week.Automatic subscription opt in should be disallowed..Mum881188Version: 1.2.2

BoringI was really looking forward to this until nothing worked without paying I’m gonna delete this.HayleyJayneVersion: 1.3.1

DisappointedI like the concept of this app, but after installing it I realized that it has many flaws. First, I like the idea of asking questions and getting an answer but the responses are so vague and confusing. Second, I noticed how it asks for my race when doing the baby predict thing, and my race was not up there. I think it should include more races so that everyone can be included instead of just ‘whites’, ‘Spanish’ and ‘yellow race’ I’m sorry but what is yellow race??? There’s a race called yellow???? That is very disrespectful so please do your research before labeling an entire race based on skin color.SunglassloverVersion: 1.1.1

Awesome... Oh, wait.This game is awesome, but there is one little problem. I have to pay to see what I will end up looking like, my future baby, what I would be if I was an animal, and seeing my future! I don't want to have to pay to do all that stuff!!! It's ridiculous!!! And, I was asking if I would fail math and it said, "Don't put in true feelings." What does that even mean?!?!?! I don't get it!! I thought this game would be cool but I guess I was wrong!.Brynleigh22Version: 1.5.1

Horrible and expensiveSo when i got it there was a membership at first which cost quite alot per month for a one time app! Then it only had about 3 different things you could do without “pro” and the things were boring. You cant do much good stuff without pro and its useless. I do not recommend this..Ami LackeVersion: 1.3.1

I thought it would be good but I was wrongYou have to pay if you want to play if you don't pay then you only get two thing to do it. Dose not say thing in the preview so I say it a fake advertisem*nt so I gave this game two stars.😥😒😒😭Version: 1.2.0

Nice but I wish somethingIt is a real good game but it’s slightly annoying because you have to pay for the results .I wish the pet transformer was free .please make the results free !.AmeChopsVersion: 1.3.1

To expensiveI downloaded this app because i thought it would be cool to see what i will look when i am older but then i saw that i had to pay for it then i was really sad because i now cant 👎🏻😞.Bobthe hamster79768867Version: 1.3.1

Paying For something I’m not using why?Hi good evening I have just noticed that I am paying for some app that I do not use at all, that belongs to you called face see trace, app and just this month I’ve paid out of my account for the app £8 something, please could you help me solve this issue thank you for your time and have a good day,.***Lover LoverVersion: 1.3.1

Worst gameWhen I downloaded this app it was like yeah yeah you can do this then it told me if I want to play this game I need to purchase it and the creator of this game I think this game just wants to be rich and it even got me a attractived with the ad so don’t get this game and if you need that thing above it says face seer satirises your cure like what the hell and that’s why I gave it a 1 star and saving your money.XmcjfkvkVersion: 1.2.0

You cant do anything without payingIt keeps asking for money. You cant use any interesting features without paying..RojixxxxVersion: 1.2.0

Don’t waste your time!To do anything on this app you have to upgrade straight away. They literally want money for everything and at every click! Looks like it has potential to rip you off if you’re not careful..UnokillerVersion: 1.3.1

HahahahhahaI TRIED DELETING THE GAME BUT I STILL HAVE TO PAY.WeneedtostppVersion: 1.2.2

Not goodYou have to pay 11 dollars a week or 92 dollars at the start! Disney plus is cheaper than that! And it’s just to see how you look in the future, 🙄.WaffwithnutellatastegoodVersion: 1.3.1

ScamMakes you pay Tom much money 🤬😡.Scarliy singerVersion: v1.1.0

Meh. Waste of time.👎🏻.Carnage1800Version: v1.0.8

Expensive and badI got this as a joke and it sucks. it costs more then netflix like 💀.Customer._.Version: 1.3.1

hom*ophobicUnacceptable,unaccountable, inaccurate.2019 gay personVersion: 1.2.0

Steals your moneyWhen I realized that you have to pay for the app I deleted it but then I lost money from my apple account.SunmoonspoonVersion: 1.6.2

YOU HAVE TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DON'T WANT TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.GfydhhrVersion: 1.5.1

Bad app for expensive thingsThis app is bad because when you get in the app u have to pay for half of the photos and stuff every time it's anoying.Amoungvus hrhshrrhehVersion: 1.5.5

ITS A SCAMYou have to pay £8 per month to find out what you will look like when your older get they use it in their advertisem*nt. Can’t see myself using this app ever again. Very Disappointed..BehdhhwhejevejjVersion: 1.1.1

Absolute dog 💩How anyone would want to pay money for this useless app is beyond me, or how Apple would taint their name with this crap.Cartoonish results (when it works). Slow, glitchy and pointless.Deleted app straight away, never to be seen again..Surfyboy1973Version: 1.2.5

ScamsDO NOT GET THIS APP it’s a scam.Bessy 13Version: v1.1.0

This is a Racist AppI amChocolate in complexion and my fiancé is dark skinned and this bogus app gave us a completely white baby with straight hair and allFacial recognition should be able to se we are black and I even went ahead and ticked the black race optionI am disgusted and this error should be fixed.Lnka2Version: 1.1.1

WORST GAME EVERSo this game is amazing but when ever I scan something it always makes me do it like 5 more times and EVEN still say “try again later” 🙄 I HATE it. Also this game makes you pay for everything! When I first saw it in adds I was like cool but when I got it I found out that you had to pay for the face thing and mostly everything else! This is an awful game you should not get and you should problem waste your mounts one everything! The only good thing about this app is NOTHING! So you can like ask questions and it will like tell your future or it will answer them, but you can only ask 3 questions a day! I was like seriously 😒. So if I where you I would not get this game. IT IS AWFUL🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.Ilovekittys!!!!🐱🐱🐱🐱Version: 1.3.1

Do not get this appINFURIATED. The minute you open the app you agree to something that seems like it’s access to your photos but it’s $110 agreement for the “first year” that immediately is taken out of you account. Yup no refunds. I hope the owner gots to hell :) sorry to anyone else out there who feel for this BS..JayongrdsssxvnmkkkjjhhhVersion: 1.3.1

Terrible!!!!!!!!!First of all it has you pay to see your face in future if you don't then all you can do is write about the future. Like come on! There is nothing I like about this app because it’s terrible! The person who made this should say ok we made this app to show how you look in the future not to go pay money to do it and get to write about future! NO NO NO! I’m disappointed with this game because I thought I could see myself in the future! Thank you so much for listening!.Lover🥰Version: 1.3.1

Free Trial ScamI tried the app because it offered a 3 day free trial. As soon as I used the app, I realised it wasn’t what I was hoping for. I went into settings to cancel the free trial and there is no way to cancel. I’ve contacted them through the app and email and have received no response. I’m going to be extremely angry if I’m charged for this app..S.d222Version: 1.2.1

Age doesn’t matchI paid for this app, I wanted to see how my babies might looking like with my husbandI have tried adjusting my age etc but the error message is the same.Shame I paid fir this and over a week I still haven’t gotten the value for my money!!Still doesn’t work and their support team won’t assistI have been charged £8+ not good value for money!!!.Shananne81Version: 1.2.0

Don’t download unless you want to spend money.I understand that some people are willing to pay money, but for an app that I could possibly delete within a month, this is too much money. I don’t mind apps that ask for money, that is when it mentions the price on the app store, not when you’ve patiently waited for the app to download and it’s the first thing you see when it’s opened. Plus £8 a week is £32 a month, which is more than I pay for my actual phone a month, therefore I am not wishing to pay almost 4 times that amount for an app I might delete in future..XFrappeXVersion: 1.2.0

Took moneyTook money out of my account after I cancelled the subscription before the free offer ran out..Coffee_mumposeVersion: 1.6.4

DONT GET ITI wish I could rate this 0 stars because you can't do anything on it unless you subscribe which costs money and u don't think you should have to pay money to do 1 thing 🙄.Anyway if you want to get it that's fine but don't waste your time and money on it . ⭐️.Beth:)🌈Version: 1.2.0

No WorkReally disappointedI tried 5 times with different pic.Please don't spend money with this..Teresita_BascuVersion: 1.2.2

BecauseCause I want it to be free pls lol.CubskkfpowhjdVersion: 1.5.1

Doesn't workIt's doesn't work at all, whatsoever! Don't waste your time and money. Contact customers service also no reply. Immediately delete this rubbish..Vini redVersion: 1.3.1

Don’t even bother downloading thisI have a face disorder and just because of that it doesn’t pick up on my face I find this very rude and it made me a little upset don’t download this app it’s a load of crap.Hunny.jodes.rockstarVersion: 1.2.0

HorribleWorst app in history, terrible in every way.Review guy of the planet earthVersion: 1.1.1

Kept it for 2 mins then deleted itEven with the VIP it would be horrible. I didn’t try using the vip because who wants to spend $70 dollars on these kinds of apps? I wouldn’t. I tried the baby prediction, and the result came horrible. It looked like the face got melted (not to be rude) and chewed up by a bear. There is also really nothing that is useful on there. On the ads it looked fun, but in reality it’s a waste of your time. Developers, if you want less reviews like these, make the quality better and make it all free. Do you know why? Because other apps are like this app, needing money to do certain things. But if you let everybody do everything on there for free, you will get a ton of downloads..HappySmileLol0-0Version: 1.3.1

KayaThis app is great, fun, and exciting! I love this game and think it is a super fun game, but I wish that everything was free and you didn’t have to pay or do a free trial! I think it’s not necessary to make people pay! But that is just my opinion! The face scanner is great but I feel it still doesn’t make sense to pay! That is my only thing about this app but everything else is great I am a big fan and think you should get this app to, but I still think that you shouldn’t have to pay! That’s my review!.Kaya painterVersion: 1.3.1

Lack of DiversityI’m extremely upset and offended that the feature to predict what your child will look like is not for people of colour the only option are and I quote, White Race, Yellow Race and Spanish Latin American once and Black and Brown people are dismissed not to mention that the app is a ripoff have to purchase to use its functions.Very Heavily disappointed.Deral468Version: v1.1.0

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6316

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.